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Quia Level 1 Quarter 1 Week 1

Quia Level 1 Quarter 1 Week 1. Pitch. Definition : How high or low a note sounds Example: The highest pitch sounds came at the end of the song. Beat. Definition: The steady pulse in music Example: The song played on the radio had a catchy beat. Beat Vs. Count.

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Quia Level 1 Quarter 1 Week 1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. QuiaLevel 1 Quarter 1Week 1

  2. Pitch Definition: How high or low a note sounds Example: The highestpitchsounds came at the end of the song.

  3. Beat Definition:The steady pulse in music Example: The song played on the radio had a catchy beat.

  4. Beat Vs. Count BEATis the steady pulse in the music and COUNT is how we measure the beat in the music.

  5. Music Staff A music staff has FIVE lines and FOUR spaces A music staff is what the notes go on

  6. Treble Clef This is a TREBLE CLEF. The treble clef is used to indicate notes in a higher range. **Practice drawing treble clefs**

  7. Note Durations Note Name: Flagged Eighth Note Note Duration: 1/2 count Note Name: Barred Eighth Note Note Duration: 1/2 (+) 1/2 = 1

  8. Note Durations Note Name: Quarter Note Note Duration: 1 Count Note Name: Half Note Note Duration: 2 Counts

  9. Note Durations Note Name: Dotted Half Note Note Duration: 3 Counts Note Name: Whole Note Note Duration: 4 Counts

  10. Music Alphabet A G B C F E D The Music Alphabet consists of seven notes. Once you get to G you go back to A and repeat again.

  11. Note Names F E D C B A G F E D Middle C

  12. Note Names What do the letters of the spaces spell? E Top Space: E C 2nd Space: C A 3rd Space: A F Bottom Space: F

  13. FACE

  14. Note Names F What is a saying we can use to remember the lines? Top Line: F D 2nd Line: D B 3rd Line: B G 4th Line: G Bottom Line: E E

  15. Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge

  16. QuiaLevel 1 Quarter 1Week 2

  17. Bar Line Definition: A single vertical line that is used to separate music into measures

  18. Measure Definition: the area between bar lines that contains the notes and rhythms

  19. Double Bar Line Definition: Two straight lines used to mark the end of a piece of music

  20. Time Signatures Definition: Time signatures tell us how many beats per measure and what note gets the beat.

  21. Time Signatures Time signatures are shown like fractions: Top Number = How many beats per measure Bottom Number = What note gets the beat

  22. Time Signatures Top Number = How Many Beats per Measure Top Number = 4 = 4 Beats Per Measure Top Number = 3 = 3 Beats Per Measure Top Number = 95 = 95 Beats Per Measure

  23. Time Signatures _____ 4 Bottom Number = What note gets the beat 1. Pretend it is a fraction __1__ 4 =

  24. Time Signatures 2. Transfer fraction into words Bottom Number = What note gets the beat One-fourth OR One Quarter __1__ 4 =

  25. Time Signatures 3. Because of fraction is ONE QUARTER, we know that the QUARTER NOTE gets the beat Bottom Number = What note gets the beat

  26. Time Signatures Common Time – Another way of writing a 4/4 time signature. It means the SAME as a 4/4 time signature does

  27. Time Signatures = 4 Beats Per Measure = Quarter Note gets the Beat = 3 Beats Per Measure = Quarter Note gets the Beat

  28. Time Signatures = 6 Beats Per Measure = Eighth Note gets the Beat = 9 Beats Per Measure = Eighth Note gets the Beat

  29. QuiaLevel 1 Quarter 1Week 3

  30. Rhythm Definition: The patterns of long and short sounds and silence in music. Example: Therhythmof the song had everyone up dancing

  31. Rhythm Examples STEP 1: HOW MANY BEATS PER MEASURE? 4

  32. Rhythm Examples STEP 2: WHAT NOTE GETS THE BEAT? Quarter

  33. Rhythm Examples STEP 3: ALWAYS START WITH 1. 1

  34. Rhythm Examples STEP 4: FILL IN THE REST OF THE COUNTS. A plus sign (+) will be used for the second half of the beat 1 2 + 3 + 4

  35. Rhythm Examples For these rhythms, you must have four full counts in every example. An underscore (_) will be used when notes receive more than one count 1 + 2_3 4 +

  36. Rhythm Examples A space will go between counts for new notes 1_2_3 4 1_2_3_4 1_2_3 4 1_2 3_4

  37. Rhythm Examples 1_2_3 4 + 1 2 + 3_4

  38. Rhythm Fill in the Blank What notes will complete the following measures? Write in the note name Quarter Note Whole Note Half Note

  39. Solfege Definition: A series of syllables that correspond to the notes of the scale

  40. Solfege DO TI LA SOL FA MI RE DO

  41. Solfege If Cis “DO”…

  42. Solfege If C is “DO”…

  43. Solfege DO TI LA SOL FA MI RE DO

  44. Solfege If F is “DO”…

  45. Solfege If F is “DO”…


  47. Solfege If G is “DO”…

  48. Solfege If G is “DO”…


  50. QuiaLevel 1 Quarter 1Week 4

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