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Participate in Hadron Physics activities with a focus on new data acquisition architectures for future experiments, autonomous feature extractions, and triggering mechanisms based on high-level information. Collaboration with European Institutions for continuous data sampling and advanced technologies. Task examples include discrete event simulation and trigger algorithms.
Hadron Physics (I3HP) activities • Hadron Physics (I3HP) is part of Integrated Activity of 6’th European Framework. Contract has a form of consortium of Integrated Infrastructure Initiative with acronym Hadron Physics. • Signed in march 2007 by 49 European Institutions • Duration time is 48 months: 01.01.2004-31.12.2007. • Consist of : Network Activities, Transnational Access and Joint Research Activities (JRA). There are 12 JRA • We, Institute of Physics of Jagiellonian University , Silesia University (W.Zipper) and Warsaw University (B.Sikora), take part in JRA1; ”Future DataAcQusition” ..+ KFKI Budapest+... • + JRA4: Gasous detectors (Kraków)
„JRA1: Future DAQ” • New DAQ architectures for future Hadron Physics Experiments (PANDA-Kraków and CBM-Katowice/Warsaw @GSI): • Continuous data sampling with large frequencies (<100 MHz) • Autonomous feature extractions in individual detectors: (track finding, particle identification, shower detection etc.) • Triggering based on high-level information: displaced vertex: D-meson, invariant mass reconstruction (J/->+-), particle species (,e,,..). • Future PC market technologies: wide-band computer networks (>1 Gbit ethernet, fast switches), computer nodes (System on Chip),... On going tasks (Polish groups): discrete event simulation, trigger algorithms, feature extraction
The future international accelerator facility SIS 100 Tm SIS 300 Tm U: 35 AGeV p: 90 GeV Cooled antiproton beam: Hadron Spectroscopy Compressed Baryonic Matter
Hadron Physics @ GSI • PANDA: pp at 1.5-15 GeV/c (colled pp/p=10-5) • charmonium spectroscopy • D meson in medium (chiral restauration) • Single and double Hypernuclei • glueballs and charmed extotic states Hadron ID: π, K,, pLepton ID: e, μ photons 107 inter/sec ( L=1032 cm-2s-1 )40 GB/s Solenoid, vertex pixel detectors, central tracking, el-calorimetr, forward spectrometer
Hadron Physics @GSI Hadron ID: π, K, pLepton ID: e, μ • CBM: Study of highly compressed baryonic matter in HI collisions (8, 40 AGeV): • Simultanous measurement of : • Light vector mesons (//) via dielectrons • Charmonium states: J/ and D mesons • Multistrange hyperons • Flow observables 107 inter/sec(Au+Au) 500 GB/s Dipol, vertex pixel, RICH, TRD, RPC
Construction: upgrade of HADES @GSI • Construction stage 1 of the International Accelerator Facility - Darmstadt Ion Research and Antiproton Center - for the 6’th European Framework • SIS18 upgrade, R3B dipol magnet, HADES upgrade • 3 years project: 2005-2008 decision expected by end of this year HADES upgrade towards 8AGeV : HADES already existing and working dielectron spectrometer at SIS 1-2AGeV Upgrade: RPC TOF wall, Forward Spectrometer, Trigger and DAQ: ...+Institute of Physics Jagiellonian University, Nuclear Physics Institute in Rež, Academy of Science of Czech Republic,+...
Side View START p, , A HADES@GSI • HADES at 1-2 AGeV SIS: • In-medium properties of the light vector mesons (//) via dielectrons in HI and pA/ A collisions • Electromagnetic structure of hadrons: em. form-factors • elementary sources of dielectron production in pp, pn and p collisions Physics runs started in 2002 (JU Kraków, SAS Bratislava, CAS Rez,...)