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Welcome Granger Volunteers. Why volunteers are so important to use and why we are grateful to have them:.
Why volunteers are so important to use and why we are grateful to have them: • Your time and effort is truly appreciated. We want you to feel welcome and valued while you are here. This is our place of business. This is a school. There obviously must be some limits and expectations in place. That is what this handbook is for. • We could not do what we do effectively without your support
Objectives for this handbook • Become familiar with procedures followed when coming to help. • Listen to and follow guidelines for working with staff and students. • Ask questions.
Becoming a Volunteer: • Contact Pam Pine@ Volunteer@grangerpta.org • Read and sign the volunteer handbook. • Volunteers MUST submit to a criminal background investigation. Link can be found on Granger webpage under quick links.
Volunteer procedures • All visitors and volunteers must first report to the office to sign in. • All visitors and volunteers must wear a name badge when in the building. • Report directly to the assigned area of responsibility. • No congregating in the front office. • When done, please exit the building. All volunteers must leave the building at the end of the day. • If you have never used the copier or laminator, ask to be trained by a PTA volunteer who is experienced.
Guidelines for working with staff and students. Assisting students in and around the classrooms. • Follow the lead of the teacher. • Reading • Computers • Special programs, activities and parties • Copying and clerical tasks (No copies in the front office)
Guidelines for working with staff and students: Field Trips • Supervise smaller groups on pre-planned trips • Short-term discipline until contact with staff • Ensure safe and timely departure of students • Behavior expectations for both students and parents are the same at school • Please do not bring other siblings
Guidelines for working with staff and students: Some other ways you may help- teacher directed • Only go to the areas of the school that are needed to complete the work for teachers. • Do not go to classrooms or stop teachers to discuss concerns, problems, etc. • Please do not wander the halls. • Do not drop in to offer help unless the teacher says this is OK. All volunteering should be pre-arranged with the teacher.
continued • Parent volunteers should make other arrangements for siblings and/other children while volunteering in the classroom. Younger children and older siblings are distracting to the educational environment. • A positive and friendly attitude must be portrayed at all times. • Project and parties- If you are volunteering for a room party, please come a the time designated by the teacher. Please do not bring younger children.
Guidelines for working with staff and student:Student Confidentiality. • Do not discuss students with anyone other than the child’s teacher or administrators. • Do not discuss individual students outside the school setting. • Maintain the students’ confidence, but report signs of neglect or abuse. We are mandated reporters. • You must protect the teachers’ and students’ right to privacy. You may not disclose school information or personal matters which you may have overheard. Discuss student problems or concerns only with teacher, staff member with whom you are working with or administration.
Confidentiality Cont’d • It is extremely important that you do not talk with other parents about other children in the classroom observed while you were volunteering. Most people do not want anyone saying anything about their child. Please respect student and parent rights. If anything happens in the classroom, it is the teachers’ responsibility to contact the parents. • Concerns about teachers should be brought to administration. Be cognizant of negative “parking lot” conversations.
Please remember that volunteering to work in the classroom is a privilege-not a right. Violations of confidentiality may cause school authorities to suspend that privilege.
Guidelines for working with staff and students: No volunteers ever formally assess/ test students. • Some inventory/informal information may be collected. Report results directly to the teacher. • Early elementary volunteers may listen to counting, alphabet recitation, shape identification, reading, etc.
Guidelines for working with staff and students:Professionalism • Although the job is voluntary, the commitment is professional. • Besides being responsible for maintaining an attitude of mutual respect and confidence, you should also become familiar with school and classroom policies and practices. • Working with the teaching staff requires flexibility and a willingness to follow directions. • Please dress appropriately for working with children! Low cut blouses and or short shorts are not appropriate. Dress code for students is the same for volunteers. • Cell phones should be off while you are working with children, except in emergencies. If you must take or make a call, please do so outside the classroom.
Any questions: • Call or e-mail your child’s classroom teacher • E-mail Pam Pines • Call or e-mail Linda Ruhs lruhs@nisdtx.org 817.698.1106
Thank you in advance for taking the time to work with our students!! We hope you enjoy the experience as much as our students enjoy working with you. “A child’s life is like a piece of paper, upon which everyone leaves their mark.”