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Author: Tamika Moseley Topic: Sickle Cell & Nutrition. www.ssnaturalhealing.com Health Consultant Herbalist Global Speaker Sickle Cell Advocate Activist Learn The Risk. Org Project manager for Healing Blends Global Member of Holistic Chamber of Commerce. WHAT IS SICKLE CELL DISEASE?.
Author: Tamika MoseleyTopic: Sickle Cell & Nutrition www.ssnaturalhealing.com Health Consultant Herbalist Global Speaker Sickle Cell Advocate Activist Learn The Risk. Org Project manager for Healing Blends Global Member of Holistic Chamber of Commerce
WHAT IS SICKLE CELL DISEASE? Hemoglobin SS Hemoglobin SC Hemoglobin SB (Beta Thalassemia Beta-Zero Thalassemia SD SE Sickle cell is an inherited blood disease that affects the red blood cells. It’s when a person does not produce enough red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. The cells become “sickled” or “moon” shape and get stuck in the vessels, once this happens chronic pain happens, even strokes, organ damage and death.
SYMPTOMS OF SICKLE CELL In sickle cell, the red blood cells dies off every 10-20 days making it difficult for the body to continue to produce healthy red blood cells on a consistent basis. With the blood cells dying off so quickly, along with low oxygen, this leads to chronic pain, organ damage, strokes, acute chest, death and other chronic conditions. Some of sickle cell symptoms are: - fatigue - pain or pain crisis - dactylitis (swelling and inflammation of the hands and/or feet) - arthritis - splenic sequestration (when the blood gets trapped in the spleen) liver congestion - lung and heart injury - leg ulcers - necrosis and bone infarcts (death of potions of bone) - eye damage - priapism
SICKLE CELL & NUTRITION As a SCD (Sickle Cell Disease) patient its vital that our bodies are functioning at its highest. This begins with getting the most nutrients are bodies need in order to reduce crisis. We NEED essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, Vitamins and 70 plus minerals.. Sickle Cell is a debilitating and painful disease that affects the red blood cells. It’s extremely important to understand that people living with sickle cell will greatly see the benefits when putting proper nutrition and minerals in the body. Plant based foods have been around since the beginning of time and they contains lots of medicinal properties; and these medicinal properties includes: building blood flow, promoting great blood circulation, and increasing oxygen inside the body. In today’s society, many people are eating the wrong foods such as processed foods, white sugar, artificial sweeteners, table salt, additives, food coloring, steroids, chemicals and preservatives, high fructose corn syrup. Certain foods that contains nitrites and nitrates, as well as gluten, wheat and dairy. These foods, because of the way they are processed builds up tons of inflammation and mucous inside the body which can lead to various other chronic conditions. PROCESSED FOODS = ACIDIC
FRESH GREENS - ALKALINE These vegetables contain lots of fiber and essential nutrients. They are relatively low in sugar and will help alkalize and restore your body systems. You can eat them fresh or frozen. Not canned. Artichoke Asparagus Avocado Beet greens Bell peppers (green) Broccoli Brussels sprouts Collard greens Dandelion Cabbage Kale Leeks Mustard greens Okra Parsley Celery Spinach String beans Swiss chard
FRUITS, NUTS & PROTEIN FRUIT: Blueberries, apples, strawberries, kiwi, watermelon, raspberries, bananas, oranges, pears, peach, lychee (loaded with vitamin C, contains 119% of the recommended daily value in one serving) A tropical tree native to South China. NUTS: If you have difficulty digesting nuts, try soaking them in water or buying them sprouted. Never eat roasted nuts, the sugar content is to high. Almonds, Brazil nuts, Cashews, Flaxseeds, ground, Pecans, Pumpkin Seeds, walnuts.. PROTEIN: Organic Chicken, turkey, wild caught fish (salmon, cod, mackerel) OILS: cold-pressed and unrefined: Olive, coconut oil, sesame, sunflower, walnut HERBS AND SPICES: use fresh herbs unlimited to add nutrients and flavor to dishes.. Oregano, basil, mint, rosemary, parsley, cilantro, thyme, chives, dill, sage.. Let’s get creative! SALT: Pink Himalayan salt is the best option.. contains over 84 of the essential trace minerals that makes it nourishing for the body!!!
Milk goes through an extreme process that contains high amounts Of antibiotics, hormones & injected with chemically engineered Growth hormones. Cows aren’t fed on grass, but artificial feed. Then the milk is cooked at high temps which destroys much of it’s nutritional value. The fat in commercial milk is where the fat soluble pesticide residues, hormones and other pollutants ingested by the cows. So basically, we are drinking puss, hormones and antibiotics which builds up inflammation and mucous in the body – this then leads to other chronic conditions.. Antibiotics kills all the bacteria in the gut, we NEED the “good bacteria” when it’s ripped out, this compromises our immune system and it becomes weak.. CONVENTIONAL DAIRY – Protect the Gut
HYDRATION & SICKLE CELL There should be a mix daily that includes water, brewed teas (unsweetened), and electrolyte-enriched drinks (NOT GATORADE, POWERADE, OR ANYTHING WITH ARTIFICIAL FLAVORS, COLORS OR DYES!!!) Homemade electrolyte sport drink • Strawberry Lemonade • 1/2 cup fresh or frozen organic strawberries • 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice • 4 drops of Lemon essential oil • 2 cups of water filtered or purified or raw coconut water • 2 tbsp raw organic honey or maple syrup • 1/8 tsp Himalayan Pink Salt or Celtic sea salt Put all ingredients in a blender and blend well – serve in a mason jar! Make infused water with strawberries, pineapples, watermelon, cucumber Mint leaves.
IMPORTANT VITAMINS/MINERALS – WE NEED FOR OPTIMUM HEALTH D3 – deficiency in D3 has been shown to play a role in almost every major disease. This includes over 17 varieties of cancer (including breast, prostate, and colon), as well as heart disease, bone and joint pain, osteoarthritis, gout, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, rheumatoid arthritis, and more… Being African American, melanin in the skin which blocks the sun rays, we do not get the amount of D3 we need from the sun and in today’s diet, people are not getting sufficient D3 – you can check your D3 levels with your doctor! Iodine - Iodine is a vitally important nutrient that is detected in every organ and tissue; along with being necessary for proper thyroid function it may also play a role in diseases ranging from fibromyalgia to cancer. Worldwide, it's thought that up to 40 percent of the population is at risk of iodine deficiency. Check your iodine levels with your doctor! B Complex - B vitamins are essential to life and wellness, especially when it comes to nervous, brain, and cardiovascular system function. They are vital for energy production & healthy red blood cell formation energy production and function. Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin E