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Health food and junk food . We eat many kinds of food in our daily lives sometimes these food are healthy and sometimes they're not so. So what is the kind of food that we should eat? What is the difference between healthy food and junk Food? What are the sources of food?.
We eat many kinds of food in our daily lives sometimes these food are healthy and sometimes they're not so. So what is the kind of food that we should eat? What is the difference between healthy food and junk Food? What are the sources of food? • We eat many kinds of food in our daily lives sometimes these food are healthy and sometimes they're not so. So what is the kind of food that we should eat? What is the difference between healthy food and junk Food? What are the sources of food?
What is food? It's all the things that a man can eat or drink .
healthy food it is the kind of food that contains all the necessary needs of human bodies of different ages.
sources of food Proteins Carbohydrates Fats Vitamins Minerals Water and we're going to talk about each of them in more detail
What is the food pyramid? The pyramid is an outline of what to eat each day. It’s not a rigid prescription, but a general guide that lets you choose a healthful diet that’s right for you.
What similarities and differences exist between the old food pyramid and the new one ? The Food Guide Pyramid Mypyramid
Similarities : • *Both are called Pyramids. • *Food is divided into five food groups. • *Importance of eating variety of foods. • *Diet should be low in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol. • *Limit additional sugar and salt in diet. Differences with My :Pyramid • Physical activity daily needs. • Measurement in actual amounts is provided using the terms cups and ounces not “servings. • Gradual improvement is indicated by the new phrase:Steps to a healthier you. Good health does not happen overnight. It is best done in steps toward better choices and healthier lifestyle.
fruits & Grains vegetables Milk Meat & beans Oils & sweet
Fiber: Fiber refers to carbohydrates That cannot be digested. Fiber is present in all plants That are eaten for food Sources of fiber }
What are the health benefits of fiber? • it is help ful to the body in many ways: • 1- relieving costipation and hemorrhoids • 2- keeping weight under control • 3- preventing certain diseases • heart disease • cancer • diabetes }
vitamins Minerals are substances that are found in food we eat and your body needs them to work properly
There are tow types of vitamins ( fat soluble - water soluble ) Fat soluble. vitamins are stored in the fat tissues in your body they around in your body fat until your body needs them Like vitamins A,D,E,K
And anther types of vitamins Water soluble They travel through your bloodstream whatever your body doesn’t use comes out when you urinate Like vitamins C,B
Vitamin D; in milk helps your bones vitamin A; in carrots help you see at night Vitamin C; in oranges helps your body heal if you get a cut B vitamins in leafy green vegetables help your body make protein and energy. This are types of vitamins and source
Fats fat is a component in food Some foods including most fruits and vegetables have almost no fat Other food have plenty of fat they include nuts oils butter and meat like beef
How much fat should you eat? Experts suggest eating 48 to 60 grams per day
unsaturated fats : these are found in plant foods and fish . these may be good for heart health. The best unsaturated fats are found in olive oil peanut oil tuna and salmon Types of fat } saturated fats : these fate are found in meat and other animal products such as butter cheese and milk. saturated fats also in palm and coconut oils .eating too much saturated fat can raise blood cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease
Trans fats : these fats are found in margarine.trans fats are also found in snack food and fried foods . like saturated fats eating too much can raise cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease Types of fat }
1-Dietary fat helps a kids body grow and develop like it should. 2-Fats fuel the body and help absorb some vitamins 1 2 3- Fats also are the building blocks of hormones and they insulate nervous system tissue in the body Why Do You Need Fat? 3 4
Junk food is the food that is un healthy It is `popular so it is easy and cheap to manufacture and to buy It is popular with it is consumers because it requires little preparation.
Health dangers of fast food: • Obesity(makes people fat) due to high calories, fat & sugar. • Health problems: high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease. • People do not eat healthier foods when they get used to eating fast foods. • Bacteria in the food and places it is prepared Cause food poisoning.
Ways to Healthier Meals: 1-Stop eating when you feel satisfied , not when your stomach feels full. 2-Eat when you really feel hungry . And don’t starve yourself between meals. 3-Remember that most portion sizes at fast food restaurants are too big. 4-Have 5 or 6 small meals a day instead of 2 or 3 big ones. 5- Eat breakfast every day (if you are not fasting).
6- Watching television or videos every day makes you want to eat more . it also Slows down your metabolism since you are not moving. 7-Dont waste calories on drinks with sugar. 8- Eat slowly and chew your food well.
9- Don’t eat for two hours before going to bed. 10- Try to use the food pyramid to decide. 11- Remember there is a difference between being hungry and having an appetite.
This work was prepared by the Dr/ Adeelh Dr/ Anan Dr/ Nouf Dr/ Bayan Dr/ Nadeen Dr / Mona Dr/ noha