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AIACC LA 26: Component SOCIAL VULNERABILITY, CLIMATIC CHANGE AND FLOODS. Dra. Claudia E. Natenzon, Lic. Silvia González, Lic. Elvira Gentile, Lic. Diego Ríos y Srta. Cecilia Boudín PIRNA – FFyL – UBA. Social Vulnerability in Relation to:

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  1. AIACC LA 26: Component SOCIAL VULNERABILITY, CLIMATIC CHANGE AND FLOODS Dra. Claudia E. Natenzon, Lic. Silvia González, Lic. Elvira Gentile, Lic. Diego Ríos y Srta. Cecilia BoudínPIRNA – FFyL – UBA

  2. Social Vulnerability in Relation to: • Identification of people (number of) that can be affected in a direct way (located between the sea leavel and 5 metres). • 2. Elaboration of a social vulnerability index (SVI) for the area in study. • 3. Analysis of land use and inventory of goods/infrastructure that could be affected directly. • 4. Case studies: La Boca/ Avellaneda and Gral. Lavalle. AIACC LA26: Impact of Global Change on the Coastal Areas of the Rio de la Plata. Sea Level Rise and Meteorological Effects

  3. Number of people living in the area of possible affectation: AMBASector. • Source: INDEC • Remainder units: • 18.Ensenada,19.Berisso, 20.Magdalena, 21.Punta Indio, 22.Chascomús, 23.Castelli, 24.Tordillo, 25.Gral. Lavalle y 26.La Costa AIACC LA26: Impact of Global Change on the Coastal Areas of the Rio de la Plata. Sea Level Rise and Meteorological Effects

  4. AIACC LA26: Impact of Global Change on the Coastal Areas of the Rio de la Plata. Sea Level Rise and Meteorological Effects

  5. 2. Social Vulnerability Index • Statistical evaluation for a preliminary identification of administrative units with a conjunction of indicative features that allow us to characterize high social vulnerabilitysituations. • The selection of indicators is a result of the relationship between the representativeness of basic social, demographic and economic aspects, and the availability,free of charge of the data. AIACC LA26: Impact of Global Change on the Coastal Areas of the Rio de la Plata. Sea Level Rise and Meteorological Effects

  6. The indicators have been clustered into sub-indexes: a. demographic indicators b. conditions of life indicators c. work/ production/ consumption indicators AIACC LA26: Impact of Global Change on the Coastal Areas of the Rio de la Plata. Sea Level Rise and Meteorological Effects

  7. a. Demographic Indicators : AIACC LA26: Impact of Global Change on the Coastal Areas of the Rio de la Plata. Sea Level Rise and Meteorological Effects • Total population • Population's density • Index of potential dependence: • the young • Index of potential dependence: • the elderly

  8. a. Demographic Indicators : AIACC LA26: Impact of Global Change on the Coastal Areas of the Rio de la Plata. Sea Level Rise and Meteorological Effects

  9. a. Demographic Indicators : AIACC LA26: Impact of Global Change on the Coastal Areas of the Rio de la Plata. Sea Level Rise and Meteorological Effects

  10. b. Conditions of Life Indicators: AIACC LA26: Impact of Global Change on the Coastal Areas of the Rio de la Plata. Sea Level Rise and Meteorological Effects • Population’s % in homes with unsatisfied • basic needs (NBI). • % of homes with boss woman • Total rate of infantile mortality • Population’s % without access to health • services

  11. b. Condition of Life Indicators: AIACC LA26: Impact of Global Change on the Coastal Areas of the Rio de la Plata. Sea Level Rise and Meteorological Effects

  12. b. Conditions of Life Indicators: AIACC LA26: Impact of Global Change on the Coastal Areas of the Rio de la Plata. Sea Level Rise and Meteorological Effects

  13. c. Work, Production, Consumption Indicators: AIACC LA26: Impact of Global Change on the Coastal Areas of the Rio de la Plata. Sea Level Rise and Meteorological Effects • Unemployment Rate • “Valor agregado bruto total” • Total of registred cars rate • % of salaried of 14 years or more, • without previsional taxes.

  14. c. Work, Production, consumption: AIACC LA26: Impact of Global Change on the Coastal Areas of the Rio de la Plata. Sea Level Rise and Meteorological Effects

  15. c. Work, production, consumption indicators: AIACC LA26: Impact of Global Change on the Coastal Areas of the Rio de la Plata. Sea Level Rise and Meteorological Effects

  16. 3. Soil Uses, Goods and Infrastructure Exposed AIACC LA26: Impact of Global Change on the Coastal Areas of the Rio de la Plata. Sea Level Rise and Meteorological Effects

  17. 4. Case studies Issues under consideration: a. Current situation (“normal”) of social vulnerability b. Social vulnerability in disasters c. Proposal of strategies to diminish the vulnerability, and to mitigate the impacts d. Real conditions to carry out that proposal (a, b, c, comparison = range of capacities to cope the disaster cycle consequence of climatic change) AIACC LA26: Impact of Global Change on the Coastal Areas of the Rio de la Plata. Sea Level Rise and Meteorological Effects

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