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DMA Modules

DMA Modules. The STM32 has two DMA peripherals each of which has multiple inde - pendently configurable “channels” (7 for DMA1 and 5 for DMA2). A channel is roughly the hardware realization of a transaction.

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DMA Modules

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  1. DMA Modules • The STM32 has two DMA peripherals each of which has multiple inde- pendently configurable “channels” (7 for DMA1 and 5 for DMA2). A channel is roughly the hardware realization of a transaction. • To initialize DMA be- tween a peripheral and memory it is necessary to configure the appropriate channel. For example, DMA1 channel 2 (3) can be used to receive (transmit) data from (to) SPI1.

  2. DMA Settings • Prior to utilizing the DMA peripherals, remember to enable their clocks • Configuring a channel consists of setting appropriate parameters through a DMA_InitTypeDef structure

  3. The parameters include the peripheral base address (e.g. ADC1->DR), the memory address buffer, the transfer direction, the buffer size, etc. Once the DMA channel is initialized, it must be enabled. The STM32 firmware provides peripheral specific commands to enable a DMA transaction.

  4. DMA module must be activated in the module which uses DMA: ADC_DMACmd(ADC1, ENABLE); ADC_DMARequestAfterLastTransferCmd(ADC1,ENABLE); Or The DMA channels provided by the STM32 are each associated with specific peripherals (See reference manual for complete documentation). For example DMA1 channel 1 supports ADC1, TIM2_CH3, and TIM4_CH1.

  5. DAC Module • The DAC module is a 12-bit, voltage output digital-to-analog converter. • The DAC can be configured in 8- or 12-bit mode and may be used in conjunction with the DMA controller. • The DAC has two output channels, each with its own converter– DAC1 (pin PA4) and DAC2 (pin PA5) • In dual DAC channel mode, conversions could be done independently or simultaneously when both channels are grouped together for synchronous update operations. An • input reference pin, Vref+(shared with ADC) is available for better resolution.

  6. Each channel has separate control logic which is configured through a single control register (CR). Data to be converted by channel x are written to data holding register (DHRx). In response to a trigger event, DHRx is transferred to the data output register (DORx) and, after a settling time, the corresponding analog value appears at the output.

  7. DAC Settings • The clock sources must be activated and the DAC (PA4 or PA5) pin must be configured as “analog ”.

  8. Once a DAC is initialized, data may be written using the following commands

  9. DAC Functions (CMSIS)

  10. Pulse Width Modulation • PWM signal • Duty Cycle, freq. • Sinosoidal signal • Applications: • Servo driver • SMPS • etc.

  11. Timer PWM Settings

  12. The pulse- width pw (0..999) can be set with the following command. The pulse- width pw (0..999) can be set with the following command.

  13. Test_dma_adc • Configure ADC1 and ADC2 in simultaneous mode, Set the DMA2 to transfer the ADC results to a mem. region • Configure TIM2-> update at 50 KHz • Configure the TIM2 output trigger so that it occurs on update events: TIM_SelectOutputTrigger(TIM2,TIM_TRGOSource_Update); • Change the trigger in the ADC initialization code: ADC_InitStructure.ADC_ExternalTrigConv=ADC_ExternalTrigConv_T2_TRGO; • Configure the NVIC to enable interrupt channel DMA_IRQnwith the highest priority • Write a suitable interrupt handler.

  14. Test_dac • Enable DAC_Channel_1 • Set TIM2 interrupt  150 KHz • Configure the NVIC to enable interrupt channel TIM2_IRQn with the highest priority • Write a suitable interrupt handler.

  15. Test_dac_speech • Homework

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