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What time is it?

Start. What time is it?. Can you tell the time in English? It’s easy! First let’s learn the correct expressions:. When the small hand is on twelve we say the hour and o’clock. It’s one o’clock. When the small hand is on six we say half past + the hour. It’s half past two.

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What time is it?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Start What time is it?

  2. Can you tell the time in English? It’s easy! First let’s learn the correct expressions:

  3. When the small hand is on twelve we say the hour and o’clock It’s one o’clock

  4. When the small hand is on six we say half past + the hour It’s half past two

  5. When the small hand is on three we say (a) quarter past + the hour It’s (a) quarter pastone

  6. When the small hand is on nine we say (a) quarter to + the hour It’s (a) quarter toone

  7. Now, look at the clock and check the expressions

  8. o'clock five to five past ten to ten past (a) quarter to (a) quarter past twenty past twenty to twenty five past twenty five to half past

  9. Remember to say the minutes then to or past and the hour OK! Now let’s practise

  10. OK! Now let’s practise. Look at each clock and choose the correct answer

  11. It’s five to five. It’s five past five. It’s eleven to five.

  12. It’s seven hour. It’s past seven oc’clock. It’s seven o’clock.

  13. It’s seven to three. It’s thirty five past three. It’s twenty five to three.

  14. It’s ten past twenty five. It’s five past ten. It’s twenty-five past ten.

  15. It’s eight to ten. It’s ten past eight. It’s ten to eight.

  16. It’s three past half. It’s six past three. It’s half past three.

  17. It’s twelve past four. It’s four past twenty. It’s twenty past twelve.

  18. It’s three past seven. It’s quarter to seven. It’s quarter past seven.

  19. It’s eight to eleven. It’s twenty past eleven. It’s twenty to eleven.

  20. It’s seven past twelve. It’s twenty five to eleven. It’s twenty-five to twelve.

  21. It’s six and thirteen. It’s three past six. It’s thirteen past six.

  22. It's four past seven. It’s twenty to seven. It’s twenty past seven. END

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