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Exploring Developmental Psychology: Nature vs. Nurture in Human Behavior

Delve into the debate of instinctual vs. learned behaviors amidst physical, social, cognitive development in infancy, adolescence, and adulthood. Explore attachment, socialization, parenting styles, and child neglect. Analyze Piaget's stages and theories of social/emotional development. Complete assignments on spanking, Piaget & Erikson comparisons, timeline, and child development project.

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Exploring Developmental Psychology: Nature vs. Nurture in Human Behavior

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  1. Unit 3: Developmental PsychologyNature v. NurtureIs our behavior instinctual or learned? Ch. 3: Infancy Ch. 4: Adolescence Ch. 5: Adulthood & Aging

  2. Ch. 3: Infancy Physical Development Social Development Cognitive Development

  3. Physical Development Reflexes: sucking, grasping, startle, Babinski Motor Dev -gross (full body) -fine (fingers/toes) Perceptual Dev (through senses) -hearing before vision -sweet before sour -smell

  4. Language Dev -1st year = babble that imitates sound, as learn it people react & then learn more -telegraphic speech = message clear, verb tense wrong

  5. Social / Emotional Dev. 1. Attachment -emotional ties between people -secure or insecure -secure shown through stranger & separation anxieties -caused by contact comfort, imprinting

  6. 2. Socialization -learning acceptable & unacceptable behavior -bullying 3. Self-esteem

  7. 4. Parenting -authoritariam -authoritative -responsive, establishment of limits, assume responsibility, identify with parents -permissive Assignment: Read & Discuss Spanking Article

  8. 5. Daycare -advantages? -disadvantages? 6. Child Neglect -failure to give adequate food, shelter, clothing, schooling, emotional support Assignment: Timeline

  9. TimelineShow the following items on your memory timeline to demonstrate knowledge of psychological development as it was occurring in your own life. Timeline = 38 points Memories (20) Fine Motor (2) – varying ages Gross Motor (2) – varying ages Attachment (2) – friends, family Childcare (2) – preschool, daycare Parenting Style (2) – childhood, later Self-Esteem (2) Nature/Nurture (2) Piaget’s Levels (4)

  10. Theories of Social/Emotional Development Biological -nature Sociocultural -nurture Psychoanalytic -subconscious (p. 84) -Freud & Erikson

  11. Cognitive Development: Jean Piaget 4 stages of brain development 1. Sensorimotor (0-2) -coordinate senses with motor skills -3-4 mos.: hands/legs -5-6 mos: cause/effect -8 mos: object permanence (trust v. mistrust) -ends with language dev

  12. 2. Preoperational (2-5) -pre-math words egocentrism – self-centered animistic – nature is alive 3. Concrete Operational (6-13) less egocentric math, logic beginning to “figure things out”

  13. 4. Formal Operational (13-adult) puberty critical thinking, opinion, morality (see Kohlberg p. 84-85) Assignment: Piaget & Erikson Compare Erikson’s stages to Piaget. In your notes, write Erikson’s stage that corresponds to Piaget’s stages. Assignment: Child Dev Project

  14. Child Development Project & Checklist Create a project that is either about or for children. Research should demonstrate knowledge of child psychology. Projects may consist of any type of media as long as the following criteria are met: 1. Content shows knowledge of child psychology 2. Media chosen conveys topic 3. Presentation’s message is clear 4. Illustration, text, and other design elements work well together 5. Project shows effort Grading Rubric

  15. Child Development Grading Rubric

  16. Assignments • Spanking Article • Comparison of Piaget & Erikson • Timeline • Project

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