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Steppe. Dry grass-covered plains that stretch across Europe and Asia. Genghis Khan. “Universal Ruler”; Leader of the Mongols. Pax Mongolica. “Mongol Peace”; period of peace and stability under the rule of the Mongol Empire. Stirrups.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Steppe

  2. Dry grass-covered plains that stretch across Europe and Asia.

  3. Genghis Khan

  4. “Universal Ruler”; Leader of the Mongols.

  5. PaxMongolica

  6. “Mongol Peace”; period of peace and stability under the rule of the Mongol Empire.

  7. Stirrups

  8. Ring-shaped straps attached to a horse saddle where a rider places his or her foot to aid in support while riding.

  9. Nomad

  10. A member of a group that has no permanent home, wandering from place to place in search of food and water.

  11. Domestication

  12. The taming of animals for human use.

  13. Clan

  14. A group of people descended from a common ancestor.

  15. Daoism

  16. A philosophy based on the ideas of the Chinese thinker Laozi, who taught that people should be guided by a universal force called the Dao (“Go with the flow”).

  17. Movable Type

  18. Blocks of metal or wood, each bearing a single character, that can be arranged to make up a page for printing.

  19. Magnetic Compass

  20. A navigation instrument that uses a magnetized steel bar to point in the direction of the earth’s magnetic (North and South) poles.

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