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National System and Improvement of GHG Estimation in Korea. Seong Ho, Han & Hae Ryun, Kim Statistics Research Institute Korea National Statistical Office. Conference on Climate Change, Development and Official Statistics in Asian-Pacific Region Seoul, Republic of Korea
National System and Improvement of GHG Estimation in Korea Seong Ho, Han & Hae Ryun, Kim Statistics Research Institute Korea National Statistical Office Conference on Climate Change, Development and Official Statistics in Asian-Pacific Region Seoul, Republic of Korea 11 – 12 December 2008
Background : After Meetings in Oslo Ⅰ Current GHG inventory in Korea Ⅱ Demand for Improvement of GHG Estimation Ⅲ Future Plan for Establishing National System Ⅳ Conclusion Ⅴ Contents
Common Suggestions in Oslo • Cooperation between Institutions to compile climate change statistics - Between NSO and other institutions relating CC statistics, Research Institutes, Policy makers - Interdisciplinary nature of CC statistics - Implies Hard to see an efficient institutional linkages • To fill data gap(Data Needs) - Spatial Data - Statistics for impact analysis, adaptation and mitigation - Few comments on activity data for GHG emission measurement • Setting CC statistics as a main stream of official statistics - The stadardization of classification - High quality data at all steps to construct CC statistics KNSO Korea National Statistical Office
Following Questions • Some Differences between developed countries and developing countries regarding CC statistics - Institutional Cooperation - Requested Data to compile GHG inventory - Interest in CC statistics • How to realize the suggestions(Inconvenient Reality) - Strong stakeholders - Which data to be needed - The capabilty to do statistical quality control of specialized field KNSO Korea National Statistical Office
Issues on CC Statisticsin Korea • Institution responsible to compile GHG emissions inventory • Improving and developing the CC statistics - Particulary, activity data for constucting GHG inventory • To emphasize importance of CC statistics and the role of statistical office to policy makers and public KNSO Korea National Statistical Office
Korean Policy for Climate Change • Korea signed the UNFCCC in 1993 and ratified the Kyoto Protocol in 2002 - Now Korea is a Non-AnnexⅠcountry • Fourth Comprehensive Action Plan has been implementing since 2008 - 1st CAP(’99~’01), 2nd CAP(’02~’04), 3rd CAP(’05~’07) - 4th CAP consists of 4 projects ▪ GHG reduction/Adaptation to Climate Change/ R&D/Establishment of Infrastructure/ International Cooperation KNSO Korea National Statistical Office
GHG Emissions • The total emissions increased by 98.7% from 1990 to 2005 - 1990 : 297.5 mil. tCO2eq. - 2005 : 591.1 mil. tCO2eq. • Most of emissions are explained by Energy sector - Energy(84.4%), Industrial process(11.0%) Agriculture(2.5%), Wastes(2.2%) KNSO Korea National Statistical Office
Trend of GHG Emissions 591.1 587.3 (Unit : Mil. CO2 eq.) 527.5 451.8 297.5 Energy : 84.4%
Current System for Inventory • Ministry of Knowledge Economy has been compiling and reporting GHG emissions & removals - 3rd NC will be submitted to UNFCCC in Dec. 2008 - Institutions : Ministry of Environment Rural Development Administration Korea Forest Service KNSO Korea National Statistical Office
Problems of Current Inventory Ⅰ • Institutional system for GHG inventory has not been well-established - MKE is only gathering emission data from each institutions • Review procedure has not been implemented - Q/A and Q/C procedure is required for accuracy KNSO Korea National Statistical Office
Problems of Current Inventory Ⅱ • Not all country-specific emission factors is estimated - Most of emissions are estimated by Tier1 method, partially Tier 2 method • There is much lack of activity data - More detailed data are demanded - Necessary data should be compiled KNSO Korea National Statistical Office
Estimation of Energy • Emissions(2005) (Unit: Mil. tCO2) • Method - Revised IPCC 1996 GL/GPG 2000 - Tier 1/Tier 2 • Activity data
Estimation of Industrial Process • Emissions(2005) (Unit: Mil. tCO2) • Method - Revised IPCC 1996 GL - Tier 1 • Activity data
Estimation of Agriculture • Emissions(2005) (Unit: Mil. tCO2) • Method - Revised IPCC 1996 GL - Tier 1/Tier 2 • Activity data
Estimation of LULUCF • Emissions(2005) (Unit: Mil. tCO2) • Method - Revised IPCC 1996 GL - Tier 1 • Activity data
Estimation of Wastes • Emissions(2005) (Unit: Mil. tCO2) • Method - Revised IPCC 1996 GL/GPG 2000/IPCC 2006 - Tier 1/Tier 2 • Activity data
Establishing National System • According to the project “Establishment of Infrastructure” in 4th Comprehensive Action Plan, National System will be established • KNSO is expected to be the single national entity for the inventory - compiling, managing and developing National GHG emissions & removals KNSO Korea National Statistical Office
Tentative Structure of NS Advisory Committee KNSO Korea National Statistical Office
Future Responsibility of KNSO R1 Setting up the Institutional & Legal Infrastructures R2 Compiling & Reporting National Emissions & Removals R3 Implementing Quality Management R4 Improvement of Activity Data & Emission Factors
Future Plans Establishing the Project Team for NS in SRI • Setting up the Institutional & Legal • co-operation with other institutions • Reviewing & Improvement of the current • estimation methods per each sector • Implementing QA/QC procedure • Establishing the Advisory Committee • Documentation of NS, CRF, NIR KNSO Korea National Statistical Office
Some Questions • Institutional Issue to compile GHG inventory - How was it possible for NSO to be the responsible institution? What is condition to do so? - In the past are there any conflicts to hold the responsibility for compiling GHG inventory • Needed activity data to make by emissions sources - In which sources mostly • Statistical Quality control and Quality Assurance - How to do • Organizatonal Setting - The numbers of staffs -ConcreteFunctions of each parts KNSO Korea National Statistical Office