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Week 4…are we having fun yet?. Haas, SMV projections. REVIEW. SKULL cranial bones, facial bones cranial bones skull cap ( calvarium ) cranial base (cranial floor) 8 cranial bones name the bones name landmarks on each bone name articulation's with each bone
Week 4…are we having fun yet? Haas, SMV projections
REVIEW SKULL cranial bones, facial bones cranial bones skull cap (calvarium) cranial base (cranial floor) 8 cranial bones name the bones name landmarks on each bone name articulation's with each bone Special Attention to Temporal Bone organs of hearing and balance sections of ear external middle inner membranous osseous
REVIEW SKULL MORPHOLOGY skull types mesocephalic-medium brachycephalic-broad dolichocephalic-narrow Know Degrees of petrous ridge and sagittal plane
REVIEW SKULL TOPOGRAPHY Know all palpable landmarks inion gonion glabella nasion outer canthus inner canthus acanthion supercilliary arches mental point TEA EAM aveolar process widest part of skull SOM are there more?
REVIEW Know all positioning planes: MSP OML-radiographic baseline IMOL GAL GML AML MML IPL MCP
REVIEW TEMPORAL BONE anatomy organs of hearing and balance external ear auricle, tragus, EAM middle ear tympanic membrane, attic, cavity, auditory tube (Eustachian), passage to nasopharynx, auditory ossicles, communication pathways inner ear membranous labyrinth osseous labyrinth cochlea, vestibule, semi-circular canals pathology otosclerosis acoustic neuroma choleasteaoma
Positioning PA Axial (Haas) • CR 25 degrees cephalad entering 1 1/2 “ below occipital protuberance. • CR exits 1 ½” superior to nasion
Positioning SMV (Schüller) • CR enters the MSP of the throat between angles of mandible • Passes through a point ¾”anterior to EAMS.
SMV (Schüller) Radiograph • Adequate penetration of cranial base • Equal distance from lateral border of skull to condyles • SI of mental protuberance over anterior frontal bone • Condyles anterior to petrous ridges • Symmetric petrosa
VSM (Schüller) Radiograph • Adequate penetration of cranial base • Equal distance from lateral border of skull to condyles • SI of mental protuberance over anterior frontal bone • Condlyes anterior to petrous ridges • Symmetric petrosae
Skull fractures Linear Depressed Basal skull Gunshot wounds Pituitary Adenomas Subdural hematoma Neoplasms Metastases Osteolytic Osteoblastic Combo of both Multiple myeloma Paget’s Disease Acoustic neuroma Indications for Cranial Radiography
Fracture Types • Skull fractures • Basal Skull Fx: suggested by air fluid level in sphenoid sinus, bleeding from ear or presence of CSF • Linear-Sharp translucent line, may be straight or angled, may cross vascular grooves and cause sutural widening. • Depressed- may have curvilinear dense edges, serious, may require tangential projections • ping pong fx-usually found in children, similar to greenstick