2. DEFINICIJA Nekoliko prostih ili proširenih recenica mogu biti tako povezane da cine celinu po znacenju. Takva recenica se naziva složena (complex sentence).
Složena recenica može da se sastoji iz više nezavisnih recenica:
He opened the door, turned the light on, and looked round.
Hurry up or else you will be late.
You can use the dictionary, but you are not allowed to ask questions.
It was a very old book, so he valued it highly.
3. Složena recenica može da se sastoji iz glavne (nezavisne) recenice (main clause) i jedne ili više zavisnih recenica (dependent clauses). Zavisna recenice obicno imaju funkciju nekog dela recenice.
Dele se na imenicke (noun clauses), atributske (adjective clauses) i priloške (adverbial clauses)
4. Noun Clauses Upotrebljavaju se u funkciji subjekta, imenskog dela predikata i objekta:
What he achieved was unbelievable. (subject)
They all knew that he committed a crime. (object)
The girl is not what we believed her to be. (predicate)
Pocinju relativnim zamenicama ili prilozima:
How he was killed will always remain a mystery.
What she says is not true.
Formalno “it” kao subjekat:
It is very unlikely that they will improve their results .
It seemed strange that he left so early.
Pocinju veznicima, zamenicama i prilozima:
That is what we agreed upon.
Is this where you live?
Pocinju veznicima, zamenicama ili veznikom that koji može da se izostavi:
I wish (that) you could come.
You can never tell what he will do next.
Do you know who wrote this article?
6. Relative Clauses Who
Is this the place where you live?
The man who we just met is my new neighbour.
The umbrella which I bought last week is already broken.
7. Adverbial Clauses Mogu da pokazuju mesto, vreme, nacin, nameru, posledicu, uslov.
She carries her umbrella with her wherever she goes. (mesto)
He fell ill when he returned. (vreme)
I’ll do it as best I can. (nacin)
They shouted so that the guards could hear them. (namera)
I drank so much coffee that I couldn’t sleep the whole night. (posledica)
We can’t come because we’re busy. (uzrok)
If I had time, I’d go for a long walk. (uslov)
8. Slaganje vremena (Sequence of Tenses) je pravilo koje se primenjuje u složenim recenicama.
Pravilo glasi: ako je glagol u glavnoj recenici u prošlom vremenu, glagoli u sporednim recenicama moraju biti u jednom od prošlih vremena:
za istovremenu radnju Past Simple,
za prethodnu radnju Past Perfect,
za buducu would + infinitiv. Slaganje vremena
9. U indirektnom govoru glagol say ili tell može biti u:
Sadašnjem vremenu (Present Simple). Tada nema slaganja vremena, vec se upotrebljava ono vreme koje smisao zahteva:
He says that his parents will arrive by the 9 o’clock train.
He has told me that his parents have already arrived.
10. Prošlom vremenu (Past Simple). Tada dolazi do slaganja vremena, tj.svi glagoli u zavisnim recenicama pomeraju se za jedno vreme unazad:
He said that his parents would arrive by the 9 o’clock train.
He told me that his parents had already arrived.
11. Agreement (Slaganje u broju, rodu i licu) SLAGANJE U BROJU
Ako je subjekat u jednini/množini, i glagol je u jednini/množini.
Ako je subjekat formalno “it” koje ukazuje na celu subjekatsku recenicu, onda je glagol u jednini:
It is a pity that you can’t come.
Ako je subjekat neodredena zamenica, kao everybody, everyone, everything, somebody, someone, something, itd., glagol je u jednini:
Everyone was standing.
Is there nothing we can do?
12. Imena država u množini, kao the United States, the Phillipines, idu sa glagolom u jednini:
The Phillipines is in the Pacific Ocean.
Imenice u jednini koje oznacavaju zbir osoba, stvari, životinja, mogu da idu i sa glagolom u jednini i u množini. Možemo ih posmatrati kao celinu ili kao jedinke:
The committee is meeting on Monday.
The police was informed of the accident.
The jury have decided to acquit him.
I hope that your family are well.
13. Ima imenica, kao measles, news, means, koje imaju oblik množine a upotrebljavaju se s glagolom u jednini:
Measles is an infectuous disease.
What is the news?
14. Red reci u recenici (Word Order) Red reci u engleskom jeziku je veoma znacajan.
U engleskom jeziku u velikoj meri su se izgubili nastavci za padeže i lica, pa se cesto pomocu reda reci utvrduje funkcija reci u recenici.
Izjavne recenice (Statements):
S (subject) P (predicate) ili V
You are students.
She is not at home.
15. Upitne recenice (Questions):
Aux V S V ili Complement
Have you met?
Are you busy?
Odricne recenice:
Recenica postaje odricna ako se glagolu doda negativni prilog not; ako se u recenici upotrebi neki negativni prilog; ako se upotrebi negativna zamenica ili pridev:
She cannot sing well.
The book was nowhere to be found.
U recenici može da postoji samo jedna negacija:
Nobody laughed at his jokes.