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Radio quieti … + SKA. Poster(s). Photos : Marcella Brusa. Blue shift asymmetric profiles in high L/Le sources. High ionization winds in the Broad Line Region of QSO. Marziani et al. Two set of lines shift of 2650 lm/s. SDSS (555…) : a candidate massive BH Binary. Montuori et al.
Radio quieti … + SKA Poster(s) Photos : Marcella Brusa AGN9 - FERRARA
Blue shift asymmetric profiles in high L/Le sources High ionization winds in the Broad Line Region of QSO Marziani et al. AGN9 - FERRARA
Two set of lines shift of 2650 lm/s SDSS (555…) : a candidate massive BH Binary Montuori et al. Monica Colpi talk AGN9 - FERRARA
7 QSO physical pairs 50 - 500 kpc M dyn ~ 8 x 1012Mhost ~ 1.4 x 1012 Close by Quasars Pairs Farina et al. AGN9 - FERRARA
AGN is a galaxy with aflux in excess to that predicted by its SF Two type of AGN red and deadblue and alive The environment of radio AGN and the quest for feedback Bardelli & zCOSMOS+VLACOSMOS AGN9 - FERRARA
Simultaneous data do not reduce scatterin the relation(s) A study of the X-ray to UV ratio of AGN with simultaneous measurements from XMM Antonucci et al. AGN9 - FERRARA
X-ray detected EROs (R-K > 5) z ~ 1 High fx/foptObscured AGN 10% of the X-ray population 5% of the EROs sample On the nature of red galaxies : the Chandra perspective Campisi et al. AGN9 - FERRARA
Analysis of a LSS at z ~ 0.3 with the Chandra Observatory Cazzoli et al. Source counts logN-logS In between two Clusters of galaxies Small but significant Excess Need spectroscpy to Associate X-ray sources To the LSS AGN9 - FERRARA
The soft X-ray emission of Seyfert 2 galaxies Tamborra et al. Soft X-ray emission As a blend of emission Lines Unresolved with CCD Resolution Photoionization from Nuclear continuum Small contribution From collisional Excitation AGN9 - FERRARA
Iron Line in the integrated spectra of high-z AGN Brusa et al. Rest frame Stacking in Chandra deep Fields (1 Ms CDFS + 2 Ms CDFN Line is there No evidence of broadening … In progress AGN9 - FERRARA
[OIII] EW and orientation effects in quasars Risaliti et al. [OIII] EW as a measure of Accretion disk inclination From 6000 SDSS QSO The distribution is consistent with A random orientation Prove of disk like structure Of ionizing radiation AGN9 - FERRARA
Bolometric Luminosity of Type 2 AGN Pozzi et al. 16 HELLAS2XMM Type 2 QSO + Spitzer coverage Nuclear luminosity from torus SED fitting + MBH from scaling relations Low Eddington ratio sources Kbol correlates with Eddington ratio AGN9 - FERRARA
Dust Distribution in AGN SMOOTH vs CLUMPY Feltre et al. SED of clumpy And smooth models Present similar properties Good fits to IRS Spectra AGN9 - FERRARA
Keck/DEIMOS spectrum: red, early type continuum plus strong AGNemission lines ([NeV] doublet) and SF features (OII, SFR ~ 103 M_sun /yr)Evidence of outflowing material (~300 km/s) from the blueshiled MgIand MgII complex absorpOon.Caught in the act Feedback in action in a z ~ 1.6 obscured QSO Brusa et al. AGN9 - FERRARA
Newly discovered Compton Thick AGN in the local Universe Severgnini et al. X-ray + IR selection X-hard /Mid IR Vs HR4 (5-12/2-5) Candidate CT AGN9 - FERRARA
Compton Thick quasars in the SDSS Vignali et al. CT QSO are selected from [OIII] luminosity and Comparison with X-ray Luminosity or UL Weak or absent in X Candidate CT Space densities AGN9 - FERRARA
Discovering heavily obscured AGN in COSMOS via [NeV] detection Mignoli et al. [NeV] in ~10 k spectra visually inspected Need hard ionizing cont. -- low NeV/X ratio observed In NL - Gilli (2010) plot candidate CT AGN9 - FERRARA
Square Kilometer Array (SKA) Giovannini Factor 50 improvement in collecting area AGN9 - FERRARA