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Keystone English 10. Vocabulary #6 – Words of Sadness, Pain, Grief etc. PART 1 (13 words). Ascetic (adjective). Definition: Shunning pleasures; self-denying; austere.
Keystone English 10 Vocabulary #6 – Words of Sadness, Pain, Grief etc. PART 1 (13 words)
Ascetic (adjective) • Definition: Shunning pleasures; self-denying; austere • Context Sentence: The conservative and ascetic Puritans of the early Massachusetts colony rigidly suppressed many forms of pleasure and recreation.
Ascetic (noun) • Definition: A person who shuns pleasures and lives simply • Context Sentence: The monk was an ascetic who had given up all worldly pleasures and possessions to live a life of service to God.
Chagrin (noun) • Definition: embarrassment;mortification; disappointment • Context Sentence: Imagine my chagrin when I realized that I had worn mismatching shoes to school!
Chagrined (adjective) • Definition: ashamed; mortified • Context Sentence: When my egregious mistake was pointed out to me, I felt deeply chagrined.
Compunction (Noun) • Definition: regret; remorse; qualm; scruple • Usually used with “no” to indicate having no regret or remorse • Context Sentence: The girl felt no compunction about tattling on her younger brother when he broke her favorite toy.
Contrite (Adjective) • Definition: Showing deep regret and sorrow for wrongdoing; penitent; repentant; remorseful • Context Sentence: Believing the young offender to be truly contrite, the judge sentenced him to five years of probation and counseling instead of prison time.
Contrition (Noun) • Definition: Repentance; remorse; penitence • Context Sentence: Many Nazi war criminals showed little to no contrition for the atrocities they committed during World War II.
Dejected (Adjective) • Definition: Sad; low in spirits; depressed; downcast • Context Sentence: During the NCAA tournament, Mrs. Custer is elated when UNC wins, but will be dejected if they lose.
Dejection (Noun) • Definition: Sadness; depression; lowness of spirits • Context Sentence: I could tell my children were going to miss their father by the dejection that was evident on their faces as he left for his trip.
Disconsolate (Adjective) • Definition: Cheerless; inconsolable • Context Sentence: Hannah and Tyler were absolutely disconsolate when they found out that we were going to have to put our dog Buddy to sleep
Disgruntled (Adjective) • Definition: in bad humor; displeased; discontented • Context Sentence: Students often become disgruntled when they are assigned excessive homework.
Doleful (Adjective) • Definition: causing grief or sadness; mournful; lugubrious • Context Sentence: I was greatly affected by the doleful story of WladyslawSzpilman in the movie “The Pianist.”
Glum (Adjective) • Definition: Moody; gloomy • Context Sentence: The rainy, dreary weather seemed to match Samantha’s glum disposition.
Keystone English 10 Honors Vocabulary #7 – Words of Sadness, Pain, Grief etc. PART 2 (13 words)
Lament (Verb) • Definition: mourn; grieve • Context Sentence: Every year on 9/11, we lament the loss of lives that resulted from the tragic event of that day.
Lamentable (Adjective) • Definition: pitiable; rueful • Context Sentence: The reporter won a Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of the lamentable hardships of families living in war-torn Iraq.
Maudlin (Adjective) • Definition: weakly sentimental and tearful • Context Sentence: Movies such as those based on Nicholas Spark’s novels are a bit to emotional and maudlin for my taste.
Nostalgia (Noun) • Definition: a sense of yearning for the past • Context Sentence: Looking at photographs from my childhood, I am overcome with nostalgia.
Nostalgic (Adjective) • Definition: Homesick • Context Sentence: After being away at summer camp for two long weeks, Dave was definitely nostalgic.
Pathetic (Adjective) • Definition: Arousing pity • Context Sentence: Despite his pathetic physical condition, the wounded soldier smiled bravely for the news cameras.
Pathos (Noun) • Definition: a quality in events, literature, music, art, etc. that arouses our pity • Context Sentence: The pathos of the final scene in the movie “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” moves many viewers to tears.
Pensive(Adjective) • Definition: thoughtful in a sad or melancholy way. • Context Sentence: Unlike her outgoing, buoyant sister, Elizabeth was pensive and shy.
Plight (Noun) • Definition: predicament; unfortunate circumstance • Context Sentence: Moved by the plight of thousands of displaced families who lost their homes in the flood, many people donated money and provisions to help those in need.
Poignant (Adjective) • Definition: painfully touching; haunting • Context Sentence: Chapter 3, when Eliezer is separated from his mother and little sister, is one of the saddest and most poignant chapters in the memoir, Night.
Sullen (Adjective) • Definition: resentfully silent; morose • Context Sentence: After being grounded for breaking curfew, Ray was pouty and sullen for the remainder of the weekend.
Throes (Noun - Plural) • Definition: pangs; anguish • Context Sentence: Ginnifer experienced the throes of pain as she struggled to deal with her debilitating arthritis.
Tribulation (Noun) • Definition: Suffering; distress • Context Sentence: The 1845 potato famine was a time of great tribulation in Ireland.