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Why are not QA systems equal?

Why are not QA systems equal?. Commonalities and specificities of QA Systems. Claudio Dondi – SCIENTER / MENON Network EQAVET Projects Support Unit Bonn, 12 th – 13 th September 2011. Within VET (1/2) - Institutional Levels -. Commonalities. Level specificities. EQAVET – EU Level.

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Why are not QA systems equal?

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  1. Why are not QA systems equal? Commonalities and specificities of QA Systems Claudio Dondi – SCIENTER / MENON Network EQAVET Projects Support Unit Bonn, 12th – 13th September 2011

  2. Within VET (1/2)- Institutional Levels - Commonalities Level specificities EQAVET – EU Level QA at state/FED level Vet System QA at VET providers

  3. Within VET (2/2)- iVET / cVET - Commonalities Specificities QA in iVET QAin cVET

  4. Among Lifelong Learning Sectors Commonalities Specificities QA in corporate training QAin VET QA in HE QA in Adult Learning QA in general secondary school

  5. Is there a rationale for integration? • Among institutional levels • Between iVET and cVET • Between work place-based and school-based VET in dual systems • Among LLL sectors

  6. Inputs from the PRIME project • Goals for quality assurance and improvement have to be clear and set up from the beginning in common. • All relevant stakeholders should be involved. • EQAVET is a framework were other existing systems can comply fit. • The PRIME initiative is now especially working on the VET providers, but why not using good practices for QA at system level? System level has a different set of stakeholders. • The NQARP can play a role in supporting also other organizations in making a similar experience. • Involving people at all levels in the organization gives ‘a good average of the perspectives of QA”. “Nothing is wrong, but it is from another point of view.”

  7. What can we learn? • To be open minded and receptive of new ideas. • To identify, compare and integrate elements of good practice. • To document the steps, the difficulties, the solutions and the outcomes of QA and QDevelopment. How can we cooperate? • Appreciating other views and checking if they can be applied to our problem/context • Engaging in EQAVET Projects community of practice

  8. How will the EQAVET Projects Community of Practice Work? This has to be defined together! … But some input for co-creation is in Part C

  9. CoP Building Blocks • Domain ______________________________ • Community ___________________________ • Practice ______________________________

  10. Some CoP success factors • Moderators / Facilitators • Critical mass of ACTIVE members • Management support • Topic focus based on practical issues, problem solving • Passion, drive, motivation • Supporting technology • Knowledge transfer and dissemination mechanisms • Trust between the members, no hierarchies

  11. Examples of activities

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