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Validating uncertain predictions

Validating uncertain predictions. Tony O’Hagan, Leo Bastos , Jeremy Oakley, University of Sheffield. Why am I here?. I probably know less about finite elements modelling than anyone else at this meeting But I have been working with mechanistic models of all kinds for almost 20 years

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Validating uncertain predictions

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  1. Validating uncertain predictions Tony O’Hagan, Leo Bastos, Jeremy Oakley, University of Sheffield

  2. Why am I here? • I probably know less about finite elements modelling than anyone else at this meeting • But I have been working with mechanistic models of all kinds for almost 20 years • Models of climate, oil reservoirs, rainfall runoff, aero-engines, sewer systems, vegetation growth, disease progression, ... • What I do know about is uncertainty • I’m a statistician • My field is Bayesian statistics • One of my principal research areas is to understand, quantify and reduce uncertainty in the predictions made by models • I bring a different perspective on model validation mucm.group.shef.ac.uk

  3. Some background • Models are often highly computer intensive • Long run times • FE models on fine grid • Oil reservoir simulator runs can take days • Things we want to do with them may require many runs • Uncertainty analysis • Exploring output uncertainty induced by uncertainty in model inputs • Calibration • Searching for parameter values to match observational data • Optimisation • Searching for input settings to optimise output • We need efficient methods requiring minimal run sets mucm.group.shef.ac.uk

  4. Emulation • We use Bayesian statistics • Based on a training sample of model runs, we estimate what the model output would be at all untried input configurations • The result is a statistical representation of the model • In the form of a stochastic process over input space • The process mean is our best estimate of what the output would be at any input configuration • Uncertainty is captured by variances and covariances • It correctly returns what we know • At any training sample point, the mean is the observed value • With zero variance mucm.group.shef.ac.uk

  5. 2 code runs • Consider one input and one output • Emulator estimate interpolates data • Emulator uncertainty grows between data points mucm.group.shef.ac.uk

  6. 3 code runs • Adding another point changes estimate and reduces uncertainty mucm.group.shef.ac.uk

  7. 5 code runs • And so on mucm.group.shef.ac.uk

  8. MUCM • The emulator is a fast meta-model but with a full statistical representation of uncertainty • We can build the emulator and use it for tasks such as calibration with far fewer model runs than other methods • Typically 10 or 100 times fewer • The RCUK Basic Technology grant Managing Uncertainty in Complex Models is developing this approach • http://mucm.group.shef.ac.uk • See in particular the MUCM toolkit mucm.group.shef.ac.uk

  9. Validation • What does it mean to validate a simulation model? • Compare model predictions with reality • But the model is always wrong • How can something which is always wrong ever be called valid? • Conventionally, a model is said to be valid if its predictions are close enough to reality • How close is close enough? • Depends on purpose • Conventional approaches to validation confuse the absolute (valid) with the relative (fit for this purpose) • Let’s look at an analogous validation problem mucm.group.shef.ac.uk

  10. Validating an emulator • What does it mean to validate an emulator? • Compare the emulator’s predictions with the reality of model output • Make a validation sample of runs at new input configurations • The emulator mean is the best prediction and is always wrong • But the emulator predicts uncertainty around that mean • The emulator is valid if its expressions of uncertainty are correct • Actual outputs should fall in 95% intervals 95% of the time • No less and no more than 95% of the time • Standardised residuals should have zero mean and unit variance • See Bastos and O’Hagan preprint on MUCM website mucm.group.shef.ac.uk

  11. Validation diagnostics mucm.group.shef.ac.uk

  12. Validating the model • Let’s accept that there is uncertainty around model predictions • We need to be able to make statistical predictions • Then if we compare with observations we can see whether reality falls within the prediction bounds correctly • The difference between model output and reality is called model discrepancy • It’s also a function of the inputs • Like the model output, it’s typically a smooth function • Like the model output, we can emulate this function • We can validate this mucm.group.shef.ac.uk

  13. Model discrepancy • Model discrepancy was first introduced within the MUCM framework in the context of model calibration • Ignoring discrepancy leads to over-fitting and over-confidence in the calibrated parameters • Understanding that it is a smooth error term rather than just noise is also crucial • To learn about discrepancy we need a training sample of observations of the real process • Then we can validate our emulation of reality using further observations • This is one ongoing strand of the MUCM project mucm.group.shef.ac.uk

  14. Beyond validation • An emulator (of a model or of reality) can be valid and yet useless in practice • Given a sample of real-process observations, we can predict the output at any input to be the sample mean plus or minus two sample standard deviations • This will validate OK • Assuming the sample is representative • But it ignores the model and makes poor use of the sample! • Two valid emulators can be compared on the basis of the variance of their predictions • And declared fit for purpose if the variance is small enough mucm.group.shef.ac.uk

  15. In conclusion • I think it is useful to separate the absolute property of validity from the relative property of fitness for purpose • Model predictions alone are useless without some idea of how accurate they are • Quantifying uncertainty in the predictions by building an emulator allows us to talk about validity • Only valid statistical predictions of reality should be accepted • Model predictions with a false measure of their accuracy are also useless! • We can choose between valid predictions on the basis of how accurate they are • And ask if they are sufficiently accurate for purpose mucm.group.shef.ac.uk

  16. Advertisement • Workshop on emulators and MUCM methods • “Uncertainty in Simulation Models” • Friday 10th July 2009 • 10.30am - 4pm • National Oceanography Centre Southampton • http://mucm.group.shef.ac.uk/Pages/Project_News.htm • Please register with Katherine Jeays-Ward • (k.jeays-ward@sheffield.ac.uk) by 3rd July 2009 • Registration is free, and lunch/refreshments will be provided mucm.group.shef.ac.uk

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