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Systemic Failures and current Financial Crisis. Presentation at the Manchester University 24 th February 2009. Sanjay Banerji Essex University Business School. Current Situation. Global markets are in the middle of a meltdown.
Systemic Failures and current Financial Crisis.Presentation at the Manchester University24th February 2009 Sanjay Banerji Essex University Business School
Current Situation • Global markets are in the middle of a meltdown. • Bear Sterns, Merrill Lynch, Fannie May, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, AIG fell from Grace. • Auto and related Sectors are also reeling. • Globalization of Corporate Scandals from Enron and Madoff to Satyam and many in between including Deloittes- MG/Rover . • Large Scale failures in Checks and Balances of the system.
A Downward Spiral • The crisis began with the fall in housing prices and results in a downward spiral. • Infections spread to the whole banking sectors, paralyzing inter-bank loan markets. • Auto, Steel makers and the rest felt the heat. • The economy facing a huge downturn
The Questions • How did it come about and what lessons to be learnt? • Future course of Action to avoid systemic failure.
Role of Financial Intermediation • To create financial products that help to reduce risk and increase liquidity. • Screening potential borrowers and their projects. • Monitoring ongoing projects.
Old Fashion Finance • Lenders deposit money and need withdrawals at short notice. • Banks need longer term commitments to finance long term projects. • Steady flow of new depositors manage the conflicting goals.
New Finance – Securitization • Create a pool of assets and create asset-backed securities and sell them to investors. • Banks can unlock their funds lent to borrowers and match the time structure between assets and liabilities.
The Problem • Multiple layers of transactions by multiple players replaced single-layer transaction between borrower and lender. • If contracts between the layers are not properly structured and proper safeguards are not in place, this may induce excessive risk taking behaviour at the expense of the other parties. • May lead to a cascading effect.
A Simple Picture Payments Borrowers C Banks Loan Money Interest & Principle Savers
A Simple Picture Payments Sale Borrowers C Banks I Banks Loan Money Loan Transfer Money Money AIG Savers Subsidiary Money Securitization Debt Asset Investors
Information Asymmetry • Some players possess key information which others did not have. • Terms of transactions between different layers did not reflect key information. • Risk was passed to the next layer without responsibilities
Propagation of Crisis • Since banks earn a low margin by selling the bundles of loan and bond, it became a low value chain business. • They could make profits by increasing only quantity (volume) of business ignoring quality of borrowers by inducting sub-prime borrowers. • Next layers bundle AAA with below grades securities and selling them as if they are AAA and booked profits. • Default by borrowers created panics and collapse of the giants due to cascading effects on banks’ balance sheet. • Declining house price, increase in interest rate act as triggering elements.
Excessive Risk • Excessive amount of risk was being created among different players and multiple layers, which infected all. • Watchdogs including Rating Agencies, Audit firms, Institutional Investors, CEO and independent board of Directors, failed to act on time. • Banks lost trust among themselves and inter-bank loan market collapsed. • All durables (Car, home) need finance for purchase got affected. • Cascading Effect to the rest of the economy. • Role of Debt: Overleveraging and Excessive Risks
Deeper Reasons • Poorly designed compensation scheme. • Checks and Balances of all types: • Market (Hedge Funds and Institutional shareholders) • Non Market mechanisms (Rating Agencies, Audit firms) • Institutional safeguards (CEO and independent board of Directors) • Monitoring Agencies ( FSA, SEC) all failed to act on time. • Loss of Trust between intermediaries crippled the credit market even afterwards.
Systemic Failure in theTransmission of Information Also presence of checks and balances. Internal checks: Auditors, Supervisors, specialists who could verify authenticity of internal information. Managers, CEO etc. can put in effort determining nature of future information to be revealed. External checks: Regulatory Authorities such as SEC, IRS etc. monitor a firm and check fraudulent activities. Financial Markets. Hedge Fund managers, Private Equity firms, speculators dig information and trade and their orders form the basis of formation of stock price. A huge slip in the stock price implies that someone has a bad news about the company.
Structure of compensations • Huge element of severance payments. • 10 largest financial services firms, CEOs were awarded a combined total of $320 million last year, even though the firms reported mortgage-related losses that totaled $55 billion and that wiped out more than $200 billion in shareholder value. • The average American worker might receive about two weeks’ salary for every year they worked at a company. • At Home Depot, Mr. Nardelli’s contract entitled him to 568 weeks of salary ( $210 million exit package) for each of the six years he was chief executive. • Michael Ovitz, Disney’s former chief operating officer, was paid the equivalent of more than 5,000 weeks of salary after just over a year on the job. • Charles Prince of City Corp. felt like Price Charles at the news of ouster! • According to Jensen, 44% of all contracts for CEOs, even those convicted of fraud or embezzlement cannot be fired without a severance payment. In 94 % of the contracts, they cannot be fired for unsatisfactory work without a big severance package . • The figure was less than 25% forty years ago.
Building of Trust: Role of Audit • State of balance sheet, measurements of earnings etc. determine cost of capital, ease of financing or refinancing etc. • Substantial Discretion in submitting report: Some are innocuous and lends flexibility, while others are on the verge of neutral and a third element is fraud. • Creative Accounting. • Timing of Income Recognition: Income could be moved backward and forward. • Timing of Sale or treatment of depreciation of fixed capital. Delay in Maintenances or reducing level of inventories
Role of Auditors: Continued. • Action that changes income risk: • Underprovison of reserves: especially with respect to default. • Transferring risk through subsidiaries. Poor investments or bad debts to non-consolidated subsidiaries. • Bottom Line: Ex-post Mistakes in Auditing is either due to wrong assumption or manipulation or a combination. • Either way, this creates tendency to ‘’cook the books’’.
Consequences of ‘’Creative Accounting” • A Firm’s resources are misallocated. • Garbling of Information. • In bad times, it spills over to other firms and creates difficulties for raising finances. • Loss of Trust
Flies in the ointments. • Most of the auditing firms are not publicly traded. • A very few reputed Auditing firms. • Advantage: It attracts best human capital. • Disadvantage: Monopolistic power and lobbying. • It takes a huge scandal ( Enron/ Satyam) for punishment but mechanism for correction is absent otherwise.
Auditing: Sum up • Auditing did not cause the crisis directly but once the economy is in bad shape, scandals are out, harder to refinance obligations. • Creative Accounting may lead to defaults and further loss of trust. • Optimal regulation: The real trade-off between too much and too little regulation. • Rewards and Punishments.
Conclusion: • Systemic failure. • Strengthening of checks and balances of the institutions who deliver such mechanism. • Multiple Auditors. One to be assigned by regulators and will directly be appointed by regulators. • Active and Independent Board of Directors • Periodic checks and heavy punishments by Regulatory authorities. • Similar to Income tax rules. If a fraud is discovered, firms should be punished heavily.