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Objective: Competency No. 4) The student will develo p basic skills associated with using Microsoft Excel or Spreadsheet Software. (Mississippi Business Technology Curriculum Framework 2004). Microsoft excel Choice Board. Desiree Sartin -Williams MHS Information Processing.
Objective: Competency No. 4) The student will develop basic skills associated with using Microsoft Excel or Spreadsheet Software. (Mississippi Business Technology Curriculum Framework 2004) Microsoft excel Choice Board Desiree Sartin-Williams MHS Information Processing
Microsoft Excel Terms (Musical/Rhytmic) • Active Cell – This is the cell in a spreadsheet where information will be placed. It is the cell that has been selected. • AutoSum – Function that automatically adds selected cells. • Cell – This is the place where information is held in a spreadsheet. • Cell Address – Use this to know the exact location of a specific cell. Noting the intersection of the column and row forms it. The last cell address on a worksheet is IV65,536. • Column – In a spreadsheet, these are the vertical spaces. Columns are headed with letters. There are a total of 256 columns on one worksheet. The last column is IV. • Dollar Symbol – Function that changed the contents of a cell to currency. Adds a dollar sign and decimal places • Equation – A mathematical equation typed into a cell. • Entry/Formula Bar – The toolbar on the Microsoft Excel window that shows the text or equations assigned to cell • Merge and Center – Function allowing the user to select a number of cells to create one large cell with the information centered within the large cell. • Microsoft Excel – A spreadsheet application tool that analyzes data in a table format using formulas. • Name box – Displays the cell reference, which is the location of the active cell in the worksheet. It is located on the left side of the formula bar. • Percent – Function that allows the user to change the value of a cell to a percent. • Row – In a spreadsheet, the row is the horizontal group of cells. Rows are named with numbers, i.e.1, 2, 3. There are a total of 65,536 rows on a worksheet. • Sheet tabs – Labels located at the bottom of the workbook window indicating the worksheets. • Spreadsheet – A document that is used to crunch numbers and formulas. • Sort – In a database, this function puts the records into a specific order. • Workbook – An Excel document which contains three worksheets by default but can have more than three. • Worksheet – A single sheet contained in an Excel workbook
Labeling the parts of a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet(Visual/Spatial)
Generating a Sales Invoice for a Computer Purchase(Logical Mathematical) • Using Microsoft Excel create a Sales Invoice for the purchase of a Computer System. Include a monitor, CPU, mouse, keyboard, speakers, microphone, & headphones. • The customer is purchasing a new computer; your task will be to find the best prices for the customer. The customer has a budget of $800.00. Replace text in the document with your fake company name and information. Don’t leave any template text on the spreadsheet. • You will use www.dell.com to price the items and get pictures to Paste into PowerPoint. Use the exact name of the item. • In Microsoft Excel: Go to…File>New>Templates>On my computer>Spreadsheet solutions tab>Sales Invoice or search for “Sales Invoice with Tax”
College Expenses • Construct a model or representation of college expenses using the Insert chart option in Microsoft Excel. • Chart the expenses using Microsoft Excel; with information found from the Internet about a specific college that you would like to attend. Educational expenses • Tuition. • Books. • Computer. • Program Fees. • Supplies. Living expenses • Housing. • Food. • Laundry. • Phone. • Internet. • Medical/dental expenses. Other expenses • Entertainment. • Parking/transportation. • Clothing. • Source: http://www.lendingtree.com/student-loans/advice/saving-and-paying-for-college/college-expenses-checklist/
Ten Mississippi High Schools(Naturalist) • Open Microsoft Excel • Save the blank document as “YourLastName Excel Projects” • Create a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel called “Ten Mississippi High Schools;” right click and name the sheet tab “Schools”. • Include the following columns: School, Website, Principal, & Superintendent. Create any other columns that you would like. • Get information off of the Internet for ten schools.
My Favorite Movie(Interpersonal) • Survey or interview ten of your classmates about their favorite movies. • Create a table in Microsoft Excel that showcases the person, their favorite movies, and the year the movie came out. • Chart the information using the Insert chart option in Microsoft Excel. Change the background of the chart section to a picture of the movie
My Birthday Party! (Intrapersonal) • Think about and plan your upcoming Birthday party! Use the Party Planner Template in Microsoft Excel. You have a budget of $500.00! • Plan the guest, music, decorations, food and drinks, other supplies, incidentals, schedule, and activities at the party. • Go to File >New>Templates>Planners>Party Planner