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Physics-Chemistry-Biology: A Logical and Effective Sequence. Deborah and Rex Rice Clayton High School Clayton, Missouri. Physics First: Not a New Idea. Physics and the High School Sophomore (Hamilton, TPT, 1970) Physics in the Tenth Grade (Sousanis, TPT, 1971)
Physics-Chemistry-Biology:A Logical and Effective Sequence Deborah and Rex Rice Clayton High School Clayton, Missouri
Physics First: Not a New Idea • Physics and the High School Sophomore (Hamilton, TPT, 1970) • Physics in the Tenth Grade (Sousanis, TPT, 1971) • The Illogic of Teaching Bio Before Chem and Physics (Palombi, TPT, 1971) • Take Physics to Ninth Graders With Budget Savers (TPT, 1974) • High School Physics Should be Taught Before Chemistry and Biology (Haber-Schaim, TPT, 1984) • Physics Before Chemistry (Bolton,TPT, 1987) • A Case for a Better High School Science Sequence in the 21st Century (Myers, TPT, 1987) • Freshman Physics (Hickman, The Science Teacher, 1990)
Haber-Schaim Article • Average of 23 Chemistry Prerequisites in Biology Textbooks • Average of 31 Physics Prerequisites in Chemistry Textbooks • No Biology Prerequisites in Physics Textbooks • Average of 2 Chemistry Prerequisites in Physics Textbooks
Committee of TenNational Education Association1892Recommendations Regarding Physics: • The study of chemistry should precede the study of physics. • The study of physics should be pursued the last year of high school.
Reasons for Traditional Biology-Chemistry-PhysicsSequence at Turn of Century Start with biology because: • Relied mostly on memorization • Required almost no mathematics
Reasons for Traditional Biology-Chemistry-PhysicsSequence at Turn of Century Follow with chemistry because: • Relied mostly on memorization and detailed experimental procedures • Required only modest amounts of mathematics
Reasons for Traditional Biology-Chemistry-PhysicsSequence at Turn of Century Make physics last because: • Required greater mathematical fluency • Relied heavily on problem solving, analysis, and critical thinking
Algebra is still fresh in students minds Freshmen are enthusiastic and motivated Most students who start with physics complete the science sequence Increased interest in math courses Enrollment in senior physics course increases AP Biology can be the first biology course if physics and chemistry have been studied Advantages of TeachingPhysics to Freshmen (Hickman, 1990)
Shortage of qualified physics teachers Opposition to change from “proven” sequence by parents, teachers, administrators, school boards Freshmen are more active, noisier, less coordinated Measurement and estimation skills are not good Trigonometry has not been studied Problems of transition of from middle school to high school level course Lack of problem solving and test taking skills Disadvantages of TeachingPhysics to Freshmen (Hickman, 1990)
Clayton High SchoolClayton, Missouri • One high school in district • About 800 students in grades 9-12 • Fairly affluent suburban school district • About 20% of students are African American students from neighboring city of Saint Louis
Physics First at Clayton High School • Quantitative Science in place since early ‘60s • Other course thought of as “dummy course” • Best students already followed the Physics-Chemistry-Biology sequence • Algebra taken by all students in Eighth Grade
Physics First at Clayton High School • Presented “Inverted Sequence” idea to curriculum committee in Spring of 1991 • Full inversion considered too radical a change • Two courses, Honors Freshman Physics and Freshman Physics, proposed • School Board approved change for the start of 1991-92 school year
Freshman Physics: ‘91/92Text: Conceptual Physics-Hewitt • Light • Waves and Sound • Kinematics • Newton’s Laws • Work, Energy, Power • Circular Motion and Gravitation • Properties of Matter • Heat • Electricity and Magnetism
Honors Freshman Physics: ‘91/’92Based on “Quantitative Science” • Geometric Optics • Plane Mirrors • Pinholes • Curved Mirrors • Refraction • Lenses
Honors Freshman Physics: ‘91/92Based on “Quantitative Science” • Mechanics • Uniform Motion • Uniform Acceleration • Newton’s Laws • Work, Power, Energy
Honors Freshman Physics: ‘91/92Based on “Quantitative Science” • Electricity and Magnetism • Electrostatics • D.C. Circuits • Magnetism
Transition toPhysics-Chemistry-Biology • Chemistry teachers initially resisted moving chemistry to 10th grade • Initial resistance to “inversion” faded with departmental discussion • Complete inversion led by biology teachers • Period of one year where chemistry was offered to sophomores and juniors • “Inversion” completed by 1995/96 school year
Reactions /Results • Chemistry teachers found that sophomores did fine with chemistry • Biology teachers were elated with their ability to upgrade the biology program • A.P. Physics “worked” as a one-year course since students entered with a physics background. • More students took two or more A.P. science courses since many were able to take A.P. Biology as a first-year course
Shift to Modeling Methods • In summer, 1995 I attended the first of three years of training in Modeling Methods in High School Physics at Arizona State University • In 1995-96 I started using Modeling in all of my physics courses, including freshman physics • Since then, all five physics teachers have been trained in Modeling and are using it in Freshman Physics.
How Has Modeling Changed OurFreshman Physics Program? • Models have replaced topics • Breadth has been sacrificed for depth • The teaching has become much more student centered and less teacher centered • Students leave the course with better thinking skills, analysis skills, and ownership of the concepts they have studied in physics • In Honors Freshman Physics, the depth of study has been significantly increased. • Modeling Cycle has been modified to better suit freshmen.
History of CHS transition to Modeling • 1995-2000 – Rex adapts his freshman physics classes to use modeling methodology • 2000-2005 – All freshman physics teachers receive modeling training, and modeling becomes the standard methodology. Modifications are not formally documented. • 2006 – Debbie, Gabe, Rex become involved with a Missouri grant called “A Time for Physics First.” • Debbie, Gabe, and Rex begin the formal process of modifying Modeling Physics materials for freshmen.
Modeling Cycle • Development begins with paradigm experiment. • Experiment itself is not remarkable. • Instructor sets the context. • Instructor guides students to • identify system of interest and relevant variables. • discuss essential elements of experimental design.
The Modeling Cycle • Model Development • Model Deployment
Five E Model – Engage Learner has a need to know, therefore, defines questions, issues or problems that relate to his/her world. • Inverted Sequence using Modeling Pre-paradigm Exploration A high interest activity which: • engages the learner • provides a common classroom experience to begin model building • allows student to see the need for building a model • foreshadows limit to current model and possible need for an additional model
Unit 1 Pre-paradigm ExplorationBag O’Cars Bag O’Cars Uniform Motion--Activity 1 After testing each car and listening to the white board session, fill in the chart with the best possible representation of each car. If you do not have enough room for your representation, make a table on a separate sheet of paper.
Unit 2 Pre-paradigm ExplorationHomemade Hover Puck In this activity you will try to determine how to make the Homemade Hover Disk speed up and slow down. • Draw a diagram of the home made hover disk system below. • Describe all the different ways that you were able to make the hover disk speed up. • Describe all the different ways that you were able to make to make the hover disk slow down. • Make a motion map for the hover puck speeding up and slowing down below.
Unit 3 Pre-paradigm ExplorationBroom Ball Unit 3, Introduction to Forces Activity 1, Broom Ball--The Game Write a description of Broom Ball. Include the following in your description: 1. Sketch the track you used for broom ball. 2. What are the rules for broom ball? 3. How does one play broom ball? 4. What three things are the most difficult when it comes to using the broom to handle the ball?? 5. How can a player use the broom to overcome the difficulties mentioned in question 4 ? (What strategies would you recommend to a teammate?) 6. What kind of motion does the ball have in the no-touch zone? What causes the motion of the ball in the no-touchzone?
Adjustments to Curriculum:Freshman Physics • Energy Introduction • CASTLE electricity • Introduces modeling with minimal math • Last unit bridges to mathematical representations in modeling • Uniform Motion • Uniform Acceleration • Forces and Newton’s Laws • Electrostatics • Energy • Mechanical Waves (Good Idea—Rarely Happens)
Adjustments to Curriculum:Honors Freshman Physics • Energy Introduction • Uniform Motion • Uniform Acceleration • Newton’s Laws • Energy • DC Circuits (CASTLE) • Electrostatics • Mechanical Waves
How are the Courses Different? • Expected fluency with algebra • Amount of mathematical problem solving • Required “studentship” skills • Depth of coverage
Placement: Which Students in Which Course? • Eighth Grade Teacher Recommendation • Ninth Grade Math Placement • Results of Science Reasoning Test • Results of EXPLORE test
Placement Results • Typically about 25% of the students end up in Honors Freshman Physics • About 70% take Freshman Physics • The remaining 5% take Conceptual Physics, a course for kids with special needs.
Who Teaches the Course? • Value good teacher of freshman over physics content specialist • Chemistry and Biology specialists have taught the course • Difficult to teach using Modeling Method without formal training • Insist on Modeling Training as a condition of hiring
Does it Replace Physics in theJunior or Senior Year? • No! This was not our goal. • Physics at the Freshman year is the foundation of our Science curriculum • Physics in the Senior year is improved and can now explore a broader range of topics. • Physics enrollment in the Senior year has remained fairly steady, averaging about 20 to 25% of the student body • All students get at least one good course in physics as a foundation of the high school science program!
Are Students Successful? • Low failure rate • FCI scores for regular freshmen comparable to those from traditional senior level physics courses. • FCI scores for Honors freshmen are significantly above those from traditional senior level courses and even above those for most modeling courses. • FCI scores for seniors entering do not diminish (and even increase) between grades 9 and 12 • FCI scores for seniors at completion are at the top • Excellent MAP results. Highest in St. Louis County, 9th in state (2008)
Are Students Successful? • Winners of Region 12 of Physics Bowl twelve times. • Top ten national finish in TEAMS competition every year since 1993 • Eight Varsity national championships in TEAMS competition. (6 Jr. Varsity national championships) • Finished first and second in nation in TEAMS competition four times. • State Champions in WYSE competition last two years • First Place in St. Louis Area Physics Teachers high school physics competition twelve years in a row. • Over 85% “five” rate on A.P. Physics exam
Conclusions • Freshman physics makes chemistry more meaningful/understandable • Biology teachers are ecstatic about the changes they have been able to make in the curriculum • 100% enrollment in Physics • Nearly 100% enrollment in four years of science despite two-year (now three) state requirement for graduation • Students, Teachers, Parents, and School Board are happy with the change.
The Inverted Sequence at Clayton High School Debbie Rice – debrice@swbell.net Rex Rice – rex_rice@clayton.k12.mo.us Clayton High School 1 Mark Twain Circle Clayton, MO 63105