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Hinode’s Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS)

Hinode’s Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS). Data acquisition and calibration primer Presented by Jason Scott. EIS specs. Wavelength range: 170-210A and 250-290 A Angular resolution: 2” Spectral/Velocity resolution: 3km/s for Doppler velocities, 20km/s for line widths

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Hinode’s Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS)

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  1. Hinode’s Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) Data acquisition and calibration primer Presented by Jason Scott

  2. EIS specs • Wavelength range: 170-210A and 250-290 A • Angular resolution: 2” • Spectral/Velocity resolution: 3km/s for Doppler velocities, 20km/s for line widths • Temporal resolution: • In spectroscopy mode: < 1s in dynamic events ~ 10s in active regions • In imaging mode: monochromatic imaging of an active region (~4x4 arc min) in 3s for dynamic events, 10s otherwise. • FOV: 360"x512"

  3. EIS short wavelengthIon Temp Wavelength (log) A Fe XI 6.10 180.41 Fe X 6.00 184.54 Fe XII 6.11 186.85 Fe XII 6.11 186.88 Fe XI 6.11 188.23 Fe XI 6.11 188.30 Fe X 6.00 190.04 Fe XII 6.11 192.39 Fe XI 6.11 192.83 Fe XII 6.11 193.52 Ca XIV 6.5 193.87 Fe XII 6.11 195.12 Fe XII 6.11 195.13 Fe XIII 6.20 196.54 Fe XII 6.11 196.65 Fe XIII 6.20 197.43 Fe XIII 6.20 200.02 Fe XIII 6.20 201.13 Fe XIII 6.20 202.04 Fe XIII 6.20 203.80 Fe XIII 6.20 203.83 EIS long wavelengthIon Temp Wavelength (log) A Fe XIII 6.20 251.96 He II 4.70 256.32 S XIII 6.40 256.68 Fe XIV 6.30 257.39 Si X 6.11 258.37 Fe XVI 6.40 262.98 Fe XIV 6.30 264.79 Fe XIV 6.30 270.52 Fe XIV 6.30 274.20 Fe XV 6.30 284.16

  4. Windows • Four slit / slot windows • Slits • 1 arcsec • 2 arcsec • May be rastered to create an image • Slots • 40 arcsec • 266 arcsec


  6. Finding your data set/s • EIS Mapper • http://www.scs.gmu.edu/~kdere/eis_mapper.html

  7. MSSL EIS data archive http://msslxr.mssl.ucl.ac.uk:8080/SolarB/SearchArchive.jsp

  8. Getting the Data • Locally • Gallatin • /Volumes/Harddisk2/Data/EIS/ • External • MSSL EIS data archive • DARTS ?

  9. EIS wiki Linked to MSSL Hinode site

  10. EIS software

  11. Questions?

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