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THE MIDDLE AGES. INDEX. Before M. A. : oral tradition Introduction Medieval Towns The Church Knights Medieval Music Ballads. Before M A: oral tradition. Heroic pagan poems, such as Beowulf, were the earliest monuments of literary England.
INDEX • Before M. A. : oral tradition • Introduction • Medieval Towns • The Church • Knights • Medieval Music • Ballads
Before M A: oraltradition Heroic pagan poems, such as Beowulf, were the earliest monuments of literary England. They were handed down orally from generation to generation and sung by epic singers or bards.
Introduction The Middle Agesstarted in 1066 with the conquestof William I and England belongedto a newking. HebroughtfromEuropefeudalism and gave rise to a pyramidalorganizationof society. Howeveritbeganto break down between 13th and 14thcenturies. Theyended in 1485 whenstarted the Tudor dinasty.
MedievalTowns Medieval towns were strange and noisy places that never seemed welcoming to offsiders. Castles or abbeys often provide a nucleus for a town and rivers and natural harbours influenced its shape. Towns could also be considered as the center of the commerce.
The Church The Church was the most important istitution. At the top of it there was the Pope, the most important person of society. People followed the religious code because they thought salvation was the most important thing of their lives.
Knights At the timeof William the conquerorknightswereessentiallysoldiers, menwhowereskilled in fighting on horseback and wereinterested in theiradvancement. Theyfollow the secular code calledchivalry. A knightwasemployedby a lord whogavehim the necessaryequipmenttopractise and the knight in a returnservedashis lord’s vassal.
MedievalMusic Music during the Middle Ages was an entertainment from town to town and castle to castle. Dancing was also a popular pastime for all classes.
Ballads Ballads are simple, popular songs that tell stories. They are anonimous and have a lot of alliterations and repetition to help the memorization. They are about Supernatural, the conflict on the border between England and Scotland and love.