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TCL:An Emerging Power in China’s Wave of Globalization TCL stands for “The Creative Life,” a slogan that represents TCL’s aspirations of building one of China’s most innovative and resourceful enterprises. 发展历程History. 2010
TCL:An Emerging Power in China’s Wave of Globalization TCL stands for “The Creative Life,” a slogan that represents TCL’s aspirations of building one of China’s most innovative and resourceful enterprises.
发展历程History 2010 January 16 China Star Optoelectronics Technology (CSOT)’s 8.5-generation LCD panel project was officially launched on January 16, 2010. The project was established by TCL Corporation and Shenzhen Municipal Government with a total investment of RMB 24.5 billion. May 13 Mr. Liu Yunshan, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, and head of the CPC Central Committee's Publicity Department visited TCL Corporation on May 13. 2010 1月16日 由深圳市政府和TCL集团共同投资245亿元的华星光电8.5代液晶面板项目隆重开工。 3月12日 中国中央政治局委员、国务院副总理张德江在中南海会见TCL集团董事长李东生。 5月13日下午 中共中央政治局委员、中央书记处书记、中宣部部长刘云山到TCL视察。
发展历程History 2011 December 16th The overall annual sales volume of TCL flat-panel TV exceeded ten million sets, for the first time ever. October 25th Mr. Huang Huahua, the Governor of Guangdong Province, visited TCL plant in Poland. October 21th TCL Corporation won an award of China’s Top 10 Electronics Brands. It is the second 2011 12月16日 TCL平板彩电销量首次突破1000万台。 10月25日 广东省省长黄华华考察TCL多媒体全球制造中心波兰工厂。 10月21日 TCL成功入选 “2011全球竞争力品牌-中国TOP10”榜单,这是TCL第二次获此殊荣。
企业愿景Corporate Vision Vision To become one of the most innovative and respected global enterprises Mission To create value for its customers, opportunities for its employees, benefits for its shareholders and a commitment to corporate social responsibility
企业愿景Corporate Vision Spirit Dedication•Integrity •Teamwork •Innovation Value Integrity and accountability•Fairness and justice•Revolutionary ideas and innovations•United in knowledge and practice•Teamwork First Strategy To develop the best products, provide the best possible service and establish the most valuable brand
公司荣誉Awards and Honors TCL Corporation was awarded “Top 50 Global Electronic Consumer Brands”, with its ranking rising to 26 from 32 in 2009. TCL was honored "Top 20 Global Television Manufacture” and was selected as “Top 10 China Electronic Consumer Brand” for four consecutive years. TCL was awarded "Best Branding Image Prize in 60 years of China” and won "Top Ten Classic Corporate Cases 60 years of China" in China Brand Forum in 2009. Li Dong Sheng, Chairman and CEO of TCL Corporation, was honored as one of "Meritorious Figure of Chinese brand" in 2009 TCL Corporation kept its first place rank as the number one TV brand in China in 2010. As one of China’s most valuable brands, TCL’s total brand value in 2010 was RMB 45.808 billion
公司荣誉Awards and Honors • 2010 TCL集团入围"全球消费电子50强",由2009年的第32位跃至26位 TCL 入选"全球电视机Top20 "榜单,连续四年入选"中国消费电子领先品牌TOP10" TCL品牌荣获2009(第二届)中国品牌论坛"60年中国品牌形象奖"、"60年中国品牌十大经典案例" TCL集团董事长李东生荣获"2009中国品牌功勋人物" TCL品牌在"2010中国最有价值品牌"评价中,品牌价值458.08亿元,居全国电视机制造业第一位
Li Dongsheng Li Dongsheng is Chairman, CEO and founder of TCL Corporation. As one of the most recognized business leaders in China, Mr. Li has led TCL to stand out as a formidable player in the global consumer electronics sector and a pioneering Chinese company going global In 1982, Mr. Li began his career as an engineer in TTK Home Electronic Appliances Co. Ltd, the predecessor of TCL. In 1985, he was appointed General Manager of the newly established joint venture, Telephone Communication Limited, thus created the TCL brand. After being transferred to Huizhou Industrial Development Company, Mr. Li was appointed as the Deputy General Manager of Huizhou Municipal Electronic Communication Corp in 1990. In 1993, Mr. Li became the General Manager of TCL Electronics Group. Since then, TCL launched its color TV business and quickly became an industry leader. Mr. Li took the position of Chairman and President of the company in 1996.
董事长兼CEO 李东生 现任本公司董事长、CEO(首席执行官)、集团党委书记、创始人之一,中共十六大代表、第十届和第十一届全国人大代表。1957年7月出生,毕业于华南理工大学无线电技术系,获学士学位。 1981年李东生以工程师的身份进入TCL的前身——TTK家庭电器有限公司。 1990年李东生担任惠州市电子通讯总公司副总经理、党委副书记兼团委书记。 1993年李东生担任TCL电子集团公司总经理。 1996年李东生成功出任TCL集团有限公司董事长兼总裁。 2003年李东生担任TCL 集团董事会主席兼CEO。 2007年获芝加哥美中论坛"企业领袖睿智奖"; 2008年李东生获得了"德勤企业家奖"(于巴塞罗那); 2009年李东生被评为"CCTV中国经济年度人物十年商业领袖";并获得了由品牌中国 授予的"60年60位品牌功勋人物"荣誉称号;
电视 系列 Z11A-3D系列 V7300A-3D系列 E5300A系列 E5000-3D系列 E5010系列 X9200-3D系列 V8200-3D系列 T158E系列
手机通讯 系列 Andriod智能 SNS互联网交友系列 Simple简约系列
Design Innovation • As one of the world’s leading consumer electronics manufacturers, we have realized that enhancing design and innovation ability will help the enterprise to “keep a foothold at home and reach out to the world” and create a real globalized brand. In 2001, TCL launched the first bejeweled mobile phone in the world; in 2006, the Eiffel-Tower-shaped B68 Dazzle Dance LCD TV; and in 2007, the E72 colored-covering LCD TV won TCL a German Red Dot Design Award—the “Oscars” of the industrial field. As the first of China’s household appliance enterprises to receive this honor, TCL is comparable to other international brands in industrial design at present
TCL环境保护与可持续发展 履行环境保护责任、推进人与自然和谐发展,是 TCL 集团可持续发展计划中的重要组成部分。我们一直致力于环境保护与循环经济发展的建设: 改善环境管理体制——我们在各生产企业积极推行先进的环境管理体系,促进可持续发展; 通过产品降低环境负荷——我们不断深化和细化内部管理,创新节能环保工艺,开发环境保护类产品; 生产活动中的环境保护——我们在生产活动中考虑降低环境负荷和风险,降低对水电等资源的消耗,通过对废物的回收和综合利用,推动循环经济产业发展; 环保产业的持续发展——我们积极进行环境交流活动,参与政策制定,推动环境保护产业持续发展。
Social Welfare • To support international aid and be an international citizen • Any enterprise that successfully participates in internationalization and taking its way towards globalization is required to be fully integrated into foreign cultures. To implement corporate social responsibility and take upon itself world corporate citizen is an important bridge for an enterprise to establish trust with stakeholders at its operating locations. With TCL accelerating its pace of globalization, its corporate citizen actions in Vietnam and France have won more and more local appreciation and respect.
人员 • 编辑兼监制:陈星龙 • 其他成员:叶富森、朱泽威、杨志友