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Title III Year 4 Improvement Plan March 16, 2011 Student Achievement and School Support Division. LEA Plan. LEA Plan Addendum. SPSA Plans. APS, ISS, ELSSA, DAS etc. Title III Year IV Plan. Allocation Plans. Title I or II Action Plans. MDUSD Goals & Objectives.
Title III Year 4 Improvement Plan March 16, 2011 Student Achievement and School Support Division
LEA Plan LEA Plan Addendum SPSA Plans APS, ISS, ELSSA, DAS etc. Title III Year IV Plan Allocation Plans Title I or II Action Plans MDUSD Goals & Objectives Master Plan for English Learners School Safety Plan
Title III Accountability • Year 1: An LEA that fails to meet one or more AMAOs is identified for improvement status under Title III. • Year 2: An LEA that fails to meet one or more AMAOs for two years advances to Title III Year 2 Status. LEA must write an Improvement Plan. • Year 4: An LEA that fails to meet one or more AMAOS for four consecutive years advances to Title III Year 4 status. LEA must write plan and report progress to a county monitor.
Review of AMAOs AMAO I ELs at Beginning, Early Intermediate, and Intermediate must gain one proficiency level. ELs at Early Advanced and Advanced must reach the English proficient level (bring all skills up to intermediate level). ELs at English Proficient level are expected to maintain that level. Determined by CELDT AMAO 2 Early Advanced or Advanced Overall Skill area scores (L, S, R, W) at the Intermediate level or above Starting 2009/2010, AMAO 2 will be disaggregated by those students who have been in our program less or more than 5 years. Determined by CELDT
Review of AMAOs (continued) AMAO 3 EL subgroup must meet AYP targets in English language arts and mathematics. • Students must meet participation rate targets • Students must meet percent proficient or above targets • EL subgroup for AYP includes R-FEP students until they score Proficient or above 3 times on the CST in English language arts. • Determined by CST, CAPA, CMA, and CAHSEE
Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) AMAO 1: Annual Progress in Learning English (measured by CELDT) 2008-2009 51.6 2009-2010 53.1 MDUSD (09/10) 54.8 2010- 2011 54.6 AMAO 2: Attain English Proficiency over time (measured by CELDT) 2008-2009 30.6 2009-2010 Two targets: 17.4% (< 5 yrs)/ 41.3% (5 yrs +) MDUSD (09/10) 17.1% 42.3% 2010-2011 Two targets: 18.7% (< 5 yrs)/ 43.2% (5 yrs +) AMAO 3: Meeting Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for the EL Subgroup (measured by CST, CAPA, CAHSEE) 2008-2009 E/LA 45% Mathematics 45.5% 2009-2010 E/LA 56% Mathematics 56.4% MDUSD (09/10) E/LA 30.2% Mathematics 38.7% 2010-2011 E/LA 67% Mathematics 67.3%
Three Action Plans 1) Implement and monitor consistent ELD instruction and monitor the placement of students across the district. 2) Effective and consistent application and monitoring of SDAIE strategies for English learners in English language arts. 3) Effective and consistent application and monitoring of SDAIE strategies for English learners in mathematics.
Action Plan 1: Consistent ELD Instruction • English learners will be appropriately placed in ELD classes/ sections. • ELD materials will be consistently implemented district wide. • Edge and Inside materials used in secondary schools • Decisions will need to be made about materials to be used in elementary ELD classes • ELD instruction will explicitly teach vocabulary, syntax, grammar, functions and conventions in English using SBE adopted curriculum. • LEA and site administration at elementary, middle and high school levels will verify that ELD appropriate instruction is provided to all EL daily until they are no longer classified as English learners. • Audit of services for English learners and re-writing of a new Master Plan for English Learners.
Action Plan 2: Consistent use of SDAIE strategies in English language arts • Effective research based instructional strategies will be used to support the instruction for English Learners in ELA • Teaching academic vocabulary • Checking for understanding • Increased opportunities for oral language practice • Develop a support/professional development plan for the implementation of these strategies into daily classroom practice. This PD Plan will be developed at the next Elementary, Middle, and High School Principals Meetings. • Monitor the use of these strategies
Action Plan 3: Consistent use of SDAIE strategies in mathematics • Effective research based instructional strategies will be used to support the instruction for English learners in Mathematics • Teaching academic vocabulary • Checking for understanding • Increased opportunities for oral language practice • Develop a support/professional development plan for the implementation of these strategies into daily classroom practice. This PD Plan will be developed at the next Elementary, Middle, and High School Principals Meetings. • Monitor the use of these strategies
Progress Monitoring DatesCOUNTY OFFICE LEAD- ELVIA TEIXEIRA • March 2011 • June 2011 • September 2011 • December 2011 • March 2012 • June 2012 T3/Y2
Next Steps . . . • What support and/or professional development will your teachers need in order to effectively implement these three strategies? • What support and/or professional development will you need in order to monitor the effectiveness of these strategies? • Please bring your ideas to your next principals’ meeting. T3/Y2
Questions?? Susan Petersen, Director, Elementary Denise Rugani, Director, Secondary Jennifer Sachs, Assistant Director Carmen Garces, Administrator, School Support