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Learn about the major organs of the respiratory system and the processes involved in breathing. Explore how oxygen is delivered to the blood and waste gases are removed, enhancing your knowledge of respiratory health.
Respiratory System Mason Markham and Steven Stokes
The respiratory system delivers oxygen to the blood stream • The system then removes waste gases (such as CO2) from the body • This process is commonly called “breathing” Overview
Nose • Pharynx • Larynx • Trachea • Bronchi • Lungs Major Organs
Only exterior part of respiratory system • Air enters through the nostrils, divided by the nasal septum • The interior of the nose consists of the nasal cavity • The nose, along with the rest of the respiratory tract, is lined with respiratory mucosa • The respiratory mucosa: • Warms and moistens the air • Traps bacteria and other foreign debris Nose
Muscular passageway with about a 5” diameter • Commonly called the throat • Pharynx is divided into three sections: • Nasopharynx- Only carries air; most superior part of pharynx • Oropharynx- Where food enters the pharynx; middle part of pharynx • Laryngopharynx- Where food and air divide into the esophagus and larynx; most inferior part of pharynx Pharynx
Commonly known as the voice box • The epiglottis guards the superior opening of the larynx • Generally open (allowing air into the larynx) • Closes when swallowing • Inferior to the pharynx Larynx
Commonly called the wind pipe • About 4 inches long • Lined with C-shaped rings of hyaline cartridge • Open side adjacent to esophagus (allows for expansion when swallowing) Trachea
Formed by a division of the trachea into a left and right side • Right bronchi is wider, shorter, and straighter than the left • By the time air reaches the main bronchi it is warm, humid, and cleaned of most impurities • Broken up into smaller subdivisions inside the lungs that bring air to the air sacks Main Bronchi
The apex (top narrow portion) is deep to the clavicle • The base rests on the diaphragm • Site of Oxygen-Carbon Dioxide exchange • Contains bronchioles which lead to alveoli (air sacs) • Alveoli are lined with simple squamous epithelium • The basement membranes of the capillaries and alveoli walls are fused • Allows O2 and CO2 to diffuse across • This is called the respiratory membrane • Alveolar Macrophages diffuse in and out of the alveoli to dispose of bacteria, carbon particles and other debris Lungs
4 steps • Pulmonary ventilation- air moves in and out of lungs and keep alveoli continuously refreshed (breathing) • External respiration- Gas exchange between blood and exterior of body • Respiratory gas transport- Oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported to and from body tissues • Internal respiration- Gas exchange between blood and tissue cells Respiration
Inspiration- Air flowing to the lungs • Occurs when the diaphragm and the external intercostals contract • Causes the size of the thoracic cavity to increase • The volume of the lungs increases and internal air spreads out • Decreases pressure in lungs sucking air in • Expiration- Air flowing out of the lungs • Occurs when the diaphragm and the external intercostals relax • Causes the size of the thoracic cavity to decrease • The volume of the lungs decreases • Increases pressure in lungs forcing air out Mechanics of Breathing