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E NHANCING A TTRACTIVENESS OF E NVIRONMENTAL A SSESSMENT AND M ANAGEMENT HIGHER EDUCATION. Dr. Ralf Aschemann - Joint degree EAM Master programmes - TwoEA -M final conference, Graz. Structure. Definitions Examples from the TwoEA-M guidebook (available at our website) Joint degree
Structure • Definitions • Examples from the TwoEA-M guidebook (available at our website) • Joint degree “M.Sc. Industrial Ecology“ • Closing remarks Joint degree EAM Master programmes
Introducing myself Working for Joint degree EAM Master programmes
ERASMUS MUNDUS (EM) EM Action 1: Joint Programmes including scholarships EM Action 2: Partnerships with Third Country higher education institutions and scholarships for mobility EM Action 3: Promotion of European higher education TwoEA-M is under Action 3 (former Action 4), joint programmes are under Action 1. EC’s objective: EM will become a brand like Fulbright Grant Joint degree EAM Master programmes
EC‘s key goal with EM 1 “EM Action 1 will foster cooperation between higher education institutions and academic staff in Europe and Third Countries with a view to creating poles of excellence and providing highly trained human resources.” “Joint programmes of outstanding academic quality are designed and implemented by a consortium of European universities from at least three different countries. Consortia may also include universities from other parts of the world.” “Programmes include obligatory study and research periods, in at least two universities, and award recognised double, multiple or joint degrees.” Source: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/programme/action1_en.php Joint degree EAM Master programmes
Definitions • A double degree means that two universities offer a common programme and curriculum and the successful students will be awarded with two official degrees from both universities • A multiple degree means, that more than two universities offer a common programme and curriculum and the successful students will be awarded with an official degree from each uni- versity of the consortium, where they did their courses • A joint degree means, that two or more universities offer a common programme and curriculum and the successful stu- dents will be awarded with a joint degree, i.e. a single degree that is officially recognised in all of the consortium countries (even if students didn’t attend courses in all universities of the consortium !) Joint degree EAM Master programmes
Double or multiple degrees identified (1) • Six such programmes have been identified, namely • M.Sc. in Sustainable Community Development together with M.Sc. in Sustainable Water Management (225 univer- sities, co-ordinated by Baltic University Programme) with EM modules; six months, 60 ECTS • M.Sc. in Environmental Technology and Management (FH Oldenburg/GER, Esbjerg University, DK & De Montford University/UK; one year programme with 90 ECTS) • M.Sc. in Environmental Science - Soil, Water and Biodiver- sity (University of Copenhagen/DK, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences/A, Hohenheim University/GER; with EM & EI modules, 2 years, 120 ECTS), 2 univ. with double degree Joint degree EAM Master programmes
Two more multiple degrees • European Master in Tourism Management (EMTM), University of Southern Denmark, University of Ljubljana/SI and University of Girona/ESP; EM module, four years, 120 ECTS; one semester at each university (plus master thesis) 3 degrees, EM mod. • The European Joint Masters of Science in Management and Engineering of Environment and Energy ; Ecole Des Mines De Nantes (EMNANTES)/F, Politechnique University of Madrid/ ESP, Royal University of Technology Sweden (KTH)/SWE, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)/H, and Queens University of Belfast (QUB) in Northern Ireland; two years, 120 ECTS; depending on the students’ pathways two or three degrees (double, triple), EM module Joint degree EAM Master programmes
One more example • Master of Science in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management (MESPOM), co-ordinated by Central European University in Budapest/H; further consortium members are Lund Univ./SWE, University of Manchester/UK, University of the Aegean/GR, Monterey Institute for International Studies/ US, and University of Saskatchewan/CDN; 2 years, 120 ECTS; MESPOM graduates receive three degree certificates (from the University of Lund, University of Manchester and Central European University) no real joint degree, but a multiple one In order to show you a joint degree, I would like to refer to a Future ERASMUS MUNDUS Master Course, starting 2011/12 Joint degree EAM Master programmes
Short definition: Industrial Ecology is studying the material and energy flows through industrial systems M. Sc. Industrial Ecology Joint EAM Master programmes
What is “Industrial Ecology“? • Industrial ecology is an emerging interdisciplinary field combining natural, technical and social sciences in a systems view at scale levels from the global to the local. Its core concept is the analogy between processes in nature (biosphere) and processes in society (techno-sphere). Evolution has resulted in a highly efficient use of materials and energy in biosphere systems: waste from one process is a resource for another. In today's society, resources are exploited, producing unusable waste streams and release of pollutants to soil, water, and air, leading to complex sustainability problems. Society might take lessons from the biosphere to solve these problems. Joint degree EAM Master programmes
Industrial Ecology: Some methods Life cycle analysis (comparing the full range of environmental and social damages assignable to products and services, looking at raw material production, manufacture, distribution, use and disposal including all intervening transportation steps that are necessary or caused by the product's existence; cradle to grave) Material/substance flow analysis (analyzing the flows of a material/substance in defined system on different scales, e.g. national, regional, local, along a industrial supply chain…) Further methods, such as input-output analysis, environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment (EIA/SEA) environmental management systems (EMS), cost- benefit-analysis (CBA) and many others Joint degree EAM Master programmes
Joint degree “M.Sc. Industrial Ecology“ • Title: M.Sc. Industrial Ecology, 2 years, 120 ECTS, including EM and EI modules • Consortium: University of Graz (co-ordinator), Gothenburg Uni – versity of Technology/SWE, Leiden University and Delft Univer- sity of Technology/NL, plus third country partners (for spending a semester outside Europe) Waseda University/JPN, Rochester Institute of Technology/US, Asian Inst. of Technology/TH • Joint degrees awarded by Sweden, Austria (in progress) and Netherlands (currently double degree, joint degree in prep.) plus diploma supplements from US and Asian partners • Students enrolled in 2 (3, or all) of the EU universities of the consortium will be awarded with one degree, acknowledged by all four Joint degree EAM Master programmes
Curriculum structure IE Joint degree EAM Master programmes
Closing remarks • Bologna process Internationalisation trend for European universities, enhancing mobility throughout the EU for students and scholars • Double, multiple and joint degrees as innovative “international” degrees, boosted and supported by the EU, in particular via the ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 1 • EAM contents and education will become even more important in the future, when one is looking at the environmental problems we are facing • English as European university knowledge, at least for the Master level? Joint degree EAM Master programmes
Source: http://www.nicholsoncartoons.com.au/cartoons/new/2004-06-19%20Bush%20slaughters%20English%20Grammar%20Adams%20450302.JPG Joint EAM Master programmes
Thank you … … for your kind attention! Any questions? Joint EAM Master programmes