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WHO-Health Action International project on drug price comparisons A technical project of the WHO-Public interest NGO round table on access to medicines. Background. Evidence from small-scale studies that retail price for some drugs is higher in low income countries than in high income settings
WHO-Health Action International project on drug price comparisons A technical project of the WHO-Public interest NGO round table on access to medicines
Background • Evidence from small-scale studies that retail price for some drugs is higher in low income countries than in high income settings • Practical difficulty of obtaining reliable, up-to-date information on drug prices particularly in low income countries • Methodological difficulty of making international price comparisons • Approach to improve price transparency and empower actors concerned with health and medicines policy • WHO-Public Interest NGO Roundtable an opportunity to launch such an initiative
Sources of financial support • Netherlands government • Rockefeller Foundation • WHO • GTZ (cameroon pilot study)
Elements covered • “Core list” of 30 important drugs • “Supplementary lists” adapted to local needs encouraged • Retail prices at health facilities in public, private and not-for-profit sectors - NGOs -(where all three exist) • Prices of branded drug, best selling generic drug, and lowest price generic drug to be collected • “Affordability” assessments for 9 conditions built into worksheet (use STGs, local prices, local minimum wage) • Links in price chain (Price components) from manufacturer to retailer to be identified
Data collection • Self-contained Manual/Excel worksheet to guide surveys • Detailed guidance given on choosing a national or regional representative sample (25-50 facilities) based on largest urban area plus three other areas with randomly selected public, private and (where applicable) NGO facilities • Core list of 30 drugs, 3 sectors, 3 prices
Country studies • Armenia, Kenya, South Africa, Brazil, Sri Lanka first pilots, then modification to methodology • Ongoing second round studies Cameroon, Philippines, Peru, Pakistan, India, Ghana • Cost to project per country study between $0 and $8000 • Overall project cost: < $300,000 • Project finishes end 2002
Data analysis & availability • Recommended minimum analysis at country level built into Manual • HAI web site being developed as repository for data, allowing comparisons within and between countries for individual drug prices and their make-up.
Project management - steering group • Margaret Ewen, HAI (co-ordinator) • Andrew Creese, WHO (co-ordinator) • Harry Van Schooten, Netherlands Government • Anthony So, Rockefeller Foundation • Carmen Perez Casas, MSF • Mogha Smith, Oxfam