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Unit 2 Communication And Interpersonal Skills. Nurse Aide I Course. Communication And Interpersonal Skills Introduction. Nurse aides communicate with residents, families, visitors and co-workers. Communication And Interpersonal Skills Introduction (continued).
Unit 2Communication AndInterpersonal Skills Nurse Aide I Course DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Communication And Interpersonal SkillsIntroduction Nurse aides communicate with residents, families, visitors and co-workers. DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Communication And Interpersonal SkillsIntroduction(continued) Nurse aides must frequently send and receive information about the care and observation of residents, report thoughts and feelings as clearly and objectively as possible and interact effectively with others. DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Communication And Interpersonal SkillsIntroduction(continued) Nurse aides need to be aware of nonverbal communications and need to develop skills in communicating with the sensory impaired. DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Communication And Interpersonal SkillsIntroduction(continued) In addition, nurse aides may document on the medical record, which is a legal document. Therefore, all documentation must be in legible, clear and accurate language so that there is no misunderstanding of the meaning. DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Communication Skills DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Objectives 2.0 Demonstrate appropriate and effective communication skills. DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Elements That Influence Relationships With Others • Prejudices • Frustrations • Attitudes • Life Experiences DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Requirements For Successful Communications • A message • A sender • A receiver DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Objectives 2.1 Describe the importance of developing good listening skills. 2.1.1 Identify nine listening skills that can be used by the nurse aide. DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Listening Skills • Show interest • Hear message • Do not interrupt • Ask appropriate questions for clarification DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Listening Skills(continued) • Be patient and help resident express feelings and concerns • Eliminate or reduce distractions • Understand silence can be form of communication DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Objectives 2.1.2 Recognize barriers to effective communication. DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Labeling Talking too fast Avoiding eye contact Belittling a resident’s feelings Physical distance Barriers to Effective Communication DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Mental or sensory impairment on the part of the resident such as: Confusion Blindness Aphasia Hearing impairment Barriers to Effective Communication(continued) DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Barriers to Effective Communication(continued) • Changing the subject • False reassurance • Giving advice • Ineffective communication • Disguised messages • Conflicting messages • Unclear meanings • Clichés DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Interpersonal Skills DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Objectives 2.2 Explain how the nurse aide will need to modify his or her behavior in response to the resident’s behavior. 2.2.1 Define the terms sympathy, empathy and tact. DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Determined by Standards and values Culture and environment Heredity Interests Interpersonal Skills DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Determined by Feelings and stress Expectations others have for us Past experiences Interpersonal Skills(continued) DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Dealing With Resident Behavior • Accept every resident • Listen to every resident • Comply with reasonable requests, when possible DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Dealing With Resident Behavior(continued) • Display patience and tolerance • Make an effort to be understanding DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Dealing With Resident Behavior(continued) • Develop acceptable ways of coping with our own negative feelings • Leave the room after providing for safety • Talk with supervisor, in private, about negative feelings DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Dealing With Resident Behavior(continued) • Develop acceptable ways of coping with our own negative feelings • Involve yourself in physical activity • Learn to use relaxation techniques that ease stress DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Dealing With Resident Behavior(continued) • Be sensitive to residents’ moods • Be able to handle disagreements and criticism DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Treat Residents As Unique Individuals • Do things the residents’ way, when possible • Anticipate their needs • Give good care • Ask for their opinions DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Treat Residents As Unique Individuals(continued) • Be able to see things from the other person’s point of view DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Communicating With Residents and Families DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Objectives 2.3 Develop effective nonverbal and verbal communications skills. 2.3.1 List six examples of nonverbal communication and six examples of effective verbal communication. DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Nonverbal Communication • Body language • Posture • Gestures • Level of activity • Facial expressions • Appearance • Touch DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Verbal Communication • Speak clearly and concisely • Give message by tone of voice • Face resident, at eye level, when speaking DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Verbal Communication(continued) • Avoid words having several meanings • Present thoughts in a logical, orderly manner • Learn to paraphrase DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Objective 2.3.2 Identify proper telephone communication skills. DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Speak clearly in a pleasant tone of voice Identify the area, yourself and your position Ask, “May I help you?” Be courteous Telephone Communication Skills DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Telephone Communication Skills(continued) • Take messages: • name of individual calling • phone number (including area code) • read back message for accuracy • date and time of call DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Telephone Communication Skills(continued) • Take messages (continued): • ask for assistance if you are unable to handle message • permit caller to hang up first • follow proper etiquette DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Objective 2.3.3 Identify actions that would facilitate communication with residents’ family and visitors DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Actions to Facilitate Communication with the Resident’s Family and Visitors • Ask how they are doing • Indicate that you are glad to see them • Tell them about activities the resident has been involved with that day DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Actions to Facilitate Communication with the Resident’s Familyand Visitors (continued) • Be warm and friendly • Use talking and listening skills you would use with resident DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Actions to Facilitate Communication with the Resident’s Familyand Visitors(continued) • Share knowledge about the unit • Visiting hours • Restrictions to visitors • Any restrictions on bringing food • Activities that include family DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Actions to Facilitate Communication with the Resident’s Familyand Visitors(continued) • Report stressful or tiring visits to supervisor • Refer requests for information on the resident’s condition to supervisor DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Actions to Facilitate Communication with the Resident’s Familyand Visitors(continued) • Share information from family/visitors that would affect resident care with supervisor • Report visitor concerns or complaints to supervisor DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Objective 2.3.4 Identify actions that would facilitate communication with hearing impaired residents. DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Encourage to use hearing aid Speak slowly using simple sentences Face resident at eye level when speaking Encourage resident to read lips, if that helps Actions to Facilitate Communication with Hearing Impaired Residents DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Lower pitch of voice Direct speech to stronger ear but do not shout Use gestures when possible to clarify statements Write when necessary Learn basic signing, if appropriate Actions to Facilitate Communication with Hearing Impaired Residents(continued) DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Objective 2.3.5 Identify actions that would facilitate communication with residents that have decreased vision. DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Actions to Facilitate Communication with Residents Who Have Decreased Vision • Sit where resident can best see you • Make sure lighting is sufficient • Encourage resident to touch objects and yourself • Encourage resident to wear his/her glasses DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Use touch and talk frequently to communicate your location Use descriptive words and phrases Actions to Facilitate Communication with Residents Who Have Decreased Vision(continued) DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Objective 2.3.6 Identify actions that would facilitate communication with residents that have difficulty speaking. DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2
Actions to Facilitate Communication with Residents Who Have Difficulty Speaking • Encourage to use hands to point out objects • Use communication boards/card • Repeat what you heard to be sure you understood resident DHSR Approved Curriculum-Unit 2