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Regents Review

Explore the transformative periods in U.S. history, from the Roaring Twenties to the Great Society of the 1960s. Topics include the Twenties, Great Depression, World War II, Cold War, Civil Rights Movement, and more.

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Regents Review

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  1. Regents Review

  2. The Twenties • The “Roaring Twenties” • Red Scare • Palmer Raids • Sacco and Vanzetti Case

  3. The Twenties Automobile assembly line mass production Increased industry mass consumption speculation boom (people invest a lot of money, hoping to become rich)

  4. The Twenties • Scopes “Monkey” Trial—Evolution vs. Science • New restrictions on immigration • Harlem Renaissance

  5. The Great Depression(1929 – 1940) • Stock Market Crash • Dust Bowl • Hoovervilles

  6. Roosevelt’s “New Deal” • Government steps in to manage economy • Creation of jobs • Relief, Recovery, Reform • Brain Trust • “Fireside Chats”

  7. Wagner Act(1935) • Stimulated development of and protection of unions • Protective collective bargaining

  8. Schechter Poultry v. U.S.(1935) • Even during a national crisis, Congress can’t give President more powers than granted by Constitution

  9. United States v. Butler(1946) • Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) found unconstitutional

  10. FDR’s Court-Packing Plan(1937)

  11. Was the New Deal Successful? • Unemployment decreased • Full employment not achieved until WWII when production increased • FDR elected to 3rd and 4th term • 22nd Amendment (1951): President limited to two terms

  12. WWII • US tried to stay neutral (Neutrality), but became increasingly economically involved in helping Allies • Lend-Lease • Cash and Carry • Destroyers for bases • Pearl Harbor • Dec. 7, 1941

  13. Japanese Internment • Korematsu v. United States (1944)

  14. Post-War Recovery and the Beginning of the Cold War • Iron Curtain • Containment • Truman Doctrine (1947) • Marshall Plan (1948) • NATO (1949) • Collective Security

  15. Truman’s Loyalty Order(1947)

  16. HUAC • House Un-American Activities Committee: attacked writers, directors, actors

  17. Spies Among Us? Alger Hiss Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Executed for selling info to Soviets about the atomic bomb Serious doubts about guilt • Helped form U.N. • Arrested as Soviet spy

  18. “McCarthyism” • Senator Joseph McCarthy • Claimed hundreds of Commies had infiltrated the gov’t

  19. Korean War(1950 – 1953) • Containment  domino theory • China got involved in war  MacArthur wanted to use atomic bomb on them to end Comm. • Failure

  20. Brown v. Board of Ed(1954) • Overturns Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)  separate is NOT equal • Segregation illegal • Sparks Civil Rights movement

  21. Kennedy’s Presidency(1961 – 1963) • New Frontier • Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961) • Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) • The Space Race

  22. Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Society” • To eliminate poverty and social injustice.

  23. Great Society Legislation • Civil Rights Act of 1964: Discrimination is illegal • Voting Rights Act of 1965: Ended poll taxes and literacy tests • 24th Amendment (1964): Poll taxes are illegal

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