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Ocean Watch. More Nautical Terms (Pop quiz on the boat). Bow The pointy end of the boat-the forward end Stern The back end Port Left side of the vessel when looking forward Starboard Right side of the vessel when looking forward
More Nautical Terms (Pop quiz on the boat) Bow The pointy end of the boat-the forward end Stern The back end Port Left side of the vessel when looking forward StarboardRight side of the vessel when looking forward CleatA stationary device used to secure a rope aboard a vessel AftTowards the stern (of the vessel) BeamThe width of a vessel at the widest point, or a point alongside the ship at the mid-point of its length Bearing The horizontal direction of a line of sight between two objects on the surface of the earth ChockHole or ring attached to the hull or deck to guide a line through Rope Ropes on boats are called lines AnchorTypically a metal hook-like or plough-like device; often stored at the bow AsternTowards the stern (rear) of a vessel; also something behind the vessel Shrouds Can also be called “Standing Rigging”; lines or cables secured to the mast and the to the sides of a vessel. Used to provide support for the mast. Skipper The captain of a ship Rigging The system of masts and lines on ships and sailing vessels Halyard Lines used to raise a sail. Forestays Long lines or cables, reaching from the bow of the vessel to the mast head, used to support the mast. Fender An air or foam filled bumper used to help keep boats from hitting docks or each other. Buoy Floating object of a defined shape and color, which is anchored at a given position, serves as an aid to navigation. Block A pulley or set of pulleys. Binnacle The stand on which the ship's compass is mounted. Backstays Long lines or cables, reaching from the stern of the vessel to the mast. Used to support the mast. Winch or Windlass Hand or mechanical powered device used with lines of chains to raise anchors, trim sails, or lift heavy objects. Keel Haul An ancient form of punishment on sailing vessels (You do not want to experience keel hauling!)