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Technology in ESOL Classrooms & Preparing Teachers for Successful Integration. TESOL Intersession Presentation: Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) And Elementary Education Interest Sections ********.
Technology in ESOL Classrooms & Preparing Teachers for Successful Integration TESOL Intersession Presentation: Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL)And Elementary Education Interest Sections******** Presenters: Dr. Christel Broady, Dr. Karen Kuhel, Ellen Dougherty, Margaret McKenzie, Stacey Abbott, Sandra Annette Rogers, and Benjamin Fabie
Session Summary The panel explores successful integration of technology in ELL elementary classrooms, considering the why (research findings) and how (practical examples and demonstration of technology). It also discusses training: 1) how teachers can be successfully prepared in teacher education programs, and 2) two online TESOL professional development opportunities in technology.
Technology Integration into TESOL Teacher Education Programs Dr. Karen Kuhel Kennesaw State University Dr. Christel Broady Georgetown College
The Need For Technology in Teacher Education Programs • Technological natives vs. technological immigrants • Resistance based upon lack of understanding • Teacher Educator • Preservice Teacher • Practicing Teacher • Need to meet teacher education program standards* • Accreditation • P-12 – NCATE • General Education • Common Core • NETS • TESOL • TESOL technology standards *example is from the United States
The How of Technology in TESOL Teacher Education Programs • Stand alone technology course • Introductory technology course + intentional systematic embedding of technology throughout rest of program • Only intentional systematic embedding of technology throughout program
The Pedagogy of Sustainability • Develop knowledge and skills to consider which technology best meets the needs of a specific teaching/learning situation • Develop skills in specific technologies • Develop Communities of Practice in order to sustain systematic appropriate use of technology(ies) for academic achievement
Determine which technology best meet the needs of a specific teaching/learning situation Pedagogically, how can teacher education programs help preservice and practicing teachers become reflective consumers of technology? • Situate technology learning and application within the content and context of the classroom; • Stress active reflection on the effectiveness of all areas of instruction (content, language, and technology); • Utilize project-based collaborative learning • Draw on resources from others who have a long history of using technology to develop differentiation of instruction
-- http://cast.org/udl/index.html http://bookbuilder.cast.org/model.php
Creating Communities of Practice Via Asynchronous Technology And Social Media
Blog http://gtownesl.blogspot.com/
Twitter http://twitter.com/GeorgetownESL?evid=UPFMfuTrr0SbgmK9h30o%2F0zwNtW%2FKdbK1F5Zz%2FpY3q4%3D&utm_campaign=newfollow20100823&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=email&utm_source=follow
Webpage http://kentuckyclassroom.org/georgetownesl/ Should represent the latest professional news and development
Wiki Build Knowledge
Professional Leadership • Become an active member in professional organizations • Contribute to the profession • Model advocacy on the levels of school, state, and beyond
Consultation • Skype • Google Chat • Google documents for review • Drop Box
How will Teachers Be Prepared? 5 ESL Endorsement courses weaving technology with content, accreditation standards, Praxis exam content, and anything else required of a program. Practical examples:
Technology in Course Work • Methods: • Technology Review Project • Lesson Plan using technology • Assessment: • Analysis of all assessments one ESL student undergoes • Design of a school-wide PD via technology • Linguistics • Electronic voice and writing sample analysis • Creation of e-book for all candidates • Cultural Communication • Thorough www research on one culture and language group, interviews, home visits, PD via technology • Leadership • Analyze school data of ESL students electronically • Design of a school-wide PD via technology
Technology Integration – The school district Perspective Margaret McKenzie Cobb County Georgia School District
Cobb County School DistrictWho are we? Second largest school district in GA 114 schools 106,642 students 8,000 ELLs and 2,000 ELL-Ms
Some District Level Challenges • ESOL teachers spread over wide area and in multiple schools • Limited face-time for district staff to meet with school level staff • Limited technology support and training • Highly transient population
“Administrators play a pivotal role in determining how well technology is used in our schools.” http://www.iste.org/standards/nets-for-administrators.aspx iste (International Society for Technology in Education) NETS-A (National Educational Technology Standards)
The hallmarks of the new school leader Critical understanding: 1. For administrators to create and sustain a culture that supports digital-age learning, they must become comfortable collaborating as co-learners with colleagues and students around the world.
The hallmarks of the new school leader Critical understanding: 2. In today’s digital learning culture, it’s less about staying ahead and more about moving forward as members of dynamic learning communities. Administrators convey a vision for technology infusion and ensure development of their own technology skills and those of others.
ISTE NETS and Performance Indicators for Administrators (NETS-A) • Visionary Leadership • Digital-Age Learning Culture • Excellence in Professional Practice • Systemic Improvement • Digital Citizenship
So…how can technology help district level staff support their colleagues in higher ed and on the local school level?
Quick access to information and resources Websites or blogs • Cobb ESOL Blog • Cobb FL/ESOL Tech Integration Blog
Online collaboration Wikis (PBWorks) GoogleDocs DropBox Blackboard Skype
Information gathering GoogleDocs– online forms, spreadsheets
Technology integration into the elementary classroom – School Administrative perspective Stacey Abbott Cobb County School District
Belmont Hills ElementaryWho are we? • Entire certified staff has ESOL certification or endorsement (1 ½ yr) • Alternative model approved by the state-reduced class model serving students within general ed by esol/gen ed teachers 45% African American 54% Hispanic 1% White & other Highest poverty school in Cobb County, GA 98.5% Free Reduced Lunch 50+% transience rate 45+% ELL or ELL-M
Using Technology with ELLs School Administration Level • Develop Teacher Buy-In • Dedicate Support & Materials • Dedicate Time • Develop Accountability
Our Staff Back Then Apprehensive Adopters ReluctantAdopters Early Adopters
Developing Buy In Monitoring for Student Achievement- Built Accountability
Dedicate Support & Materials • Initial training to use new technology provided by companies (Promethean, Active Studio/Inspire) • Local school Technology Integration Specialist continued support during collaboration time (document cameras, CPS, iRespond) • Continued to purchase/seek curricular resources to use with technologies • Recently added an ipod cart for use with ELLs
Dedicate Time • Collaboration- 2 hour protected collaboration (Learn, hyperlink into units, skype) • Unit planner development-use of shared drive • Peer Observations to learn from each other