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Learn how to manage data in MS Access and organize files using Windows Explorer, including creating tables, relating tables, navigating folders, and executing Windows Explorer. Understand data storage types and access methods.
Objectives for this week (9/03 – 9/05) • Do this right now: Login to the COBA server using your NetID. • Today: I will explain the logistics of course including course file placement for tutorials. • MS Access: • Understand the basic data objects that are created and stored by MS Access. • Understand how to create and relate tables in a database. • Understand how Windows and Access work together to store and retrieve data.
What types of data are stored on a computer? • Video, pictures, audio • Email • Web pages • Word processing documents • PowerPoint-type presentations • Structured data: Pre-defined formats such as employee, customer, student, registration data.
How is data stored? • Within a file structure. To see the file structure: Execute two copies of the Windows operating system file management utility called “Windows Explorer”. • Windows Explorer is accessed from the “start” button (lower left corner of the screen). • Select “All Programs” • Select “Accessories” • Select “Windows Explorer”
Organizing Files and Folders • A file is a collection of bytes that has a name and is stored in a computer. • A file can store a “program” or “data” • Organize files by storing them in folders • Disks contain folders that hold files • USB drives • Compact discs (CDs) • Digital video discs (DVDs) • Hard disks • Each drive is assigned a letter in the Windows operating system
Understanding the Need for Organizing Files • Windows (and all other operating systems) organizes folders and files in an hierarchy, or file system • So many files, must have organization method. • Windows stores the folders and important files it needs to turn on the computer in its root directory; must be able to access them quickly. • Folders stored within other folders are called subfolders
Navigating to Your Data Files • The file path is a notation that indicates a file’s location on your computer G:\FM\Tutorial\Map.png • G: is the drive name • FM is the top-level folder on drive G • Tutorial is a subfolder in the FM folder • Map.png is the full filename with the file extension
Managing Folders and Files • Creating a folder • In the Navigation pane, click the drive or folder in which you want to create a folder. • Click New folder on the toolbar. • Type a name for the folder, and then press the Enter key.
Working with Folders and Files • Moving and Copying Files and Folders • Moving a file removes it from its current location and places it in a new location you specify • Copying places the file in both locations • Naming and Renaming Files • Filenames provide important information about the file, including its contents and purpose • Main part of the filename • File extension • A filename extension identifies file type and indicates program in which file was created • Deleting Files and Folders • Recycle Bin is an area on your hard disk that holds deleted files until you remove them permanently
Book Example: Belmont Landscapes Company provides landscape architecture services including analyzing sites, developing plans and performing construction work. Wants to have a way to keep track of the work that will be done for customers (“contracts”) and then have a way to charge those customers (“invoices”) once the work has been completed.
Overview of MS Access • Data Management Software • Has the following objects: • Tables: Object to store data. This is the only data storage object in Access. • Queries: Object to view data stored in tables. Can be used to filter data, reformat data, create calculations, create aggregations, create summarizations. • Forms: Object to enter data into a table in “pretty” format. Also used to view data in a “pretty” format on a screen. • Reports: Object to view data in a “pretty” format on paper.
Queries Table(s) Report(s) Form(s)
Where is all this stored in Access? • Access creates a composite file with an .accdb extension. • All tables, queries, forms, and reports associated with a given database are stored in a single composite file. • Should I use one .accdb file for everything I ever do with Access? • NO! • A database should store related data. • You will create a database to store the contract data required for tutorial #1. • You will create a different database to store the data required for the Access project.