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Strategic Master Planning Revising the Strategic Master Plan. 2007-2008. Preparation for Redesign and Revising our Strategic Master Plan. Review the LACC 2002-2008 Strategic Master Plan
Strategic Master PlanningRevising the Strategic Master Plan 2007-2008
Preparation for Redesign and Revising our Strategic Master Plan • Review the LACC 2002-2008 Strategic Master Plan • Review the recommendations of the SGC Planning Subcommittee (2005 – 2008) based on monitoring of the implementation of Strategic Master Plan. • Review the College’s Shared Governance Model that links planning to budget. • Review the State Strategic Master Plan and process • Review the LACCD Strategic Master Plan and process • Study a wide variety of strategic planning processes across the US. • Review the accreditation criteria of Western Associations of Schools and Colleges. • Review use of qualitative and quantitative data in planning and evaluation of our current plan and in projecting effective ways of evaluating the success of the 2008-2014 plan. • Review other relevant data and documents material including the following: • Accountability Reporting for the Community Colleges (ARCC) AB 1417, A Test of Leadership: Charting the Future of U.S. Higher Education, Environmental Scan: A Summary of Key Issues Facing California Community Colleges Pertinent to the Strategic Planning Process, Transfer Between Community Colleges and Four-Year Colleges: The All-American Game Los Angeles Community College District Environmental Scan, September 2006.
Strategic Planning Process • Mission, Vision, and Objectives • Environmental Scanning (internal and external) and SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) • Strategy Formulation • Strategy Implementation (programs, budgets, procedures) • Evaluation and Control (performance objectives and measures)
Planning Principles Vision and Mission. The planning process will clearly connect with the vision and mission of the college as well as the other master plans. Integration of other college plans. The planning process will support the integration of the Educational Master Plan, the Facilities Master Plan, the Information Technology Plan, the Student Equity Plan, the LACCD Strategic Master Plan, and the CCC System Plan. Learning-centered. The planning process and the resulting plan will be learning-centered focusing on student access, student success and readiness.
Planning Principles, continued Collaborative. The planning process will be collaborative, operating within the shared governance structure and ensuring broad-based participation from all college constituencies. Foster trust. The planning process will foster trust and collegiality through effective communication, focusing on shared values and commitments, encouraging participation that leads to exploring and challenging assumptions, and by supporting and honoring agreements as the plan is implemented. Provide guidance for decisions. The planning process will be meaningful and visionary and will provide guidance and sustainability for the plan and for future decisions.
Planning Principles, continued Performance indictors. The planning process will include agreed upon performance indicators (vital signs) and methods of evaluating both the planning process and the implemented plan. Data driven. The planning process will be data-driven and qualitative and quantitative data will be used to monitor the plan and insure continuous improvement once the plan is implemented. Budget. The planning process will be clearly linked to the budgeting process. Accreditation. The planning process will exceed WASC standards and will be structured to begins and ends with the WASC accreditation cycle.
Process • SWOT and Scans • Mission, Vision (February – March 2008) • Topics/Areas • Team leaders for taskforce • Taskforce members • Goals • Strategies • Outcomes • Performance indicators • Responsible Agent
Goals CCC System Strategic Planhttp://strategicplan.cccco.edu/
Goals LACCD Strategic Planlaccd.edu/inst_effectiveness/strategic_plan/documents/LACCDStrategicPlan1-24-07.pdf
Goals LACC Strategic Plan 2002-2008http://accreditation.lacitycollege.edu/standard%201.pdf Success Success Accountability