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The Maritime Industry Internship Programme provides work-based learning experiences for MSc ISTL scholarship recipients. Learn about eligibility, procedures, compensation, and regulatory matters. Contact the MII Coordinator for assistance. Stay informed about the Minimum Wage Ordinance. Follow the detailed steps before, during, and after your internship. Be proactive in finding internship opportunities and seek guidance from the relevant offices for success.
Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies MSc ISTL ProgrammeMaritime Industry Internship (MII)
Contents Maritime Industry Internship (MII) Requirements MII Overview The Procedures Compensation and Regulatory Matters Minimum Wage Ordinance Other useful information
MII Requirements • Apart from academic credits attainment, scholarship recipients of the MSc ISTL programme also need to attain 6 training credits (equivalent to 240 hours) of Maritime Industry Internship (MII) (exemption may be granted to local scholarship recipients with previous and relevant internship/work experience). • Those scholarship recipients who are holding the student visa are not allowed to engage in any form of internship in Hong Kong except the MII during their studies of the MSc ISTL programme. • Within 3 calendar months upon successful completion of the MSc ISTL programme, the recipients should start working full time in the maritime industry in Hong Kong for a period of not less than twelve consecutive calendar months.
MII Overview Maritime Industry Internship MII (LGT5222) is a “work-based learning experiences” which takes place in a maritime organisational context relevant to a student’s future profession, or the development of generic skills that will be valuable in maritime profession.” • MII Coordinator – Dr Wanthy Leung • 6 “MII training credits” = 240 hours • Full-time / part-time • Local / overseas • Useful contacts:
The Procedures • Before the internship • Prepare a professional resume • You can join the resume writing workshops offered by FB and PolyU Office of Careers and Placement Services (CAPS) – details will be informed to you later by emails. • Find the internship opportunities • Students should take the initiative to find their own internship. Other possible ways include: • JIJIS website (http://jijis.org.hk/) • FB/LMS emails • Job searching websites, newspapers, etc. • Seek career advices from MII Coordinator before confirmation / commencement of any internship • Work with FB WIE office and seek formal endorsement from MII Coordinator via form F4 (see sample form enclosed) • The form should be completed by the internship company and printed on the company's letterhead. • Attend the pre-placement briefing organised by FB WIE office
The Procedures • During the Internship • Seek support from FB/LMS/MII Coordinator • For any matters, such as extension of internship period, minimum wage ordinance, MPF, insurance, IANG application, or any conflict with the company, please contact FB WIE officefbwie@polyu.edu.hk. They will consult the MII Coordinator if needed. • After the Internship • Complete MII Assessment form (see sample form enclosed) • Submit to FB WIE Office (M921) within 1 week of the completion of your MII internship. • Your MII Assessment Form and the related documents will be passed to the PD / PM / relevant academic staff for grading.
Compensation and Regulatory Matters • Internship offering organizations can consider to pay allowances for MII interns. • If any employment contract signed, i.e. there will be an employment relationship between the student and the internship offering organization. Thenthe employment ordinances will be applied, such as the Minimum Wage Ordinance, MPF, etc. Students are encouraged to clarify with the internship offering organization in this regard. • MII students are covered by the University’s Group Personal Accident insurance scheme together with the top-up insurance specially for the internship programme.
Minimum Wage Ordinance Contact FB WIE office for any queries • Students who intend to participate in any internship placements in Hong Kong should take note that the Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO) has already come into force from 1 May 2011. • With effect from 1 May 2015, the Statutory Minimum Wage (SMW) rate is revised to $32.5 per hour. • The Minimum Wage Ordinance does not apply to interns/students with no employment relationship with the host organization or company. • SMW Exemption Letter can be issued by FB WIE office to the host organization or company while necessary (see sample form attached). • For details, please refer to http://www.labour.gov.hk/eng/news/pdf/Notes_for_Student_Employees_and_Employers.pdf
What to do from here? Contact FB WIE office for any queries Important issue • What the University CANNOT do… • The University cannot guarantee your placement even for a position searched by us (whether you would be employed for the internship is ultimately the internship offering organization’s decision) • Provide a copy of your NOL (for non-local students) to FB WIE office @ M921 (fbwie@polyu.edu.hk) • Prepare your resume • Prepare for the interview
Be a responsible employee!! Contact your MII Coordinator and/or FB WIE office fbwie@polyu.edu.hk for help, advice and any queries • Give your classmates and cohorts (including those coming after you in the following years) similar and equal opportunities • You are not only representing yourself, but also the Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies and the University • In HK, formal documentary proofs are often highly regarded (e.g. in most cases, a doctor’s certificate is required for one-day sick leave) • Be an intern with discipline, responsibility, trustworthiness, integrity and honesty – we count on you !!!
Faculty of Business WIE Office Ms Jenny Ko (2766-5088 / jen.ko) Ms Angie Lau (2766-4373 / angie.lau) Ms Connie Wong (3400-3560 / connie.wong) Mr Edwin Fok (3400-3561 / edwin.cy.fok) Mr Ryan Ip (3400-3562 / ryan.ip) Website: http://www.fb.polyu.edu.hk/wie/ Email: fbwie@polyu.edu.hk Office: M921