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Masters of Innovation: Wagner, Poincare, Descartes

Learn about the groundbreaking contributions of Wagner, Poincare, and Descartes to opera, mathematics, and philosophy. Delve into their lives and revolutionary ideas in this enriching study session.

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Masters of Innovation: Wagner, Poincare, Descartes

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  1. SECTION A Birth of Bright Ideas

  2. Section A Pre-reading Activities Text Study Summary Writing Skill

  3. Background Information Compound Dictation Watch & Discuss Pre-reading Activities

  4. 复合听写 视频讨论 Richard Wagner Richard Wagner (1813-1883), the greatest composer of German opera, made a major addition to the nature of opera through his writings and the creation of music drama. Music drama combines singing, orchestra, verse, story, drama and spectacle. Wagner’s works include the “The Ring of the Nibelung” (1853-1874), a set of four operas based on historical German stories.

  5. 复合听写 视频讨论 The Rhinegold The first of the four operas in the “Ring” cycle, exemplifies Wagner's theory of music drama in its purest form.

  6. 复合听写 视频讨论 Henri Poincare Henri Poincare (1854-1912), agreat French mathematics and theoretical science professor at the Sorbonne (University of Paris), had a highly original influence on the development of pure and applied mathematics. He also worked on functions that changed celestial mechanics, helped pioneer algebraic topology and co-discovered the special theory of relativity.

  7. 复合听写 视频讨论 Descartes, Rene Descartes, Rene (1596-1650), a famous French philosopher, mathematician and scientist, was one of the most influential thinkers in history. He is considered the founder of both modern philosophy and analytic geometry. During his life, established ideas were being challenged, so he tried to develop a way to reach the truth. He based his theory that the world is made up of mind and matter on a concept that came to him in a dream.

  8. 背景知识 视频讨论 Compound Dictation You will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S8 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from S9 to S11 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Now listen to the passage.

  9. 背景知识 视频讨论 Compound Dictation Freud was one of the first scientists to make serious research of the mind. The mind is the collection of [S1] ________ based in the brain that [S2] _______ how we act, think, feel and reason. He used long talks with patients and the study of dreams to search for the causes of mental and [S3] _________ problems. He also tried hypnosis. He wanted to see if putting patients into a [S4] ________ condition would help ease [S5] ________ minds. In most cases he found the effects only [S6] _________. involve activities emotional sleep-like troubled temporary

  10. 背景知识 视频讨论 Compound Dictation Freud believed that all the painful memories of childhood lay buried in the [S7] ___________ self. This part of the mind, he said, contains wishes, desires and experiences too frightening to [S8] ________. If these memories could somehow be brought into the conscious mind, [S9] ______________________________. unconscious recognize the patient would again feel the pain

  11. 背景知识 视频讨论 Compound Dictation But this time the person would experience them as an adult. The patient would feel them, [S10] ________________________________________________________. In this way, Freud reasoned, the pain and emotional pressure of the past would be greatly weakened. [S11] ___________________________________________________. Soon the patient would get better. be able to examine them and, if successful, finally understand them They would lose their hold over the person’s physical health

  12. 背景知识 复合听写 Watch & Discuss Directions: Watch the video and then discuss the topics as follows: 1. Is genius the result of nurture or nature? 2. Are there any secrets to being creative? Video Watching

  13. 1 3 Writing Home Pre-reading Summary Text Study New Words Structure & Main Ideas 2 Text Reading

  14. 1. flash v. ① (of an idea) come suddenly Text Study e.g. I. Word Using ② to move very fast; to pass suddenly • A good idea flashed into her mind. • The car flashed by so quickly that I could not see the car number.

  15. 同根词 Text Study 2. intensify v. to make or become stronger labor intensity 劳动强度 intensity n. 最大强度为三度的轻微地震 a minor earthquake with a maximum intensity of three intensive care 重病特别护理 intensive a. 强化训练 intensive training

  16. e.g. Text Study 3. dramatic a. very obvious, sudden, exciting, or not expected • The new treatment could bring about dramatic • alteration to the life of people suffering from this • disease. • Your life will have a dramatic • change when you have a • baby.

  17. Use It e.g. Text Study 4. compose v. to create or produce During his life, Beethoven mainly composed 9 symphonies, 32 piano sonatas and 17 string quartets. Could you name some ofBeethoven’s compositions? Tips

  18. Tips Text Study

  19. Text Study Symphony 9

  20. 5. occupy v. Phrases e.g. Text Study ① to be busy with sth. All the new toys kept the kids occupied for hours. be occupied with/in occupy oneself with/in

  21. 5. occupy v. Translation Key e.g. Text Study ② to fill up (time or space) The seat is occupied. 旅游旺季时,大多数宾馆的所有房间都会客满。 During the peak tourist seasons, all the rooms in most hotels are occupied.

  22. Translation Key e.g. Text Study 6. contrast n. an obvious difference between two or more things The contrast between this year’s high profits and last year’s big losses is really quite striking. 黑色家具与白色墙壁形成很有意思的对比。 The black furnishings provide an interesting contrast to the white walls.

  23. e.g. Phrases Text Study 6. contrast v. to show a difference when compared If you contrast some of the early writing with her later work you can see just how much she improved. in/by contrast in contrast with/to

  24. e.g. e.g. 同根词 Text Study 7. stable a. not likely to move or change She was said to be in a stable condition following the heart transplant operation. He suffered a second heart attack two days ago but his condition has now stabilized. stability stabilize

  25. e.g. 同根词 Text Study 8. existence n. the fact or state of existing Modern cosmology believes the Universe to have come into existence about fifteen billion years ago. exist existing

  26. Text Study 9. observe v. What does “observe” mean in the following sentences? • The role of scientists is to observe and • describe the world, not to control it. 2. Did you observe anything strange in that student’s behavior? 3. All these rules must be strictly observed. 4. In Australia, people observe Christmas Day in summer.

  27. 近形词 e.g. Text Study 10. explosion n. a sudden bursting out The explosion was of such intensity that it was heard five miles away. exploration expansion expectation expense Practice

  28. A mini-test Text Study • In 1492, Columbus set out on the voyage of • ____ which led to his discovery of the New • World. • A) exploration B) expansion • C) expectation D) expense  2. Considering the problems he’s had there can be little ____ of him winning the race. A) exploration B) expansion C) expectation D) expense 

  29. e.g. 同根词 Text Study 11. exemplify v. show sth. by an example This painting perfectly exemplifies the naturalistic style which was so popular at that time. example

  30. e.g. Text Study 12. representative a. being like or common to others of the same class • Are your opinions representative of those • of other students? • Ingeneral, anything representative of a nation’s glorious history, her brave and creative spirit, or her unique insights into • the world is valued as the symbol of her • culture.

  31. 同根词 e.g. Text Study 12. representative n. 代表者,代理人;代表物,典型;(美)众议员 The firm has two representatives in every European city. represent

  32. Translation Key Text Study 12. represent v. to be a sign or symbol of sth. 长城代表着我国古代人民的勤劳和智慧。 The Great Wall represents the hard-working spirit and wisdom of ancient Chinese people.

  33. II. Chinese to English 1. 个人财产 2. 收入来源 3. 消化过程 4. 常驻代表 5. 社会心理学 6. 成功的要素 7. 热衷于足球 Text Study • individual possessions • sources of income • the process of digestion • a permanent representative • social psychology • elements of success • enthusiasm for football

  34. III. Matching Game Text Study __ element __ explosion __ compose __ personality __ mystery a. something that is not fully understood b. create or produce c. a sudden bursting out d. a necessary part of a whole e. a person who is well-known to the public d. c. b. e. a.

  35. a.come suddenly b.show by example c.about drama or acting d.fill up e.come together f.a thought or idea g.a place from which sth. comes h.a human being regarded as unique ___dramatic ___combine ___concept ___source ___flash ___individual ___occupy ___exemplify Text Study c e f g a h d b

  36. Structure & Main Ideas Structure & Main Ideas Structure & Main Ideas Structure & Main Ideas Structure & Main Ideas Structure & Main Ideas Part II Part III Part I The passage is made up of 7 paragraphs, and, according to the pattern “Argument—Illustration—Conclusion” the author employs in his writing, it can be roughly divided into three parts.

  37. Structure & Main Ideas Argument: Creative thoughts depend on what was unknown becoming known. This is easily seen in the famous creative people. Part II Part III Part I [Para. 1-3]

  38. Structure & Main Ideas Illustration: The author presents three examples: Wagner’s conscious mind knew nothing about the process of idea forming while Poincare’s conscious mind observed the process of idea forming in the unconscious, and Descartes’ dream enabled him to make an important discovery. Part II Part III Part I [Para. 4-6]

  39. Structure & Main Ideas Conclusion:In creative thought the unconscious is responsible for the production of new organized forms from relatively disorganized elements. Part II Part III Part I [Para. 7]

  40. Text Reading 暂时不作决定/ 过一晚再作决定 to sleep on sth. 你不必现在就告诉我你在此事上的立场,你最好晚上好好想想明天再告诉我。 tell one’s stand on the matter/ let sb. know You needn’t tell me your stand on the matter now; you’d better sleep on it and let me know tomorrow.

  41. Text Reading to burst into/come into the/one’s mind 突然出现在脑海里 一天她突发奇想,让狮子和老虎交配繁殖出一种杂交动物。 burst into one’s mind/cross a lion with a tiger/give birth to sth./a hybrid animal A strange idea burst into her mind one day that crossing a lion with a tiger could give birth to a hybrid animal.

  42. Text Reading in an intensified form 强烈地 他的父母强烈地感受到在他身上发生的巨大变化。 feel the great change about sb. His parents felt in an intensified form the great changes about him.

  43. Text Reading in some degree/to some degree 在某种程度上/多少 他的成功在很大程度上取决于他变不可能为可能的本事。 depend on / one’s ability to get the impossible possible His success depended in a great degree on his ability to get the impossible possible.

  44. Text Reading to be occupied with sth. 忙于 /专心于 他常常忙于琐碎的小事而无法顾及重要的事情。 too … to / the unimportant / place one’s mind on He is often too occupied with the unimportant to place his mind on the important.

  45. Text Reading to carry… about within sb. 心里牵挂着······ 一个人牵挂越多, 就越难集中精力。 the more… the harder / to concentrate The more one carries about within one, the harder it is for one to concentrate.

  46. Text Reading to put into form 表达 既然你爱她这么深,你现在要做的就是表达出来。 now that/ carry sth. about within one / a strong love for sb. Now that you carry about within you a strong love for her, all you need to do now is to put it into form.

  47. Text Reading to arrive at 达成/得出 旨在达成共识的一切努力都化为乌有。 the effort to do sth./ an agreement/ come to nothing All the efforts to arrive at an agreement came to nothing.

  48. Text Reading contrary to 与······相反 他们的人生观完全建立在物质基础之上,与其父母的正相反。 one’s outlook on life/ be built on material Their outlook on life, contrary to their parents’, is all built on material.

  49. Text Reading be responsible for 对······负责/归因于 我一直在思忖谁应对孩子们的痴迷网络世界负责。 keep wondering sth. / children’s indulgence in the cyber-world I keep wondering who should be responsible for children’s indulgence in the cyber-world.

  50. Summary 1 English Equivalents of Chinese Creative Application of Typical Expressions 2 Further Application of Typical Patterns 3

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