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Oil, Natural gas and Coal Synthesis from limestone rich rocks and Carbon Dioxide Under Reducing Conditions (Non-Oxidizing). Presentation by Chris J. Landau. Concepts to Grasp. Fossils that we see today are preserved in a matrix that they become.
Oil, Natural gas and Coal Synthesis from limestone rich rocks and Carbon Dioxide Under Reducing Conditions (Non-Oxidizing) Presentation by Chris J. Landau
Concepts to Grasp Fossils that we see today are preserved in a matrix that they become. Biogenic theory states that the leaves and the fossil tree trunks are the source for the coal, when really all that the carbon or coal is, is the preservative material, the matrix in which the fossils are preserved. Fossils preserved in coal
Concepts to Grasp Dinosaur bones that are now preserved in coal or sand turned to sandstone, mud turned to mudstone, or lime turned to limestone, are the remains of that animal fossilized in that preserving medium. THE BONES DID NOT CREATE THE FORMATION
Concepts to Grasp • We see evidence today of ancient algal domes turned to dolomite, a calcium magnesium carbonate. • These features are convex shaped hard laminated rocks or impressions of the algal domes that were once part of an intertidal zone. ALGAE DO NOT CREATE DOLOMITE. NO GEOLOGIST OR BOTANIST WOULD SUGGEST IT.
Concepts to Grasp PETRIFIED FORESTS: • Tree trunks made of silica today or preserved as such do not mean that ancient trees were made of silica. • The wooden trees were simply replaced by silica in a siliceous environment. • We see the tree rings now made of stone. • We can even count them. • We look around at the trees today. • We see that they are made of wood. • We deductively reason that trees were made of wood 240 million years ago. • Most geologists would find this acceptable. • The silica is the preservative.
Concepts to Grasp 6 • Seashells (calcareous) preserved in limestone, do not mean that the seashells created the limestone. • Conditions vary, so that sometimes the whole animal is preserved as well as its shell. At other times the shell is filled with limestone or sand. • The soft body parts do not build the formations but are replaced by the calcium rich waters to form the fossils we see. Basic conditions prevail to preserve the shells. • Sea Shells can be preserved in sandstone or mudstone. Their shells would then be silica or silica and clay minerals. • One CANNOT say that because seashells are calcareous, they make all the limestone beds of the world. • As we all know, there were limestone and dolomite beds over a kilometer in depth forming a billion years before any sea or land shelled animals were preserved or known to exist.
La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles • Wooly Mammoths and Saber Tooth Tigers preserved in tar pits do not make the tar. • The tar is the preservative. The animals are the fossils. Plants and plankton can be fossils too. • Just because fossil animals are small or fossil plants plentiful, it does not make them the preserving material.
Concepts to Grasp LAND IS MUCH BETTER AT PRESERVING COAL THAN THE SEA BECAUSE: Carbon dioxide IS TRAPPED BY CALCIUM AND PRODUCES OUR HUGE BEDS OF DOLOMITE AND LIMESTONE AROUND THE WORLD. Carbon is preserved as coal on land by: • Carbon Dioxide • Carbon Monoxide Carbon Dioxide Forms… …reduced to… Reducing Conditions (without oxygen) Carbon or Coal
Conclusion • Leaves and tree trunks do not make coal • Animals with soft body parts are less likely to be preserved compared to leaves, bushes and tree stems, because of the cellulose structure that make them more resistant to acid digestion and better at being preserved in coal bed formation. • (acid conditions are created by hydrogen sulphide gases and carbonic acids in water) • Therefore, coal beds on land do not preserve the animal bones that often but do preserve the more abundant leaves and tree stems. • Plankton does not produce oil. • Microorganisms preserved in oil are just that, animals preserved in oil. They DO NOT create the oil.
My ideas are as follows: • I have emphasized that coal is inorganic • I believe we are forming coal, oil and gas today and replenishing the natural reserves. • Active fault zones and regions of tectonic activity increase all natural hydrocarbon production. • Dolomite and limestone are being converted to natural gas, oil and coal today at 1-2 miles in depth. • I accept that natural gas and oil are being made at 150 kilometers in depth as well. • Hydrogen sulfide is a major reducing chemical to calcareous formations, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.
Where did the ideas come from? • I came to these conclusions after logging about 70 miles of calcareous sediments in the 7000’-11500’ wells that were drilled in California’s central valley. • I sought equations to explain the hundreds of feet of coal that I logged in the gas wells between 6000 and 8000 feet. • This is an area that has actively been investigated for more than 50 years and been contemplated by academics for more than 200 years.
Natural gas is found within, below and above limestone or calcium rich sandstone layers. • These layers are the source of methane. • They are not the traps for natural gas. • In a reducing environment, limestone is changed to methane. • The starting reactants are on the left side of the equation. • The final reactants are on the right. • I have included the change in delta G (Gibbs free energy equation). When these values are negative the equation reaction favours the products on the right. • When the value is positive the reverse reaction is favoured. Most reactions are reversible depending on heat and pressure. • The values are calculated for the reactions occurring at standard temperature (25 degrees Celsius) and pressure and at 1 atmosphere.
The main synthesis is: CaCO3 +4H2S+2Fe =Ca (OH) 2+CH4+H20+2FeS2 (limestone)+ (hydrogen sulphide)+ (iron) = (hydrated lime)+ (methane)+ (water)+ (Pyrite) G = - 90kJ/mol In the presence of water and hydrogen sulphide, a reducing and hydrating environment, methane and gypsum are produced if temperatures and pressures are raised. CaCO3+3H20 + H2S = CH4 + CaSO4 (Gypsum) G = + 28kJ/mol Coal and methane may form by carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide bubbling out of volcanic vents. in the presence of hydrogen sulphide (black smokers). The presence of water and hydrogen will form other reactions. No limestone is necessary. The reactions are well known in chemistry synthesis. I therefore include their names.
The Water Gas Shift Reaction • CO (carbon monoxide) + H2O (water) = CO2 + H2 (hydrogen) G = - 20kJ/mol • Sabatier Reaction with Al2O3 as thecatalyst (corundum) • CO2 (carbon dioxide) + 4H2 (hydrogen) = CH4 +2H20 G = - 131kJ/mol • MAKING GASOLINE FROM COAL BY THE FISCHER-TROPSCH REACTION • The Fischer-Tropsch process transforms gas derived from coal (or other substances) into liquid gas. The Fischer-Tropsch Reaction was invented in Germany in the 1920’s • This Syngas process was perfected by SASOL, over the last 50 years, where gasoline and diesel are extracted from coal. • 30% of South Africa’s fuel needs are supplied. • (2n+1) H2 + n CO = CnH(2n+2) + nH2O • 3H2 + CO = CH4 + H2O If n=1, Methane is produced G = - 151kJ/mol • 5H2 + 2CO = C2H6 + 2H2O If n=2, Ethane is produced G = - 216kJ/mol
MAKING GASOLINE FROM METHANE BY THE WURTZ SYNTHESIS Where methane bubbles through salt water brines, methane combines with chlorine to form methyl chloride. 2 Methyl chloride molecules are bound together by the action of a sodium ion from salt to form ethane. Longer chain alkanes are simply created by adding ethane to methane to form propane. 2 ethyl chlorides can form butane. This may be one of the chief mechanisms for creating hydrocarbons around underground salt domes. CH3Cl + 2Na+ +CH3Cl = C2H6 + 2NaCl G = - 195kJ/mol Methyl Chloride + Sodium ions + Methyl Chloride = Ethane +Salt Longer chain hydrocarbon creation is a simple addition of alkyl chlorides to form alkanes.
Hydrogen Sulphide will react with iron to form pyrite. It will also react with carbon to form pyrite bands in coal and emit methane gas. The carbon is further reduced to methane gas. Fe (iron) + 2H2S + C = FeS2 (pyrite)+ CH4 G = - 149kJ/mol Water will combine with Sulphur trioxide gas to form sulphuric acid H2O + SO3 = H2SO4 G = - 82kJ/mol Sulphuric acid and limestone combine to form gypsum and give off water and carbon dioxide H2SO4 + CaCO3 = CaSO4 + CO2 +H2O G = - 134kJ/mol Sulphur trioxide converts limestone to gypsum or anhydrite and carbon dioxide. SO3 + CaCO3 = CaSO4 + CO2 G = - 213kJ/mol
In the presence of hydrogen sulphide, the following reactions are possible. 3CO + H2S = 3C (coal/graphite) + SO2 + H2O G = - 94kJ/mol Coal is therefore created by: • The reduction of carbon monoxide by hydrogen sulphide gas with the release of sulphur dioxide and water. • Coal is of course amore complex structure with nitrogen, sulfur and hydrogen atoms in its molecular structure. • Graphite or solid carbon can also be created by the pyrolysis (heating) of methane in the absence of air. • This would be possible in fault zones at depths where heat and reducing conditions are the norm.
Others who proposed an abiogenic petroleum origin Dr. Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834-1907) Dr. Nikolai Alexandrovich Kudryavtsev (1893-1971) Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859)
Others who proposed an abiogenic petroleum origin Dr. Thomas Gold (1920-2004) Dr. Emmanuil Bogdanovych Chekaliuk (1909-1990) Dr. J.F. Kenney Picture not available because still alive! No fossil record found!
By: Chris Landau October 2009