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WELCOME TO MAYURBHANJ DISTRICT. Employment Generated during the Year 2008-2009 . Employment Generated during the Year 2009-2010 . Employment Generated during the Year 2010-2011 . Adoption of standard Estimate model A. Tank :- 1. Renovated :- 2. New : 3. Form pond (Mini Tank )
Employment Generated during the Year 2008-2009 Employment Generated during the Year 2009-2010 Employment Generated during the Year 2010-2011
Adoption of standard Estimate model A. Tank :- 1. Renovated :- 2. New : 3. Form pond (Mini Tank ) Renovated :- E/W in all kinds of sail Taking pre measurement of the Area According to size of tank not less then 50m x 50m i.e. 2500 sqm having both side cutting slope 1:2 Qty is to be calculated. The Classification of sail may be made & estimated should be prepared basing in rhe cl;assification of sail. One inlet and outlet is to be provided before execution of work. The provision should be made One birthing Ghat at the central place as decided by the public Fine dressing 2 Turfing to the front side of the beam. N.B-The same procedure is to be followed up for New Tank
FRAM POND Category of Fram Pond Area 0.25 Decimal 5mX10mX0.60= 4mX9mX0.60= 3.00XmX0.60= 2mX7mX0.60= 1mX6mX0.60= ii. Area 1.50Dercimal 10mX10mX0.60= 9mX9mX0.60= 8mX8mX0.60= 7mX7mX0.60= 6mX6mX0.60= iii. Area- 0.75 decimal 15mX10mX0.60= 14mX9mX0.60= 13mX+8mX0.60= 12mX7mX0.60= 10mX5mX0.60=
Area-1 Acr. 1X20mX10mX0.60= 1X19mX9mX0.60= 1X18mX8mX0.60 1X17mX7mX0.60= 1X15mX5mX0.60= Area-1.25Acr 1X25mX10mX0.60= 1X24mX9mX0.60= 1X23mX8mX0.60= 1X22mX7mX0.60= 1X20mx5mX0.60= Area 1.50Acr 1X20mX15mX0.60= 1X18mX13mX0.60= 1X16mX11mX0.60= 1X14mX9mX0.60= 1X12mX7mX0.60= Area 1.75Acr 1X20mX20mX0.60=240 1X18mX18mX0.60=194cum 1x16mx16mx0.60=154.00 1x12mx12mx0.60=89.00 TOTAL 734.00cum @Rs62.34/cum Rs45758.00 Limited to Rs 40000.00
Viii Area 2.00Acr 1x25mx25mx0.60m=300 1x23mx16mx0.60m=298 1x21mx16mx0.60m=202 1v19mx14mx0.60m=160 1x15mx10mx0.60m=90 TOTAL 960cum@62.34/cum= Rs59846.00 Limited to Rs 50000.00 The above quantity will be taken in to consideration accordingly to classification of soil and lift. Statagy adopted for the demand allotting work and ensuring quick measurement under under M.G.N.R.E.G.A . a. At pallisava meeting for selection of monitoring commite motivatiuon created and labour demand as certain in the village .Accordingly C1and C2 is filled in and processerd. b. The work is allted as poer demand of the villagers.Atmost care is taken to maintained the 60:40 wages material ratio c. After work allocation the dally mesurement was taken by GOUN SANJOJOKA.Weekly mustor roll with measurement was collected on saterday and tallied by the G.R.S and J.E consult to make it payment through Bank and Post office 3 Transperent process of measurement Every week end the measurement was calculated and reported to the job seeker in their presence and M/R was finalized according .
Standeredisation of procrument of materials like send stone ,chips bricks etc All such materials are collected from local approvedquary and it was cheeked by the J.E/A.E concerned before use of same in work. Ensuring tiemly complition of project. The work are executed by the job seekers taking priority to executed the wage pertion of work first seconds this size shape and quality is maintied and finish works where ever necessary is conduct to complete the project in all cespect. Proper quality of work A 1.2m is conducted at work site on the first day of work start .In presence of monitoring commity they have taught by the J.E/A.E . Concerned to look after the quality of the work of sample test are also done at site. 7. Maintaining the cost/mandays,wages / mandays and wage material ratio A copy of astimate is handed over to GOUN SANJOJOKA and is discussed in P.Im meeting to maintained perfect wage material ratio if wage/ madays is deceated the anther meeting of labourers are conducted to understand then to create more work to maintained wage/mandays ratio,In every work care has been taken to minimize the material component to reduced cost /mandays and itis ceeked and discussed every fort nightly meeting at Block level
8. Online Entry The online entry of the mustor roll of the work with material component are made before pay for payment of bill to regularized the mustor roll and MB entry at Block level as well as at GP level. Model case recored and maintance of case reored in work side supervision resister 12 points cheeklist was supplied to every J.E,P.Eo, GRS to make it recored perfectly by DPC cum collector mayurbhanj. copy of saction order Approval of plan and estimate Copy of project initition meeting Copy of vigilance and monitoring commite meeting Date of commoncement of project C1C2 from Photograph of three stage M/R duly filled in at site Project complition certificate Date of completion project Name of GOUN SANJOJOKA Name of Excutive egency Name and Signeture J.E One prescribed book in this matter supplied to every GOUN SANJJOKA with required information which is helpful to monitor and excute work.
cjûcôûMû§ú RûZúd MâûcúY ^ò½òòòZ Kcð ^ò~êqò ù~ûR^û, IWÿògû Kû~ðýùlZâ _êÉòKûRòfäû – cdìeb¬
Utilization of service of GOUNSATHI AND GOUN SANJOJOKA Almost care has been taken to utilize the service of Gaun Sathi and Gaun sanjojoka for individual works all other parameter such as wage material ratio, cost/mandays wages / mandays,contigence expenditure ,Percentag of expenditure,women participation ,Avarage person day per house hold.Transperce report ,(P.Im displaybord social audit ,mM/R vsrification).Pallisava,gramasava meeting ,100 days complition of family .Meeting and complition of project is the fundamental guidline to make it sucuss
MODEL ESSTIMAT FOR CEMENT CONCRET ROAD AT VILLAGE LEVEL Colleting conving supplying good quality of laterite moorum for subbase with proper camber and compaction with P.RR for required with cost of all material royality etc. 100X3.75X0.225=84.375 @Rs280.00/cum Rs 23625 cement concret (1:4:8)using 4cm size H.G.matal including cost of material 100X3.00X0.10=37.50 @Rs2250/cum Rs84375 cement concret (1:2:4:)using 12m size h.g including cost of all material 100X3.00X0.15=45.00cum @Rs 3280.00/cum Rs147600.00
E/W in hard soil with initial lead and lift including Rough dressing including royality etc . 2X100.00X1.5X0.325=97.50 @Rs53.00/cum Rs5176.00 moorum topping to both side berm 2X100X1mX0.15=30cum @Rs241.80/cum Rs7269.00
SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROJECT Name of the Project : COMPLETION OF ROAD FROM DIBASAHI VILLAGE TO RD ROAD. Estimated Cost : 5.0 Scheme : NREGS-ORISSA Year : 2008-09 Name of the Block: Kaptipada Name of the GP Kaptipada Name of the revenue village : Kaptipada Date of Commencement 27/12/2008 Date of Completion 10/06/2009 Expenditure incurred : 5.00 Mandays Generated : 2073 Executing Agency: Panchayat Samiti Kaptipada Benefit : Originally the road was a muddy road with narrow approach and was not fit for traffic movement throughout the year. Now it has been developed into a wide CC road with side packing on both sides and drain on one side for all weather communication facilities for the villagers.
SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROJECT Name of the Project : EXCAVATION OF DURGAPUR TANK Estimated Cost : 5.00 Scheme : NREGS-ORISSA Year : 2008-09 Name of the Block: Kaptipada Name of the GP Badkhaladi Name of the revenue village : Durgapur Date of Comencement 25/10/2008 Date of Completion 08/12/2009 Ayacut Area 5 Hectare Expenditure incurred : 5.00 Mandayas Generated : 3792 No. of Beneficiary Benefited: Executing Agency: Gram Panchayat Benefit : The Tank was previously covered with debrises and was not fit for human use. The Tank was excavated under NREGS. The local Job Seekers worked in the project. On one side of the tank a Guardwall was provided to protect the canal and on the other side a bathing ghat was constructed for use of villagers. Now the tank caters to the needs of the villagers in a number of ways; common use Pisciculture and limited irrigation.
SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROJECT Name of the Project : IMPROVEMENT OF ROAD FROM RD ROAD TO SANKHALADI VILLAGE Estimated Cost : 5.00 Scheme : NREGS-ORISSA Year : 2008-09 Name of the Block: Kaptipada Name of the GP Badkhaladi Name of the revenue village : Sankhaladi Date of Commencement 01/04/2008 Date of Completion 27/07/2008 Expenditure incurred : 5.00 Mandays Generated : 1743 Executing Agency: Panchayat Samiti Kaptipada
Name of the Project : Renovation of Badpokhari Tank with Guardwall Estimated Cost : 5.00 Scheme : NREGS-ORISSA Year : 2008-09 Name of the Block: Kaptipada Name of the GP Badkhaladi Name of the revenue village : Baulakhaladi Date of Comencement 08/02/2009 Date of Completion 08/11/2009 Ayacut Area 5.5 Htre Expenditure incurred : 5.00 Mandayas Generated : 3892 Executing Agency: Panchayat Samiti Kaptipada
SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROJECT Name of the Project : Farm Pond of Laxman Tudu Estimated Cost : 0.50 Scheme : NREGS-ORISSA Year : 2008-09 Name of the Block: Kaptipada Name of the GP Sarat Name of the revenue village : Sarat Date of Comencement 01/05/2009 Date of Completion 15/11/2009 Ayacut Area 0.75 Expenditure incurred : 0.50 Mandayas Generated : 700 Executing Agency: Panchayat Samiti, Kaptipada
Name of the Project : Excavation new Tank at Ranipokhari School sahi. Estimated Cost : 5.00 Scheme : NREGS-ORISSA Year : 2008-09 Name of the Block: Kaptipada Name of the GP Ranipokhari Name of the revenue village : Ranipokhari Date of Comencement 29/02/2009 Date of Completion 02/12/2009 Ayacut Area 4.6 Hac Expenditure incurred : 5.00 Mandays Generated : 4146 Executing Agency: Gram Panchayat
Name of the Project : Renovation of Dillisahar Kahnusahi Tank • Estimated Cost : 5.00 • Scheme : NREGS-ORISSA • Year : 2008-09 • Name of the Block: Kaptipada • Name of the GP Ranipokhari • Name of the revenue village : Ranipokhari • Date of Comencement 29/04/2009 • Date of Completion 09/12/2009 • Ayacut Area 4.5 hac • Expenditure incurred : 5.00 • Mandayas Generated : 3642 • Executing Agency: Gram Panchayat