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QCD Map of the Proton. Xiangdong Ji University of Maryland. Outline. An Alternative Formulation of Quantum Mechanics Wigner parton distributions (WPD) mother of all distributions! Transverse-momentum dependent parton distributions and pQCD factorization GPD & quantum phase-space tomography
QCD Map of the Proton Xiangdong Ji University of Maryland
Outline • An Alternative Formulation of Quantum Mechanics • Wigner parton distributions (WPD) • mother of all distributions! • Transverse-momentum dependent parton distributions and pQCD factorization • GPD & quantum phase-space tomography • Summary
Alternative Formulations of Quantum Mechanics • Quantum mechanical wave functions are not directly measurable in experiment. But is it possible to formula quantum mechanics in terms of observables? • Heisenberg’s matrix mechanics (1925) • Wigner’s phase-space distributions (1932) • Feynman path integrals (1948) • …
QM with phase-space distribution • Phase-space formulation is based on the statistical nature of quantum mechanics. • The state of a classical particle is specified by its coordinate and momentum (x,p): phase-space • A state of classical identical particle system can be described by a phase-space distribution f(x,p). Time evolution of f(x,p) obeys Boltzmann equation. • Many identical copies of a quantum system can be described by a similar phase-space distribution.
Wigner function • Define as • When integrated over p, one gets the coordinate space density ρ(x)=|ψ(x)|2 • Measurable in elastic scattering • When integrated over x, one gets the coordinate space density n(p)=|ψ(p)|2 • Measurable in knock-out scattering • Uncertainty principle Not positive definite in general. But it is in the classical limit!
Wigner Distribution • Wigner distributions are physical observables • Real (hermitian) • Super-observable! • Many applications • heavy-ion collisions, • quantum molecular dynamics, • signal analysis, • quantum information, • optics, • image processing…
Simple Harmonic Oscillator N=5 N=0 • Phase-space distribution gives a vivid “classical” picture. • Non-positive definiteness is the key for quantum interference
Phase-space tomography • Phase-space distribution (a map) can be constructed from slices with fixed momentum. • For small p, the oscillator is at the turning point of the oscillator potential. • For large p, the oscillator is at the middle of the potential • For every p, we have a topographic picture of the system which give a much detailed map of the system. This information cannot be obtained from the densities in space or momentum alone!
Measuring Wigner function of the Vibrational State in a Molecule
Quantum State Tomography of Dissociateng molecules Skovsen et al. (Denmark) PRL91, 090604
Wigner distributions for quarks in proton • Wigner operator (X. Ji,PRL91:062001,2003) • Wigner distribution: “density” for quarks having position r and 4-momentum k(off-shell) a la Saches 7-dimensional distributions No known experiment can measure this!
Custom-made for high-energy processes (I) • In high-energy processes, one cannot measure k= (k0–kz) and therefore, one must integrate this out. • The reduced Wigner distribution is a function of 6 variables [r,k=(k+k)]. Mother of all SP distributions! • Integrating over z, resulting a phase-space distribution q(x, rk) through which parton saturation at small x is easy to see.
Custom-made for high-energy processes (II) • Integrating over r, resulting transverse-momentum dependent (TMD) parton distributions! q(x, k) Measurable in semi-inclusive DIS & Drell-Yan &.. A major subject of this meeting… • Integrating over k, resulting areduced Wigner distribution The above are not related by Fourier transformation! q(x,r)
Wigner parton distributions & offsprings Mother Dis. W(r,p) q(x, r, k) Reduced wigner dis q(x,r) • TMDPD q (x, k) PDF q(x) Density ρ(r)
TMD Parton Distribution • Appear in the processes in which hadron transverse-momentum is measured, often together with TMD fragmentation functions. • The leading-twist ones are classified by Boer, Mulders, and Tangerman (1996,1998) • There are 8 of them q(x, k┴), qT(x, k┴), ΔqL(x, k┴), ΔqT(x, k┴), δq(x, k┴),δLq(x, k┴), δTq(x, k┴), δT’q(x, k┴)
Factorization for SIDIS with P┴ • For traditional high-energy process with one hard scale, inclusive DIS, Drell-Yan, jet production,…soft divergences typically cancel,except at the edges of phase-space. • At present, we have two scales, Q and P┴(could be soft). Therefore, besides the collinear divergences which can be factorized into TMD parton distributions (not entirely as shown by the energy-dependence), there are also soft divergences which can be taken into account by the soft factor. X. Ji, F. Yuan, and J. P. Ma, PRD71:034005,2005
Example I • Vertex corrections q p′ k p Four possible regions of gluon momentum k: 1) k is collinear to p (parton dis) 2) k is collinear to p′ (fragmentation) 3) k is soft (wilson line) 4) k is hard (pQCD correction)
Factorization theorem • For semi-inclusive DIS with small pT ~ • Hadron transverse-momentum is generated from • multiple sources. • The soft factor is universal matrix elements of Wilson • lines and spin-independent. • One-loop corrections to the hard-factor has been • calculated
Spin-Dependent processes • Ji, Ma, Yuan, PLB597, 299 (2004); PRD70:074021(2004)
Reduced Wigner Distributions and GPDs • The 4D reduced Wigner distribution f(r,x) is related toGeneralized parton distributions (GPD)H and E through simple FT, t= – q2 ~ qz H,E depend only on 3 variables. There is a rotational symmetry in the transverse plane..
What is a GPD? • A proton matrix element which is a hybrid of elastic form factor and Feynman distribution • Distributions depending on x: fraction of the longitudinal momentum carried by parton t=q2: t-channel momentum transfer squared ξ: skewness parameter (a new variable coming from selection of a light-cone direction) Review: M. Diehl, Phys. Rep. 388, 41 (2003) X. Ji, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 54, 413 (2004)
Charge and Current Distributions in Phase-space • Quark charge distributions at fixed x • Quark current at fixed x in a spinning nucleon
A GPD or W-Parton Distribution Model • A parametrization which satisfies the following Boundary Conditions: (A. Belitsky, X. Ji, and F. Yuan, PRD 69,074014,2004) • Reproduce measured Feynman distribution • Reproduce measured form factors • Polynomiality condition • Positivity • Refinement • Lattice QCD • Experimental data
Imaging quarks at fixed Feynman-x • For every choice of x, one can use the Wigner distributions to picture the nucleon in 3-space; quantum phase-space tomography! z by bx
Comments • If one puts the pictures at all x together, one gets a spherically round nucleon! (Wigner-Eckart theorem) • If one integrates over the distribution along the z direction, one gets the 2D impact parameter space pictures of Burkardt and Soper.
Impact parameter space distribution • Obtained by integrating over z, (Soper, Burkardt) • x and b are in different directions and therefore, there is no quantum mechanical constraint. • It is a true density • Momentum density in the z-direction • Coordinate density in the transverse plane.
QCD-Map: how to obtain it? • Data • Parametrizations • Lattice QCD
Mass distribution • Gravity plays an important role in cosmos and at Plank scale. In the atomic world, the gravity is too weak to be significant (old view). • The phase-space quark distribution allows to determine the mass distribution in the proton by integrating over x-weighted density, • Where A, B and C are gravitational form factors
Spin of the Proton • Was thought to be carried by the spin of the three valence quarks • Polarized deep-inelastic scattering found that only 20-30% are in the spin of the quarks. • Integrate over the x-weighted phase-space current, one gets the momentum current
Spin sum rule • One can calculate the total quark (orbital + spin) contribution to the spin of the proton • Amount of proton angular momentum carried by quarks is
Summary • One of the central goals for 12 GeV upgrade is to obtain a QCD map of the proton: DNA sequencing in biology • TMD parton distributions: semi-inclusive processes • Quantum phase-space tomography • Mass and spin of the proton