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Committee Members: Michael Tipton (Co-Chair) David Winkler (Co-Chair) Ben Miller Chris Meyer Dr. Monteic Sizer Staff Liaisons: Catherine Fletcher Liz Frischertz Regular Attendees: Nikos Maris Charles Thomas Barbara Freiberg. Overview.
Committee Members: Michael Tipton (Co-Chair) David Winkler (Co-Chair) Ben Miller Chris Meyer Dr. Monteic Sizer Staff Liaisons: Catherine Fletcher Liz Frischertz Regular Attendees: Nikos Maris Charles Thomas Barbara Freiberg Overview
Held 5 meetings between July 7th and August 8th with average attendance of 2/3 of the committee and 3-4 additional community members Heard presentations and reports from: EBR District Personnel on budgets, grants, transportation, innovations, finance & other areas Principals (EBR and Charter) on autonomy and their recommendations for effective operation Overview
In annual reports publish Dollars allocated per student compared to last year and previous years % of funds spend on students and school based services compared to last year and previous years In annual reports, outline priorities, funding last year and funding this year in rank order Full implementation of student based budgeting to schools by 2015 % of funding directed towards students and school level as follows: 2020 – 80% 2019 – 79% 2018 – 78% 2017 – 77% 2016 – 76% 2015 – 75% 2014 – 74% 2013 – 73% 2012 – 72% Metrics for Strategy #2
1. Pursue bids for non-student based services to ensure that privatizing services won’t allow better, more cost efficient operations. Also consider joining services with other city organizations, for example city busses for some situations. 2. Annual public report card on financial efficiency within school system including % of money spent directly on students, efficiencies found, return on investment etc 3. Annually benchmark East Baton Rouge Parish data to comparable and high performing districts across Louisiana and the US for: (1) number of central office employees (2) the breakdown of these employees by work area (3) both data points compared to number of students served and (4) % of funding spent on academic expenses. Share data with the public 4. Reauthorize a cost reduction study (previously conducted for the system by Postlewaite and Netterville) 5. Create, as needed, a non-profit foundation for the school system, staff this office as appropriate to pursue private, public and other grants to attract additional resources to the system. Tactics for Strategy #3
Annual report on progress of the above including comparison to high performing districts across the US and above EBR becoming a top 10 school system in terms of financial efficiency by 2020 in each of the metrics outlined above Implementation of the cost reduction study by 6 months after implementation of this plan Increased private and national grant funding to be comparable and exceed similarly sized school districts nationally; Annual report on grant receipts broken down by stream Metrics for Strategy #3
1. Establish a Principal academy to support the leadership development of new Principals and provide additional support for struggling Principals and leaders. 2. Ensure maximal Principal autonomy to hire all staff within the school up to the limits of Louisiana law. Ultimately the only barrier to Principals determine their own staff members should be the actual laws in place and not district policy or historical practice. Train principals (and other leadership) on the existing laws, rules and procedures for how to remove underperforming teachers (and leaders) within the current regulations. 3. Identify for the community at large the laws that complicate this and what would be appropriate solutions in the districts mind so that lobbying groups and others can know how to help the district pursue leadership autonomy 4. Ensure Superintendent directly has the ability to hire/ fire Principals in line with the contracts and benchmarks set; minimize intermediate management but reframe in support model for Principals that they can opt into as (1) full support, (2) intermediate support or (3) significant autonomy. Tactics for Strategy #4
Publication of district “wish list” for laws to be changed within 6 months of implementation Increase in data from Principal survey that there were allowed to hire the staff they want to eventually reach 100% by 2020 Data on # of Principals in each management category with an increase in the number of Principals seeking and prospering under autonomy Metrics for Strategy #4
1. Underperforming teachers are removed as indicated by to LA’s new value added law (see Human Capital Subcommittee for more details) 2. Principals are given 2-3 year contract with clear benchmarks for progress as dictated by the state of the school, district, staff etc and are removed when progress towards these marks is not recorded by the end of the contract 3. Annual goal setting for all schools, district units and district employees with at least quarterly benchmarks for progress. For all schools and major united should be published as part of increased transparency 4. Set measurable annual goals for the superintendent and periodically review goals versus performance 5. Link teacher and leader pay to expectations, performance and results Tactics for Strategy #5
Annual publication of goals and progress towards these goals for schools, departments and superintendent Annual publication of the % of teachers, Principals & schools making progress at the identified and expected rates. Publication of the numbers of these leaving the system and how both sets of data compare to other benchmark districts. Metrics for Strategy #5
1. Annual published book & website (by July 1 of each school year) highlighting the results, leadership etc of each school and how to contact schools. Include all charters and autonomous schools within the district. 2. Annual report card on board and senior leadership highlighting progress towards goals and benchmarks expected 3. Use state’s teacher and results database to make it easy for parents and community members to search EBR website to get SPS scores, teacher passing rates on tests etc Tactics for Strategy #6
Completion of the above within one year(s) time of implementation Continued and effective publication of these Metrics for Strategy #6
Strategy #7:Adapting the Operating Model to Seize Efficiencies
1. Create a district wide choice for parents allowing them to attend either their locally zoned school or a school of their choice within the district 2. Institute a “stay date” after which mobility between schools is not allowed in order to minimize mobility 3. Fully open and operate the district truancy center. 4. Create a single point of contact for charters, autonomous schools and other types of schools so that parents, charters and other can be included in district advertising and choice. Tactics for Strategy #7
Annual parent survey data for questions around “my child goes to a school that I consider to be excellent and the right fit for them” Data around rate of student mobility and stability Annual publication of “wait list” length for any schools that choice would allow to grow larger than current constraints (physical plant etc) allow along with reasons for this restriction Opening of district truancy center Metrics for Strategy #7