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Codes and convections of documentaries by Jack Lawrence
Codes and Convections of a Television Documentary By Jack Lawrence
Voice Over A voice over can either be added as a soundtrack during the production or it can be spoken while the camera is filming. The film maker can use a voice over to speak directly to the viewer, offering information, explanations and opinions.
Interviews An interview allows the subjects being filmed to speak directly to the camera answering questions asked by interviwer. Interviews can be set on screen or off screen. They are often used to gain a sense of realism that the documentary makers views are mutually shared by another person or source making it more valid. Background footage maybe used during an on screen interview to keep the viewer entertained, engaged and also provide evidence to back what the interviewee is saying.
Montage Montage sequences convey ideas visually by putting them in a specific order in the film. Often used in documentaries are Ideational montages which link actions with words. Montages allow for a visually presented progression of ideas on the screen.
Exposition Exposition is when at the beginning of the documentary which introduces the themes within the documentary and creates the viewers first impression and introduces them to the content. Dramatic segments are usually chosen within documentaries in order to catch the viewers attention.
Archival Footage Archival footage is often used within documentaries. Archival footage is material which has already been captured by somebody else. They are often used to historical events which they can not capture. It is used to aid authenticity of the film.
Sound Documentaries will often have soundtracks from songs added to them. Such as in ‘Supersize Me’ the music played in the background is Queen – Fat Bottom Girls. This fits well as the topic is obesity. Sound levels can also be adjusted to how the film maker wants it.
Camera Angles and Movement Different camera angles are used within Documentaries to display and connoted different ideas and views. For example in extreme sports videos low angle shots are often used to make the subjects appear to be dong bigger and more impressive tricks. Camera pans are also used such as up, down and across. Zooms are also used to create realism and engage with the viewer.
Editing Editing is used throughout documentaries especially straight cuts because this makes it more believable for the viewer. It also helps prevent the viewer from being distracted.
Narrative Structure All documentaries have a narrative structure which enables questions to be answered either throughout the documentary or the end.