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This article covers the amendments in the examination bye-laws for classes IX and X by CBSE. It includes information on the introduction of OTBA, PSA, minimum qualifying marks, online evaluation for class X board exams, and school-based evaluation for class IX and X.
Part I : Amendments in Class IX and XExamination bye-laws and PerformanceProfile by CBSE *OTBA for class IX *PSA for classes IX &X *Minimum qualifying marks for class IX *Online/digital evaluation for class X board *SA II School based evaluation Part II :Some important things
OTBA-Open text book assessment Introduction of Open Text-based Assessment in the Summative Assessment II of Class IX *This will be a part of Summative Assessment II *The Schools will be supplied with textual material few months before the commencement of Summative Assessment II. *A textual material may be in the form of an article, a case study, a diagram, a concept/ mind map, a picture or a cartoon, problem/situation based on the concepts taught to the students during second term *It will be applicable to all the main subjects
*The Open Text based Assessment (OTBA) will have questions of higher order thinking skills and some of which may be subjective, creative and open ended *The textual material will be related to chosen concepts taken from the syllabi *It will be to the extent of 15-20 percent in all the main subjects and may also include the Value Based Questions *The textual material supplied earlier will be printed again as part of the question paper and thus will be available while answering the questions.
*The total marks for the question paper for the subjects having OTBA in the SA II will be 100 and the timing will be 3-3 1/2 hours. The overall marks obtained in these subjects will be multiplied by 0.3 marks to make it 30% which is the weightage of SA II *For the subjects with out OTBA element, the question paper will be of 90 marks and the process for computing 30% weightage will remain the same as followed in the previous year i.e. division by 3 to make it 30% Text material for Open Text-based Assessment (OTBA) for classes IX English –Communicative(101) -Information technology and values Mathematics (041) - Planning a garden -Adventure Camp Science (086) -Clean Air- A Shared Concern -Environment and Development -Lessons from the Hills Social Science (087) -A Tale from the Hills -Migration
PSA-Problem Solving Assessment Conduct of Problem Solving Assessment (PSA) for class IX With the objectives of assessing students’ abilities to analyse given life situations, to comprehend and interpret written text and other essential higher order thinking skills, the Board is conducting Problem Solving Assessment (PSA) *It will be compulsory for all students of classes IX *It will comprise of 60 items of MCQ type and will carry 60 marks *There is no specific syllabus for this test. It will assess life skills related to the following elements : -Language conventions -Qualitative Reasoning and -Quantitative Reasoning
*The assessment in language will contain items that will assess grammar, usage, vocabulary in context and passage-completion *The items will be prepared in Hindi as well as English *PSA score will be counted towards FA4 which is 10% of total assessments for class-IX. This score will be reflected equally in one language (English or Hindi), Mathematics, Science and Social Science. *There will be no separate registration for appearing in PSA “Handbook on PSA” for the Students of Class IX . Each hand book is priced @ Rs.100/- per copy.
On line/Digital marking for class x - Board based The new digital or online system of evaluation being used for the first time by the Central Board of Secondary Education. The 'on-screen marking' (OSM) system is being used for all major subjects in the Class X exams – English Hindi Mathematics Science Social science *Answer-scripts for these subjects are scanned and uploaded centrally and then downloaded at the evaluation centers to be corrected online * The marking scheme will be displayed on the screen * Teachers are given a user-id through which they can access and download the batch of scripts they're supposed to correct
SA II Evaluation for class IX and Xschool based The School Based Assessment has been operational in all CBSE affiliated schools for classes IX and X. As per the scheme, four Formative Assessments and two Summative Assessments are conducted in an academic year. The following may please be noted for Summative Assessment II for class IX and Summative Assessment II (under scheme 1) for class X: * The Syllabus and the design of the Examination Question Paper for different subjects of classes IX and X Summative Assessment will be the same as given by the Board. *As in practice, the Summative Assessment–II will be in the form of a pen-paper test conducted by the schools themselves
*In order to ensure standards, the CBSE will support schools to generate online question papers in the following major subjects: English Communicative (Code No. 101) Hindi Course A (Code No. 002) Mathematics (Code No. 041) Science (Code No. 086) Social Science (Code No. 087) Communicative Sanskrit (Code No. 122) • *Evaluation of answer scripts will be done by the school • teachers themselves on the basis of the Marking Scheme • generated online as per the schedule given • There will be random verification of the assessment procedures • carried out by schools through the Board officials/nominees • appointed by the Board.
Percentage of marks required to Qualify the SA in class IX *It would be mandatory for a student to appear in both the summative assessments in both the classes IX and X *Students would have to obtain at least 25% marks in SAs(I and II) to be eligible to qualify the examination i.e. at least 15 marks out of 60 marks and total 33% in each subject of scholastic area, as per the present practice **If mandatory 25% marks have not been obtained in the summative assessments in a subject, grade E1 or E2 will not be upgraded
Modified performance profile for class IX *There is no change in the criteria for working out the overall result i .e. marks obtained in both the SAs will be totalled and then converted into respective grade as per the existing scheme *The grades E1@ or E2@ will indicate that the candidate has obtained less than 25% mandatory marks in summative assessments *The grade score in the assessment of speaking and listening skills(ASL) in English will be a part of summative assessment I and II(70+20) and will be reflected as an aggregate grade in the performance profile
Some important things to be taken care of : Registration of class IX students for class X. Registration fee is Rs.200 Filling up the bio data forms given by the school for registration and providing correct details like correct spellings of names, surname to be added ,category, annual income, date of birth and two pass port size latest photos Submitting project/activity work in time for FAII assessment and to take up these works seriously Co- scholastic activities should be given equal importance as up gradation is based on them Thorough preparation for PSA is mandatory as its score is considered for FA-IV OTBA material should be read thoroughly as it is the easy way of enhancing grades Attendance is compulsory. A student should have minimum 75% attendance to appear in SA-II Prepare well for all the exams and write the exams with utmost seriousness and try to get good grades, your Class IX marks will be reflected in class X grade sheet