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Quia Level 3 Quarter 2 Week 1

Quia Level 3 Quarter 2 Week 1 . 6/8 Time Signature. 6 Beats per measure. Eighth note gets the beat. Note Values in 6/8. =. 1 COUNT. 2 COUNTS. =. Note Values in 6/8. =. 3 COUNTS. 6 COUNTS. =. 6/8 Time Signature. Write in the counts for the following examples:.

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Quia Level 3 Quarter 2 Week 1

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  1. QuiaLevel 3Quarter 2Week 1

  2. 6/8 Time Signature 6 Beats per measure Eighth note gets the beat

  3. Note Values in 6/8 = 1 COUNT 2 COUNTS =

  4. Note Values in 6/8 = 3 COUNTS 6COUNTS =

  5. 6/8 Time Signature Write in the counts for the following examples: 1 2 3 4 5 6 1_2_3_4_5_6

  6. 6/8 Time Signature 1 2_3 4_5 6 1_2_3_4_5_6

  7. 6/8 Time Signature 1_2_3_4_5_6 1 2_3 4_5_6

  8. 6/8 Time Signature 1_2 3 4 5_6 1 2 3 4_5_6

  9. Staccato An Italian term that indicates notes should be short and separated Draw a staccato note next to the definition of staccato

  10. Legato An Italian term that indicates notes should be played smooth and connected

  11. Accent Name of symbol: ACCENT

  12. Accent Definition: A symbol that indicates a note should be emphasized more than the other notes Practice drawing accents three times

  13. Slur Name of Symbol: SLUR

  14. Slur Definition: This symbol indicates that notes should be sang/played in a legato style (smooth and connected) Circle the slur in the music example

  15. QuiaLevel 3Quarter 2Week 2

  16. Flats NAME: Flat Symbol What does a flat do to a note? A flat symbol lowers a note a half step

  17. Flats Practice drawing flats THREE times

  18. Flats Gb G Move down a HALF STEP from G

  19. Order of the Flats BEADGCF There is a certain order that flats get used in… WHAT’S THE ORDER OF THE FLATS?

  20. Order of the Flats Take TWO minutes to come up with a saying you can use to remember the order of the flats

  21. Flat Identification What flats are being used? Bb Eb Ab F E D C B A G F E

  22. Flat Identification What flats are being used? Bb Eb Ab Db Gb Cb Fb

  23. Flat Identification What flats are being used? Bb

  24. Finding “DO” NO FLATS OR SHARPS DO = C

  25. Finding “DO” NO FLATS OR SHARPS Key signature is CLEAR

  26. Finding “DO” ONE FLAT Do = F

  27. Finding “DO” ONE FLAT First Flat

  28. Rule for Finding “DO” The second to last flat is the key signature

  29. Rule for Finding “DO” Find second to last flat Determine name of the flat Name of flat = DO DO = D-FLAT

  30. Finding “DO” TWO FLATS Do = B-flat

  31. Finding “DO” THREE FLATS Do = E-flat

  32. Finding “DO” FOUR FLATS Do = A-flat

  33. Finding “DO” FIVE FLATS Do = D-flat

  34. Finding “DO” SIX FLATS Do = G-flat

  35. Finding “DO” SEVEN FLATS Do = C-flat

  36. Practice Draw in the flats on the staff for the following key signature. DO = E-FLAT

  37. Practice Draw in the flats on the staff for the following key signatures. DO = G-FLAT

  38. Practice Draw in the flats on the staff for the following key signatures. DO = F

  39. Flat Solfege WHAT IS DO? E-Flat DO TI DO RE MI

  40. Flat Solfege WHAT IS DO? F MI RE DO TI DO

  41. Flat Solfege WHAT IS DO? D-Flat DO TI LA TI DO

  42. Flat Solfege WHAT IS DO? C-Flat DO MI SOL MI DO

  43. 1stEndings Name: FIRST ENDING What does this music marking mean? The first time you sing through the music you take this ending and go back to the repeat sign

  44. 2nd Endings Name: SECOND ENDING What does this music marking mean? The second time you sing through the music you take this ending and go on to the next section of music

  45. 1st/2nd Endings Both symbols together First time through: take first ending and go back to repeat sign Second time through: Take second ending and go on to next section of music

  46. 1st/2nd Endings Where is the first ending? Where is the second ending?

  47. QuiaLevel 3Quarter 2Week 3

  48. Triad Definition: A chord of three notes, each a third apart

  49. Solfege Used for a Triad SOL MI DO

  50. Accidentals A note whose pitch does not belong to the current key signature. Accidentals are typically marked by flats, sharps, and natural signs.

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