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Effective Counselor PreparAtion for the 21 st Century. Linda Sandel Pettit, Ed.D Counseling Psychologist July 6, 2011. “Throughout its history, Siena Heights has built a proud tradition of innovative response to challenging social needs.” --SHU website.
Effective Counselor PreparAtion for the 21st Century Linda Sandel Pettit, Ed.D Counseling Psychologist July 6, 2011 “Throughout its history, Siena Heights has built a proud tradition of innovative response to challenging social needs.” --SHU website
six evolving forces in mental health care shaping counseling education… We will experience a “mostly silent, but sure to be ‘seismic’ shift in the field of mental health…in reality, pressures [have been building] steadily along fault lines over long periods of time.” -- Scott Miller, Ph.D, 2007, The Therapist Institute for the Study of Therapeutic Change
Force ONE: From EVIDENCED-BASED PRACTICE TO PRACTICE-BASED EVIDENCE “In the emerging environment, the outcome of service rather than the service itself is the product that providers have to market and sell. Those unable to systematically evaluate the outcome of treatment will have nothing to sell to the purchasers of health care services.” - Miller, Duncan and Hubble (2004) From: Miller, Duncan and Hubble, 2004. “Sadly...precious little attention has been paid to the client’s experience.” – Miller, 2004
Implications for 21st Century Counselor Education • COMPETENCY: The Ability to Measure and Market Outcome • Practice Feedback Cycles • Utilize Outcome Measures • Understand Outcome Research • Understand Change Models • Briefer Psychotherapies • Psychoeducation • Exposure to “Servant Marketing”
Force TWO:inspiring health rather than TREATING illness. “Mental health is NOT just the absence of mental disorder.” Mental health is a “state of well-being in which EVERY individual: realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.” World Health Organization “Sanity – wisdom, common sense and love – lies at the core of every individual on earth.” – Sydney Banks, The Second Chance
Implications for 21st Century Counselor Education • COMPETENCY: The Ability to Listen For, See and Inspire Well-Being • Establish an Innate Health Paradigm • Expose to Resilience Models • Develop Personal Theory of Resilience • Practice Health-based Listening • and Interventions
Force THREE: HARMONIZING THE INTELLECT WITH SPIRITUAL WISDOM “There are two types of knowledge. One is our intellectual knowledge, which is connected to our learned and memorized understanding and experience of life. The second knowledge is spiritual and lies deep within the soul of all human beings.” -- Syd Banks, The Enlightened Gardener “When the answers are complicated, it’s the intellect. When the answers are simple, it’s the spirit.”– Syd Banks, The Enlightened Gardener Revisited
Implications for 21st Century Counselor Education • COMPETENCY: Ability to Awaken Clients to their Inner Wisdom • Sensitization to Recognizing Wisdom • in Clients and Client Systems • Exposure to Established and Emergent • Wisdom-Situated Counseling Models • Experiential Practice in Ethical, • Practical Ways to Address what • “spiritual” means in Counseling and • Counseling Contexts
Force FOUR: From Therapist Skill to Therapist WISDOM AND WELL-BEING “There are so many teachers in the world and so many theories about life. When selecting a teacher, ask yourself: Is my teacher a well-balanced person? Is she or he happy? Does my teacher reflect and demonstrate the quality of life that I desire? If the answer to any of these questions is no, move on in your journey. Otherwise you may become one of the blind, led by the blind.” -- Syd Banks, The Missing Link “Who you are speaks so loudly, I can’t hear what you’re saying .” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Implications for 21st Century Counselor Education • COMPETENCY: Resilience/Stress Resistance • Self-Evaluation of Resilience • Exposure to Models and Research on • Resilience • Course: “Resilience as a Competency • for Counselors” • Greater Exposure to Understandings • of Compassion, Forgiveness, Mercy • and Gratitude
Force FIVE:BEYOND THEORY to Principles. Psychology is little more than... “A string of raw facts… a little classification and generalization on the mere descriptive level… but not a single law in the sense in which physics shows us laws…. This is no science, it is only the hope of a science.” For psychology to become a new science, Principles must be found and “COME THEY SOME DAY SURELY WILL!” -- William James “All human behavior and social structures on earth are formed via Mind, Consciousness and Thought. All psychological functions are born from these three Principles.” - Sydney Banks
www.threeprinciplesmovies.com “All doctrine [or theory] that is created from the principles is not the principles, but a form the principles have taken on.” “The understanding of the Three Principles is both a cure and a prevention for the errors that may have occurred in the human thought system. They are the missing link that changes psychology from a philosophy into a working science.” Syd Banks, The Enlightened Gardener Revisted
Implications for 21st Century Counselor Education • COMPETENCY: Principle-Based Understanding of the Human Experience • (How Experience is Created and Re-Created) • Understanding How Diversity is • Created • Exploration of Universality • Exposure to the 3 Principles • Understanding
Force SIX: From The individual to community and global contexts “Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire. -- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin “A person experiences life as something separated from the rest -- a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. Our task must be to free ourselves from this self-imposed prison, and through compassion, to find the reality of Oneness. -- Albert Einstein
Implications for 21st Century Counselor Education • COMPETENCY: Inspiring Health Collaboratively in Community and Global Contexts • - Introduction to Program Development • Introduction to Advocacy Skills • Sensitization to Leadership Issues • Technology Education • eCounseling • Telehealth • ePortfolios • websites/blogs • Internet Marketing • Second Life
Effective Counselor Preparation for the 21st Century - References • Banks, Sydney (1983, 1987,1989,2010). Second Chance, Lone Pine Publishing, Canada. • Banks, Sydney (2006). The Enlightened Gardener Revisited. Lone Pine Publishing, Canada. • Banks, Sydney (2001). The Enlightened Gardener, International Human Relations Consultants, Inc., Canada. • Banks, Sydney (1998). The Missing Link: Reflections on Philosophy and Spirit, International Human Relations Consultants, Inc., Canada. • TeilhardDeChardin, P. (2008). The Phenomenon of Man, Harper-Perennial Modern Classics, US. • Hunt. M. (1994). “The Psychologist MalgreLui: William James.” The Story of Psychology, Anchor, US. • Miller S., Duncan, B., and Hubble, M. (2004). “Beyond Integration: the Triumph of Outcome Over Process in Clinical Practice.” Psychotherapy in Australia, Vol. 10, No. 2. • Miller, S. (2004). “Losing Faith: Arguing for New Way to Think About Therapy.” Psychotherapy in Australia, Vol. 10, No. 2. • Walt, J. (2007). “The Future of Mental Health: An Interview with Scott Miller, Ph.D.” The Therapist, January-February 2007. • http://www.who.int/features/qa/62/en/index.html, World Health Organization Website. • http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein , Albert Einstein Quote. • http://www.threeprinciplesmovies.com/ Source of Three Principles Applications Trailer.