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Research Program on Single-Bubble Sonoluminescence: History, Status, and Future Plans

Discover the history, organization, and focus of the groundbreaking Single-Bubble Sonoluminescence (SBSL) research program. Learn about the current status and upcoming initiatives at Nanjing University and the Academic Sinica TEXONO group.

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Research Program on Single-Bubble Sonoluminescence: History, Status, and Future Plans

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  1. Research program on Single-Bubble Sonoluminescence (SBSL) 1.History and overview of SBSL 2.Research organization and focus 3.Present status and future plans Nanjing University and Academic Sinica, TEXONO Lu Jia Qi

  2. Overview of SBSL • Discovered in 1989 by Felipe Gaitan. • Energy focus factor: from sound to light • Pulse width is about 100ps • High temperature in the bubble 25 000 K • Underlying physics is not very clear.

  3. D-D fusion in the bubble R. P. Taleyarkhan et al Science March 8, 2002 Evidence for Nuclear Emissions During Acoustic Cavitation tritium decay activity and neutron emission High temperature: K Is it true?

  4. Research focus To understand underlying physics Use event-by-event “HEP style” studies to detect detailed distributions (rather than just average) To study possible high energy radiation Use advanced detector, electronics and analysis techniques to detect neutrons, photons, x-ray andγ-ray

  5. Our collaboration • Academic Sinica (AS), TEXONO group physics, coordination, data acquisition and data analysis • China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) neutron detection • Nanjing University (NU) electronics support • National Tsing Hua University (NTHU)laser techniques

  6. Summary of present status • Produce stable SBSL in water at AS. • Set up version 1 DAQ and analysis. • Work on parameter monitor and control: 1. temperature 2. concentration of air 3. acoustic pressure • Work on SBSL in organic liquid for detection x-ray

  7. Our setup

  8. PAW output

  9. SL intensity with time

  10. Future plans • To set up multi-channel detector and DAQ • SBSL in water (heavy water) and organic liquid with scintillator materials at AS.to detect neutron and x-ray • Repeat Taleyarkhan’s experiment at CIAE. to confirm the D-D Fusion in SL • Applications of laser techniques to SBSL at NTHU to measure bubble dynamics, pulse width etc.

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