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Assessing Consumer Behaviour on Energy Efficient Products in India (CONBEE) An Overview of the Project Project Launch Meeting New Delhi, April 12, 2011. Content . Background and Need Objectives Activities Methodology Desk research Field research (survey) Output – Chapter plan
Assessing Consumer Behaviour on Energy Efficient Products in India (CONBEE)An Overview of the ProjectProject Launch MeetingNew Delhi, April 12, 2011
Content • Background and Need • Objectives • Activities • Methodology • Desk research • Field research (survey) • Output – Chapter plan • Expected Outcomes • Management
Background and Need(1) • India would find it increasingly difficult to sustain its economic growth by using non-renewable sources of energy at the prevailing levels of energy efficiency • India’s growth strategy, therefore, needs to integrate its energy demand and supply • Infrastructure for producing renewable energy is at a nascent stage and it would take years to meet its increasing energy needs through renewable sources • Future energy security will crucially depend on: • increasing exploration of renewable energy • initiatives for enhancing energy efficiency at various levels
Background and Need(2) Integrating the need for energy efficiency with consumption habits will require: • Understanding of current baseline about awareness and use of energy efficient products • Understanding of current energy demand and supply • Understanding of demand and supply factors that promote/hinder use of energy efficient products
Objectives Long term To promote energy conservation in India through greater use of energy efficient products Immediate: • To assess and correctly characterise the present status of consumer awareness , consumer perception and consumer behaviour on energy efficient products. • To identify determinants and barriers that hamper the usage of such products . • To provide a basis for designing a more-informed future strategy to promote energy efficient products • To generate a benchmark against which future developments in awarness and use of energy efficient products can be evaluated.
Activities • Desk research • Field research • Meetings – Inception, Dissemination • To be completed by December 2011
Methodology • To present a better picture of the market for energy efficient products both demand side and supply side factors will be analysed. • Two components: • Desk research: focus on collecting and analysing the literature and data on energy efficiency – awareness, consumer behaviour and perception, economic and social barriers, etc • Field research (survey)
Desk Research (1) To collate information from the relevant literature (books, journals, newspapers, magazine articles and online sources) about the following: • Results of past studies on : • Extent of consumer awareness about energy efficiency in India • Willingness of consumers to pay for energy efficient products in various functional categories: lighting, air conditioning and cooling, cooking, cleaning, etc • How such awareness is influenced by gender, income, geographical location, rural urban divide, etc • Stock taking of the effectiveness of the Standards and Labelling Programme (S&L) of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Government of India
Desk Research (2) Desk research will also look at: • Legal and regulatory regime in India for the promotion of energy efficiency • Awareness of producers and traders about consumer behaviour and perceptions in regard to mentioned areas • Analysis of sociological, political and economic barriers which restrict either awareness of the need for energy conservation or the actual use of energy efficient products • International good practices and what lessons that India can draw
Field Research(1) Demand side stakeholders • 20,000 consumers spread across major states/UTs of India Supply side stakeholders • 500 traders • 50 manufacturers
Field Research(2) • To cover all regions of the country • 19 state capitals and 78 districts (rural and urban areas in each of those districts) • 3 union territories – Chandigarh, Delhi, Pondichery
Field Research(3) Consumer survey (sample size 20,000) • Share of state population in total population of selected states/UTs (19 states and 3 UTs) • Districts (in a state) arranged region-wise and plotted against their composite development index • Districts with middle most index value in each region have been included – one district from each of the region selected. • Share of districts in total sample size of a state is proportional to their share in total population of selected districts • All districts, except state capitals, will have rural-urban components, with rural share being equal to share of rural population in a state
Field Research(4) Trader survey (sample size 500) • Share of a state in aggregated electricity consumption of selected states/UTs (19 states and 3 UTs) • Districts identified for consumer survey has been retained for trader survey • Share of districts in total sample size of a state is proportional to their share in total population of selected districts
Field Research(5) Manufacturer survey (sample size 50) • A nationwide inventory of manufacturers of energy efficient electrical appliances • Sampling based on total turnover, geographical location, etc • Purposive sampling would be undertaken so that the sample of 50 manufacturers is not only geographically representative but will also have a balanced representation of big and small producers
Output – Chapter Plan Desk research along with the analyses of data to be collected from field Research will be used to produce a report. It will have the following chapters: • Evolution of energy efficiency and its need in India • A review of progress made in the promotion of energy efficient products with special reference to India • Stock taking of legal and regulatory regime in India (including Standards and Labelling Programme of BEE) • Analysis of survey results • A model for making energy efficient products more useful and acceptable to Indian consumers • Conclusion and recommendations
Expected Outcomes • A benchmark on the level of consumer awareness • Understanding of barriers to consumer awareness • Understanding of barriers to usage • Factors determining usage pattern • Consumers’ willingness to pay • Factors determining production • Future demand projection • Analysis of supply-side constraints • Understanding international good practices, and how they can be replicated in India • An implementable model for making energy efficient products more useful and acceptable to Indian consumers
Project Management Besides project director, research director and researchers, it will be implemented with the support and guidance of the following: • Project Advisory Committee (consisting of experts in the field of energy efficiency and related issues) • The PAC would provide inputs from the beginning of the project in order to enrich its implementation, output and outcomes • Project (survey) partner - Nielsen