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Strengthening institutional capacity to tackle HIV across borders: the Soul City regional program Bongiwe Ndondo, Renay Weiner, Sue Goldstein. Bongiwe Ndondo Regional AIDS Training Network HIV Capacity Building Summit 19 March 2013. Soul City Regional program.
Strengthening institutional capacity to tackle HIV across borders: the Soul City regional programBongiwe Ndondo, Renay Weiner, Sue Goldstein Bongiwe Ndondo Regional AIDS Training Network HIV Capacity Building Summit 19 March 2013
Soul City Regional program • Launched in 2002, implemented in Lesotho, Malawi. Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe (Botswana & Tanzania). • Introduced a systematic large-scale capacity building programme in eight Southern African countries - combining country–based health communication programmes with a broad regional approach • Designed on the premise that ‘BCC programmes are particularly appropriate to a regional approach, where consistent, coherent messaging is vital given high inter-regional mobility’. • Key principles • Skills and resource sharing • Creating synergy and consistency • Economies of scale
Objectives of the SCRP (2007-2012) • To reduce HIV (and TB) infection and related morbidity, especially among women, children and other vulnerable groups in Southern Africa, by facilitating social and behaviour change • To strengthen the social and behaviour change sector capacity to respond to HIV, broader sexual and reproductive health and other related areas of health.
Operational strategy • Setting uniform standards for research and product development • Building on regional synergies (e.g. in research output and message development) • Sharing skills and resources • Developing cross-border outputs • Capitalising on economies of scale. • Building and working through local (in-country) and regional partnerships and networks
Capacity building approach • Mass media in SBCC • A phase by phase training strategy , combination of mentorship, workshops, hands-on support and technical assistance TV, radio and print media product development • Formative Research • Message development • Script writing • Drama film production (including camera, lighting, sound and art direction) • Finance and budgeting • Leadership & Corporate governance • Resource mobilisation
Evaluation (Process) • To what extent did the Regional Programme: • Facilitated resource sharing and skills sharing across the region? • Strengthened in-country and regional networks and collaboration? • Built and strengthened human resource capacity for SBCC in Southern African? • Contributed to advancing the field of SBCC in the Southern African region – including influencing NACs and SADC structures • Contributed to strengthening the role of SBCC in country or at regional level • What lessons have been learned about the processes which have been employed in the field of SBCC in Southern Africa at a regional level?
Evaluation methodology • Review of relevant documents • KII with stakeholders • From Soul City • In-country implementation partners (who directly received training, support and/or resources from Soul City • employed on the Soul City regional programme, but who have moved on to other relevant work in the region or internationally • Key HIV prevention role players and decision-making bodies (nationally and regionally), such as in-country AIDS structures, peer organisations and regional bodies.
Limitations of methodology • The review was based on the perspective (i.e. the experience and assessment) of programme implementers and broader stakeholders. • The review did not systematically compare this Regional Programme with other regional programmes. • Self-selection for participation in the evaluation may have influenced data to some extent.
1 • To what extent has the Regional Programme facilitated resource sharing and skills sharing across the region? How did resource and skills sharing take place, and how did it add value to the Regional Programme or beyond the Regional Programme?
Skills transfer from experts • ...intense skills-sharing that occurred in the early years through training courses convened regionally • training strategy of combining formal training with regular coaching, mentorship and supervision was considered hugely successful and supportive. • RP gave opportunity to work with and be trained/mentored by high calibre people and helped ‘achieved cost efficiencies’.
Direct resource and skills sharing • Nweti’s(Mozambique) shared its results based Strategic Plan with Desert Soul, who are now following the same process • Nwetiand Pakachere (Malawi) have ‘exchanged a lot of technical and other reports’; • Lusweti(Swaziland) has sought fundraising support by asking Nweti to share part of their fundraisers time. • ‘we are now less reliant on Soul City – we are relying more on each other’ – In country implementing partner
Direct resource and skills sharing • The direct sharing of resources has been made possible by the level of trust that partners have in the quality of the products • Eg. ZCCP (Zambia) adaptation of the Lusweti booklet on alcohol abuse. • This trust factor is deemed ‘critical to fast and cost effective adaptations rather than development of all materials from first principles’ – External service provider/trainee
2 • To what extent has human resource capacity for SBCC in Southern African been expanded through participation in the Regional Programme, including the influence on career pathing – over and above investment in the Centre of Excellence at Wits? How has the Regional Programme contributed to (predominantly) Southern African capacities in SBCC and related disciplines beyond the Regional Programme, (e.g. academic/research institutions, media etc.)?
Increased human capacity • Through the extensive training it undertook in drama production ‘…it created a critical mass of people who understand and are passionate about SBCC across the region’ whose commitment stems not only from the training ‘but also from seeing the quality of work it is possible for them to produce’. External service provider
. ‘I have learned how to write a good edutainment drama, budget management, time saving on production, easier ways of casting, crew and artists management … I have learned the professional way to produce a good edutainment in the time allocated’. External service provider/trainee • ‘Film schools in South Africa are full of the elite – this offered a chance to those with talent but for whom such courses are normally unaffordable, to receive great training’.
Building capacity amongst each other • ...unique platform for producers and script writers to come together and share ideas – ‘creatively and professionally’. • ’I have learned a lot from other writers in the region – creative writing is not a crowded profession… rarely do we get together in the same place….in the beginning we were just creative writers now we are more than that we are specialists’. External service provider/trainee
Capacity to capacitate other organisations and individuals • In country organisations are called upon to provide training for local institutions and organisations. • Eg. Nwetihas provided SBCC training for the Ministry of Women and Social Affairs, UNAIDS partners and others – and has inputted on the DANIDA funded Master Degree in HIV Planning in Mozambique. • ‘With experience and skills gained from the RP I am assisting young people in career counselling – camera work, script writing etc.’ • ‘...they are the go-to organisations’ in country when it comes to research for communications...”
3 • What lessons have been learned about the processes which have been employed in the field of SBCC in Southern Africa at a regional level?
Sustainability • Although it is expected ‘skills built will stay in country the upgrading of skills is very important especially with regard to the move to digitalisation’. External service provider • SC supported the development of local organisations – • ‘supporting people from the ground upwards’ not ‘top down’. • ‘...opened space for sharing ideas, concepts, resources and skills between countries with commonalities and shared problems’ offering a real peer support mechanism. • This was ‘a very different model for development than the North South delivery of TA approach’
Key Successes • Increased influence, extended footprint and experience in managing a regional program • Shared methodology with common standards • Production of quality materials with both local relevance and regional flair (Ability to deal with matters with regional significance) • Consistency in programming and messaging therefore high impact • Economies of scale • Promoted in-country ownership and sustainability • In the process of establishing and formalising a regional coalition
Acknowledgments • Renay Weiner, Sue Goldstein, co-authors • Ann Nolan, Independent evaluator • DFID, Funding • Regional partners