1. Radiation Detection Techniquesfor Public Health Emergencies Presented by the Bureau of Environmental Radiation Protection's Radiological Emergency Response Section
Cynthia Costello, Chief
Mark Virgil, Associate Radiological Health Specialist
Michael Harmon, Associate Radiological Health Specialist
Michael Soucie, Research Scientist II
2. Measurement Equipment
3. GM probe & survey meter (Ludlum 44-9 pancake probe and Model 14 C) Used for beta & gamma detection and measurement Ratemeter–cpm or exposure rate in Roentgen/hr (R/hr) or milliR/hr (mR/hr) Non-linear energy response / nuclide-specific calibration with Cs-137 (also energy compensated instrument is available) Efficiency factors for beta vs. gamma (Typically 5%-C-14; 22%-Sr-90/Y-90; 19%-Tc-99; 32%-P-32; 15%-Pu-239) Measures surfaces, wipes, air samples (particulates & iodine cartridges) Connect probe to a scaler or SCA to obtain concentrations–G?/G? Need fixed geometry sample holder for wipes & air filters Need beta & gamma disc sources for probe efficiency