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Diabetes Mellitus as a health problem in Sri Lanka

Diabetes Mellitus as a health problem in Sri Lanka . Subtopics. Introduction Types of Diabetes Mellitus Causes Complications Global effect of Diabetes Mellitus Effect of Diabetes in Sri Lanka Prevention Conclusion. Introduction.

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Diabetes Mellitus as a health problem in Sri Lanka

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  1. Diabetes Mellitus as a health problem in Sri Lanka

  2. Subtopics • Introduction • Types of Diabetes Mellitus • Causes • Complications • Global effect of Diabetes Mellitus • Effect of Diabetes in Sri Lanka • Prevention • Conclusion

  3. Introduction Diabetes Mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood glucose level, either because the body does not produce enough insulin or cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced.

  4. Types of Diabetes Mellitus • Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus • Was previously called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) or juvenile-onset diabetes. • It develops when the body's immune system destroys pancreatic beta cells. • This form of diabetes usually strikes children and young adults. • Type 1 diabetes may be autoimmune, genetic, or environmental. • 10% or less of the total number of people with diabetes are suffering from type 1.

  5. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus • Was previously called non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or adult-onset diabetes. • In adults, type 2 diabetes accounts for about 90% to 95% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes. • Usually begins as insulin resistance, a disorder in which the cells do not use insulin properly. • As the need for insulin rises, the pancreas gradually loses its ability to produce insulin. • It is associated with older age, obesity, family history of diabetes, history of gestational diabetes, impaired glucose metabolism, physical inactivity, and race/ethnicity.

  6. Causes • Genetic defects of β-cell Function • Genetic defects in insulin processing or insulin action • Exocrine Pancreatic Defects • Chronic pancreatitis • Pancreatectomy • Pancreatic neoplasia • Hemochromatosis • Drugs • Glucocorticoids • Thyroid hormone • β-adrenergic agonists

  7. Causes Cont…. • Endocrinopathies • Growth hormone excess (acromegaly) • Cushing syndrome • Hyperthyroidism • Pheochromocytoma • Glucagonoma

  8. Complications • Diabetic ketoacidosis • Hypoglycemia • Diabetic coma • Cataract • Amputation • Diabatic Neuropathy • Hyper osmolar non ketotic coma

  9. Global effect of Diabetes Mellitus • 346 millionpeople worldwide have diabetes. • More than 80% of people with diabetes live in low- and middle-income countries. • WHO projects that diabetes deaths will double between 2005 and 2030.

  10. Effect of Diabetes in Sri lanka • In Sri lanka The latest figures about diabetes prevalence (2005/2006) indicate a double-digit prevalence in the urban sector 16.4% and 8.7% in the rural sector. • This poses a great need to increase the awareness of the condition in the general population. • As a developing country in Asia the prevalence in Sri Lanka is similar to that of India and is part of the epidemic.

  11. Latest Figures • A Cross –sectional study conducted between 2005 and 2006, • Prevalence of pre-diabetes in urban and rural population was 11.5%

  12. Standardized  prevalence  for Sri Lankans aged ≥20 years – 10.3%

  13. Change in the prevalence of diabetes and pre-diabetes in Sri Lanka (1987 to 2006)

  14. Prevention

  15. Why Diabetes is a problem to a developing country like Sri Lanka? • Increasing number of patients put forward an unnecessary burden to the free health system in Sri Lanka. • Diabetes is incurable so life long treatment should be given. • Due to the high amount of complications (Amputation , Cataracts etc.) the government should have to treat them additional to diabetes.

  16. Cont… • The government must bare extra capital on awareness programs, clinics etc. • Diabetes can be genetically transmitted, so the future generations also are affected. • The Diabetic patient will face social and economical problems.

  17. Did you know? • There is NO CURE for diabetes • Globally, 7 million people will develop diabetes each year • Every 10 seconds 2 people develop diabetes • More young persons are at rise • Upto 50% of all person with diabetes are unaware of their condition • Every 10 seconds a person dies due to diabetes-related causes • There is a reduction of life expectancy of 5-10 years • 50% of persons with diabetes die of cardio vascular disease, heart and strokes. • Diabetes in the developed world is ranked as the leading cause of blindness, renal failure and lower limb amputations. • It has been estimated that between 5-10% of the total healthcare spending of the world is spent on diabetes related conditions.

  18. Special thanks to, Dr. ChampaWijewikrama

  19. Our group members • HGY Nisshanka • PDP Nisansala • DGV Nisansala • PVGN Nirman

  20. Thank You LIG

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