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A Sight

A Sight. Book the Second Chapter 2 By: Zachary Fuschetto. Characters and Setting. Characters: Jerry Cruncher, Mr. Lorry, Charles Darney, Witnesses. Summary. The Oldest clerk at Tellson’s bank sent Jerry Cruncher to the Old Bailey (courthouse) to relay a message to Mr.Lorry

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A Sight

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  1. A Sight Book the Second Chapter 2 By: Zachary Fuschetto

  2. Characters and Setting Characters: Jerry Cruncher, Mr. Lorry, Charles Darney, Witnesses

  3. Summary • The Oldest clerk at Tellson’s bank sent Jerry Cruncher to the Old Bailey (courthouse) to relay a message to Mr.Lorry • On his way Mr. Cruncher passes a place called the Tyburn which is the area for public killing • He gets to the courthouse and gets the message to Mr.Lorry • When he gets there a trial is about to start • A man named Charles Darney is being tried for treason (leaking of information about the britain releasing an army into France to the king) • As the trial starts everyone notices two mysterious witnesses (a father and a daughter)

  4. Significance of Title The title “The Sight” is important because it signifies the two witnesses that nobody knows who they are

  5. Literary Devices Foreshadowing: “They hanged at Tyburn…” This symbolizes foreshadowing because it is foreshadowing the event of Charles Darney being found guilty and killed and the public killings of the Revolution soon to come. Repetition; “serene, illustrious, excellant, and so forth” It shows high highly they think of their society and city Irony: “The accused, who was (and who knew he was) being mentally hanged, beheaded, and quartered, by everybody there, neither flinched from the situation, nor assumed any theatrical air in it. It shows situational irony because everyone in the room knows hes about to be found guilty and sentenced to death even him but he is being very calm about it like it is nothing at all and that is very unusual for the situation.

  6. Essential Quote “Witnesses.” “For which side.” “Against.”“Against what side?” “The prisoner’s.”

  7. Citations http://openhighschoolcourses.org/course/view.php?id=33 http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/geography/unionjack.html

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