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Northumbria Training Programme for General Practice

Northumbria Training Programme for General Practice. Trainer plenary Dec 2008. Eportfolio questions. Finding my way around eportfolio Validating registrar’s log How do we validate against competency & what does this mean?

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Northumbria Training Programme for General Practice

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  1. Northumbria Training Programme for General Practice Trainer plenary Dec 2008

  2. Eportfolio questions • Finding my way around eportfolio • Validating registrar’s log • How do we validate against competency & what does this mean? • Where do you put your Trainers Report and how to document 6 month reviews? • Do you need to record all tutorials? • What evidence is necessary to add to tutorials? • What is self assessment and how is it done • How to use it to report concerns • How to tell what is useful feedback • Signing stuff off having put it on trainees side e.g. CBD – then sign off competencies on trainer’s side. There seems to be loads of layers of competency.

  3. Logins • Clinical supervisor / trainer • Educational supervisor – responsible for 6m reviews and report to deanery panel • Trainee • Admin (schemes and deanery)

  4. Principles • The eportfolio is pretty robust – it works. If there is a glitch, data which you have entered is not lost. • First port of call for problems is Nicola Hogg at the Deanery • Is easy to use – once you get your head around it

  5. So what is the eportfolio for, then?

  6. The learning cycle

  7. Evidence

  8. Principles • GPRs responsibility to enter and reflect on content • It is essential for the GPR to know their way around the curriculum. Also educators! • ALL FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT!

  9. Principles • GPR keeps eportfolio open continuously during day, and adds to learning log as he/she comes across issues • Tutorials include eportfolio – keep open during tutorial and add learning needs as they are defined • Learning should be recorded from all learning activities eg chats

  10. Principles • PDP is dynamic not static – all learning needs should be entered from thelearning log as they go • GPR enters curriculum coverage which allows the teacher and learner to see the black holes • Discuss the eportfolio to your GPR every week

  11. Sharing learning log entries • GPRs should share as soon as is appropriateie when you they have entered something for the supervisor to comment on • When not to share?

  12. Learning log • Learning objectives should be SMART • Specific • Measurable • Achievable • Relevant • Time framed Ie: no waffle or blah. Short succinct sentences

  13. Example of a learning log entry Learning log

  14. What were the circumstances of the conversation? (who, when, where) With GP partner at end of surgery Learning log

  15. Why were you having this conversation? Uncertain of value of d-dimer as an isolated investigation in a patient with calf pain Learning log

  16. What did you learn? That there is a protocol for DVT assessment in Cumbria That d-dimer has good sensitivity but poor specificity which makes it dangerous to use as a solitary investigation Learning log

  17. What will you do differently in future? Identify guideline and add to my memory stick Refer ?DVT to nurse practitioner at DGH Learning log

  18. What further learning needs did you identify?  Investigate sensitivity and specificity of commonly used tests My investigation rate and how this compares with others in the practice Learning log

  19. How and when will you address these? Discussion with lab staff this week ARUP website this week Investigation audit this month and present to trainer Learning log

  20. …then the GPR adds the learning needs to the PDP. The GPR doesn‘t need to validate it with the GP partner, but will validate it with the trainer by discussing what  was found out about sensitivity and specificity and showing your trainer the investigation audit. Learning log

  21. Principles – hospital posts • Eportfolio should be used in hospital in same way as in GP (where possible) • The learning objectives which are defined for the post become part of the PDP • PDP and learning needs reviewed with hospital clinical supervisor at beginning, middle and end of attachment

  22. Principles – HDR • All sessions should be logged in the eportfolio • What did you learn? • What did you discover that you needed to learn?

  23. Principles – OOH • All sessions should be logged in the eportfolio • How best to record details of the evidence?

  24. Issues • Benchmarking of content – how much is enough? • Benchmarking quality – what’s good? • Web browser – Firefox spellchecks automatically or IEspell for IE7 • Password-storing software eg roboform useful

  25. Actions • Declarations should be signed off • COTs/CBDs etc – more in the final year

  26. Using the eportfolio • You do not necessarily need to fill in all of the boxes on each screen – do what is appropriate • In hospital posts, GPRs should think broadly: what are the issues in the GP setting?

  27. Get it! “The condensed curriculum guide for general practice” • £15 from RCGP online bookstore • Your trainee should have a copy too!

  28. Looking at the eportfolio?

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